Code archives/File Utilities/High Score Entry and Saving

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High Score Entry and Saving by Grey Alien2006
This is the high score code from Easter Bonus. It supports the creating of a high score table, loading, saving, entering, sorting etc. Some of the functions are based on Tracer's source from the asteroid Shower example.

P.S. sorry the code window is so wide, it's the original comments.
Const HIGH_SCORE_CHAR_WIDTH = 25 ;width of a letter in the font (50 point CourierNew)

;high scores
Dim HighScoreName$(MAX_HIGH_SCORES) ;Holds the hiscore strings
Dim HighScore%(MAX_HIGH_SCORES) ;Holds the hiscore integers
Dim HighScoreLevel%(MAX_HIGH_SCORES) ;Holds the hiscore levels
Dim HighName$(HIGH_SCORE_NAME_LENGTH) ;the name currently being entered
Global HighNameChar% = 0 ;pointer to the letter currently being entered
Global EnteringHighScore% = 0 ;app should set to 1 when entering high score
Global HighScoreDone% = 0 ;app should maintain this at 0, it gets set to 1 when they've finished typing and pressed enter

;Shadow Text
Global fntCourierNew% = ccLoadFont("Courier New", 30, True, False, False)
Global ShadowTextDepth% = 1

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Clear High Score
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function HighScoreClear()	
		HighName(i) = ""
End Function

Function HighScoreResetVars()
	HighScoreDone = 0
	EnteringHighScore = 0
End Function

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Enter High Score
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function HighScoreEnter(StartY, Special)
	;call this once per frame
;	Local charwidth = 12 ;width of a letter in the font ;24 pitch courierNew
	Local charwidth = HIGH_SCORE_CHAR_WIDTH
	Local x = (GAME_WIDTH - (charwidth*HIGH_SCORE_NAME_LENGTH)) / 2
	SetFont fntCourierNew	
	Local lt = 0
	Local pl = 0
	;output the current high name
	For lt = 1 To HIGH_SCORE_NAME_LENGTH ; Draw entered letters or dots if not entered.
		If HighName$(lt) <> "" Then
			If lt = HighNameChar 
				ccShadowText(x + (lt-1)*charwidth, StartY, HighName$(lt), 0)
				ccShadowText(x + (lt-1)*charwidth, StartY, HighName$(lt), 0)
			If lt = HighNameChar 
				ccShadowText(x + (lt-1)*charwidth, StartY, "_", 0)
				ccShadowText(x + (lt-1)*charwidth, StartY, ".", 0)
	;detect cursor and backspace keys
;	If KeyHit(RIGHT_ARROW)									; Right key.
;		HighNameChar = HighNameChar + 1						; Move one letter to right.
;		If HighNameChar > HIGH_SCORE_NAME_LENGTH Then HighNameChar = 1		; Wrap to first letter if past letter 12.
;	EndIf
;	If KeyHit(LEFT_ARROW)									; Left key.
;		HighNameChar = HighNameChar - 1						; Move one letter to left.
;		If HighNameChar < 1 Then HighNameChar = HIGH_SCORE_NAME_LENGTH		; Wrap to last letter if past letter 1.
;	EndIf
	; 97 - 122 (letters), (48 - 57) numbers, 32 = space
	ltr = GetKey()											; Get all the keys that can be entered.

	If ltr = 8 Then ;8 = backspace.  Use get key so key repeat works
		HighNameChar = HighNameChar - 1						; Delete letter.
		If HighNameChar < 1 Then HighNameChar = 1			; Keep on first if needed.
		HighName$(HighNameChar) = "" 						; Clear letter from array.

	If (ltr > 96 And ltr < 123) Or (ltr >= 48 And ltr <= 57) Or (ltr = 32) Or (ltr > 64 And ltr < 91) Then
			HighName$(HighNameChar) = Upper$(Chr$(ltr))	; Put letter in array.
			HighNameChar = HighNameChar + 1					; Move to next letter position.
	If KeyHit(RETURN_KEY)									; Return key.
		Local name$ = ""
		For pl = 1 To HIGH_SCORE_NAME_LENGTH				; Put name in hiscore list.
			If HighName$(pl) = ""
				name$ = name$ + " "
				name$ = name$ + HighName$(pl)
		HighScoresSort(name$, Score)							; Sort hiscore table.
		HighScoresSave(Special)									; Save hiscore table.
		HighScoreDone = 1
		EnteringHighScore = 0
		Return 1
		Return 0
End Function

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Save High Scores
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ; These high score functions were modified from Tracer's from the Asteroid Shower example
Function HighScoresSave(Special%)
	For q = 0 To MAX_HIGH_SCORES-1
		HighScoreName$(q) = ccPadRight(HighScoreName$(q), HIGH_SCORE_NAME_LENGTH); Add spaces to fill up empty slots for all entries.
	hi = WriteFile("hiscore.dat")								; Open the file for writing.
	For q = 0 To MAX_HIGH_SCORES-1								; Go through all entries.
		For p = 1 To Len(HighScoreName$(q))						; Write each letter (rather than a string so we can change the ASCII code to avoid score hacking)
			a$ = Mid$(HighScoreName$(q),p,1)					; Get letter.
			as = Asc(a$)										; Make it ascii format.
			WriteByte hi,as - 19								; Decrease by 19 to make different character.
		WriteInt hi,HighScore(q)
		WriteInt hi,HighScoreLevel(q)
	;write special value shifted by big number
	WriteInt hi,Special + 917648
	CloseFile hi												; Close the file.
End Function

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Load High Scores
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function HighScoresLoad%(Special)
	hi = OpenFile("hiscore.dat")								; Open the file.
	If hi = 0													; Does the file exist?
		HighScoreName$(0) = "JAKE"							; If not then we fill the hiscore table with these.
		HighScore(0) = 50000
		HighScoreLevel(0) = 10
		HighScoreName$(1) = "HELEN"
		HighScore(1) = 45000
		HighScoreLevel(1) = 9
		HighScoreName$(2) = "CONAN"
		HighScore(2) = 40000
		HighScoreLevel(2) = 8
		HighScoreName$(3) = "CALLUM"
		HighScore(3) = 35000
		HighScoreLevel(3) = 7
		HighScoreName$(4) = "JASON"
		HighScore(4) = 30000
		HighScoreLevel(4) = 6
		HighScoreName$(5) = "DAMIEN"
		HighScore(5) = 25000
		HighScoreLevel(5) = 5
		HighScoreName$(6) = "PENNY"
		HighScore(6) = 20000
		HighScoreLevel(6) = 4
		HighScoreName$(7) = "TIM"
		HighScore(7) = 15000
		HighScoreLevel(7) = 3
		HighScoreName$(8) = "CHARLES"
		HighScore(8) = 10000
		HighScoreLevel(8) = 2
		HighScoreName$(9) = "ANDREW"  
		HighScore(9) = 5000
		HighScoreLevel(9) = 1
	Else														; File does exist.
		For q = 0 To MAX_HIGH_SCORES-1							; Read all 10 hiscore entries.
			For p = 1 To HIGH_SCORE_NAME_LENGTH					; Read all bytes of the name.
				a = ReadByte(hi)								; Read a single byte.
				a = a + 19										; Increase by 19 to get good character.
				ac$ = ac$ + Chr$(a)								; Put character in temp string.
			HighScoreName$(q) = ac$								; Put loaded name in hiscore array.
			ac$ = ""											; Clear temp string.
			HighScore%(q) = ReadInt(hi)							; Put loaded score in hiscore array.
			HighScoreLevel%(q) = ReadInt(hi)							; Put loaded level in hiscore array.
		;read special value shifted by big number
		Special = ReadInt(hi) - 917648		
		CloseFile hi
	Return Special
End Function

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Sort High Scores
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This function will physically sort the
; hiscore table to put highest on top and
; lowest at the bottom. It uses a simple
; Bubble sort.
Function HighScoresSort(name$, Score%)
	HighScoreName$(MAX_HIGH_SCORES) = name$									; Not saved part of hiscore array gets the entered name.
	HighScore(MAX_HIGH_SCORES) = score									; Not saved part of hiscore array gets the gotten score.
	HighScoreLevel(MAX_HIGH_SCORES) = Level									; Not saved part of hiscore array gets the gotten score.
	; A bubble sort!
	; It checks to see if the score below is higher than the one above.
	; If so it will swap them.. after going through the entire
	; array it will have sorted it.. slow but effective.
	For bub1 = 0 To MAX_HIGH_SCORES
		counter = 0
		For bub2 = 0 To MAX_HIGH_SCORES-1-bub1
			a = HighScore(counter)
			b = HighScore(counter + 1)
			If b > a
				n1$ = HighScoreName$(counter)
				n2$ = HighScoreName$(counter + 1)
				l1% = HighScoreLevel(counter)
				l2% = HighScoreLevel(counter + 1)
				HighScore(counter) = b
				HighScore(counter + 1) = a
				HighScoreName$(counter) = n2$
				HighScoreName$(counter + 1) = n1$
				HighScoreLevel(counter) = l2
				HighScoreLevel(counter + 1) = l1				
			counter = counter + 1
End Function

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ccShadowText
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function ccShadowText(x%, y%, TheText$, Centre)
	;make a black shadow in the same font behind the text so it shows up on top of images
	;first store the current color
	red = ColorRed()
	green = ColorGreen()
	blue = ColorBlue()
	Color 0,0,0
	Text x + ShadowTextDepth, y + ShadowTextDepth, TheText, Centre
	Color red, green, blue
	Text x, y, TheText, Centre	
End Function

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; pad a string with spaces on the right (best for left aligning strings)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function ccPadRight$(TheString$, TheSize)
	sl = TheSize - Len(TheString$) ; Get length of string
	If sl > 0 Then ; Needs padding?
		For p = 1 To sl										
			z$ = z$ + " " ; make a blank string
		TheString$ = TheString$ + z$; add the blank string to the main string
	Return TheString$
End Function 

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Load a font and error if not found
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function ccLoadFont (TheFont$, Size, Bold, Italic, Underline)
	pointer = LoadFont(TheFont$, Size, Bold, Italic, Underline)
	If Not pointer Then
    	RuntimeError ("Error loading font "+TheFont$)
    	Return Pointer	
End Function



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