Code archives/File Utilities/Long Filesize

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Long Filesize by N2006
Basically, this is the same as FileSize, but uses a Long instead of an Int. Win32 and Linux are the only platforms supported by this function currently.

If you find a way to do this on OS X, I encourage you to post it to save others time. In the mean time, I'll be looking for a solution.
Const FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES% = $00000080
Const FILE_SHARE_READ% = $00000001

Extern "OS"
    Function GetFileSizeEx:Int( handle%, size:Long Ptr )
    Function CreateFileW:Int( filename$W, daccess%, sharem%, seca@ Ptr, cDisp%, flags%, template% )
    Function CloseHandle:Int( handle% )
End Extern

Global statbank:TBank = TBank.Create(256) ' Maximum possible size

Extern "OS"
    Function stat64:Int( path$z, buf@ Ptr )
End Extern



Function GetFileSize:Long( file$ )
    Local out:Long=-1
    Local handle% = CreateFileW( file, FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_READ, Null, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 )
    ASsert handle<>-1, "File does not exist"
    GetFileSizeEx( handle, Varptr out )
    CloseHandle( handle )
    If stat64( file, statbank.Buf( ) ) <> 0 Then Assert "Unable to get file stats"
    out = statBank.PeekLong( 44 )
    Assert "GetFileSize not implemented for this platform"
    Return out
End Function


Added an untested implementation for Linux. Anyone got the balls to test it?

New version for Linux. Tested and works from what I can see.

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