Code archives/File Utilities/Convert any file to bb data file

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Convert any file to bb data file by markcw2005
I wrote this just for fun really, and also to get some practise in as I learn the Blitzbasic language.

Further details are in the code, you will need in the same folder if you want to run the code exactly as it is, otherwise just change the filename.
;Convert any file to bb data file, on 28/10/2005
;what it does: this will read any file's binary data and convert it
;to the Blitzbasic data stack format. The resulting .bb file can be
;used, for example, to "pack" image files into a Blitzbasic program 
;or, to store a file as code without the need for web hosting space.
;The example used the (see ../User Input/Blitz Close)

file$ = "" ;<- specify a file to convert to .bb data
datafile$ = "" ;<- specify the .bb file to create

filein = ReadFile(file$) ;Read file
size = FileSize (file$)
Dim array(size)
For s=1 To size ;read bytes to array
 byte = ReadByte(filein)
 array(s) = byte
CloseFile(filein) ;End read file

; ;Paste this commented code at the start of the .bb file
; ;This code will just recreate the file from the data stack
;Restore startData ;init data pointer
;fileout = WriteFile("") ;<- specify the file to recreate
;While byte>=0
; Read byte ;get next byte
; WriteByte(fileout,byte)

fileout = WriteFile(datafile$) ;Write file

temp$=";paste code here" ;comment
For s=1 To Len(temp$)
 char$=Mid$(temp$,s,1) : WriteByte(fileout,Asc(char$))
WriteByte(fileout,13) : WriteByte(fileout,10) ;carr return & linefeed
temp$=".startData" ;first "Data " line
For s=1 To Len(temp$)
 char$=Mid$(temp$,s,1) : WriteByte(fileout,Asc(char$))
WriteByte(fileout,13) : WriteByte(fileout,10) ;carr return & linefeed
temp$="Data " ;first "Data " line
For s=1 To Len(temp$)
 char$=Mid$(temp$,s,1) : WriteByte(fileout,Asc(char$))

For i=1 To size ;write bytes from array to ascii data

 If count>16 ;new line
  WriteByte(fileout,13) : WriteByte(fileout,10) ;carr return & linefeed
  temp$="Data "  ;next "Data " line
  For s=1 To Len(temp$)
   char$=Mid$(temp$,s,1) : WriteByte(fileout,Asc(char$))

 If array(i)<10 ;write single figures
  WriteByte(fileout,array(i)+48) ;units (ie. write ascii "0-9")
  count=count+1 ;(ie. comma if not last on line and not last byte)
  If count<=16 And i<>size Then WriteByte(fileout,Asc(",")) ;comma

 If array(i)>=10 And array(i)<100 ;write double figures
  num=array(i) : tens=0
  While num>=10 : num=num-10 : tens=tens+1 : Wend ;get tens & units
  WriteByte(fileout,tens+48) ;tens
  WriteByte(fileout,num+48)  ;units
  If count<=16 And i<>size Then WriteByte(fileout,Asc(",")) ;comma

 If array(i)>=100 And array(i)<256 ;write treble figures
  num=array(i) : tens=0 : cents=0
  While num>=100 : num=num-100 : cents=cents+1 : Wend ;get cents
  While num>=10 : num=num-10 : tens=tens+1 : Wend     ;get tens & units
  WriteByte(fileout,cents+48) ;cents
  WriteByte(fileout,tens+48)  ;tens
  WriteByte(fileout,num+48)   ;units
  If count<=16 And i<>size Then WriteByte(fileout,Asc(",")) ;comma


CloseFile(fileout) ;End write file

Print "file in="+file$ ;tell us its done
Print "file size="+size
Print "file out="+datafile$



A nice amendment would be :

file$ = RequestFile ("Choose a file to pack")
datafile$ = Left (file$, Len(file$)-3)+"bb" ; this is assuming you have selected a file with a 3 letter extension

You could go further and specify a directory to save all data files.

It a pity that files over 200k will take and age to load in BLitzPlus, on a Core Duo 1.86, i hand it running for 8 minutes trying to load the converted bb file.

What else can this be useful for, besides tiny graphics and sounds?

Not much really, it allows you to post files as code on the forum instead of having to host them somewhere which is fine as long as the files aren't too many/big.

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