Code archives/File Utilities/Merge .cfx Animations

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Merge .cfx Animations by Jake2005
It's a little bit shoddy - but it seems to work and someone might be able to turn it into something more versatile! Simply drag and drop .cfx files containing animations with identical skeletons and it will append the animation from the second file onto the first. Essentially it does what you wished the CharacterFX “Merge” command did!

It’s written in BlitzPlus and requires bless (, but it could probably be converted to Blitz3D without too much trouble…
Include "bless\" ; Required

Global g_hwnd, g_window;
Global g_file1, g_file2, g_file3, g_merge, g_suggest;

; Initialize window and stuff
CreateTimer(60) ; To force message pump to keep reading events, even when out of focus

; For Drag-and-drop (see MSDN)
Bless_DragAcceptFiles(g_hwnd, True)

; Register the Windows events and windows we want to pay attention to
Bless_RegisterEvent(BLESS+7, WM_DROPFILES, g_hwnd, g_hwnd)

	Select WaitEvent()
		Case $803 ; End
			Bless_UnregisterEvent(0) ; Highly recommended to unregister all BLESS events
		Case $103
			If EventData() >= BLESS And EventData() <= BLESSMAX Then HandleBlessEvent(EventData())
			; else handle standard keychar event
		Case $401

			file1$ = GadgetText( g_file1 );
			file2$ = GadgetText( g_file2 );
			file3$ = GadgetText( g_file3 );

			exists1 = FileType( file1$ );
			exists2 = FileType( file2$ );
			If( EventSource() = g_merge )
				If( exists1 = 1 And exists2 = 1 )  

					If( file3$ = "" )
						file3$ = SuggestFile$( file1$, file2$ )				
						SetGadgetText( g_file3, file3$ );
					End If

					extn1$ = Left( FileExtn( file1$ ), 3 );
					extn2$ = Left( FileExtn( file2$ ), 3 );
					extn3$ = Left( FileExtn( file3$ ), 3 );

					If( extn1$ = "cfx" And extn2$ = "cfx" And extn3$ = "cfx" )  

						exists3 = FileType( file3$ );

						If( exists3 = 1 )
							If( Confirm( "Output file exists - overwrite: " + FileName( file1$ ) + " ?" ) = 1 )
								exists3 = 0;
								DeleteFile( file3$ )
							End If
						End If

						If( exists3 = 0 )
							If ( MergeFiles( file1$, file2$, file3$ ) = True )
								Notify( "Files merged successfully" );
								Notify( "Error merging files!", True );
							End If
						End If

						If( extn1$ <> "cfx" ) Then Notify( "Input 1 is not a .cfx file!", True );
						If( extn2$ <> "cfx" ) Then Notify( "Input 2 is not a .cfx file!", True );
						If( extn3$ <> "cfx" ) Then Notify( "Output is Not a .cfx file!", True );
					End If
					If( exists1 = 0 ) Then Notify( "Input 1: " + file1$ + " not found!", True );
					If( exists2 = 0 ) Then Notify( "Input 2: " + file2$ + " not found!", True );				
				End If
			End If

			If( EventSource() = g_suggest )

				If( exists1 = 1 And exists2 = 1 )
					SetGadgetText( g_file3, SuggestFile$( file1$, file2$ ) );
					Notify( "Please select valid input files", True );
				End If
			End If
	End Select


Function HandleBlessEvent(id)
	Bless_EventData(id, Bless_EventData)
	Select EventData()
			fname$=String(" ", 256)
			Bless_DragQueryFile(Bless_EventData\wparam, 0, fname, Len(fname))

			y# = MouseY() - GadgetY( g_window );
			If( y < 60 )
				SetGadgetText( g_file1, fname );
			Else If( y > 90 )
				SetGadgetText( g_file3, fname );			
				SetGadgetText( g_file2, fname );
			End If

	End Select
End Function

Function InitGui()
	; window gadgets
	g_window 	= CreateWindow( "Animation Merger Utility",100, 200, 415, 140, 0, 35 )
	CreateLabel( "Input 1:", 10, 15, 45, 24, g_window );
	g_file1		= CreateTextField( 55, 10, 350, 24, g_window );
	CreateLabel( "Input 2:", 10, 45, 45, 24, g_window );
	g_file2		= CreateTextField( 55, 40, 350, 24, g_window );
	CreateLabel( "Output:", 10, 75, 45, 24, g_window );
	g_file3		= CreateTextField( 55, 70, 300, 24, g_window );
	g_merge 	= CreateButton( "Merge!", 55, 105, 350, 24, g_window );
	g_suggest 	= CreateButton( "Auto", 360, 70, 45, 24, g_window );	
	; main window handle
	g_hwnd = QueryObject(g_window ,1)
End Function

Function FileName$( file$ )
	name$ = TrimPath$( file$ )
	Return name$;
End Function

Function FileExtn$( file$ )
	extn$ = TrimPath$( file$ )
	ext = Instr( extn$, "." );
	If( ext > 0 )
		extn$ = Right( extn$, Len( extn$ ) - ext );
		extn$ = "";
	End If
	Return extn$;
End Function

Function FileRoot$( file$ )
	root$ = TrimPath$( file$ )
	ext = Instr( root$, "." );
	If( ext > 0 )
		root$ = Left( root$, ext - 1 );
	End If
	Return root$;
End Function

Function FilePath$( file$ )
	name$ = TrimPath$( file$ )
	path$ = Left( file$, Len( file$ ) - Len( name$ ));
	Return path$;
End Function

Function TrimPath$( file$ )
	length = Len( file$ );
	slashPos = Instr( file$, "\" );
	If( slashPos > 0 ) Then Return TrimPath( Right( file$, length - slashPos ) );
	Return file$;
End Function

Function MergeFiles( file1$, file2$, output$ )

	fin1 = ReadFile( file1$ );
	fin2 = ReadFile( file2$ );
	fout = WriteFile( output$ );

	If( fin1 = 0 Or fin2 = 0 Or fout = 0 ) Then Return False;
	frames1 = 0;
	While( frames1 = 0 )
		lin$ = ReadLine( fin1 );
		If( Instr( lin$, "SetTotalFrames" ) > 0 )
			start   = Instr( lin$, "(" ) + 1;
			finish  = Instr( lin$, ")" ) - 1;
			frames1 = Mid$( lin$, start, (finish - start) + 1 );
			WriteLine( fout, lin$ )
		End If

	frames2 = 0;
	While( frames2 = 0 )
		lin$ = ReadLine( fin2 );
		If( Instr( lin$, "SetTotalFrames" ) > 0 )
			start   = Instr( lin$, "(" ) + 1;
			finish  = Instr( lin$, ")" ) - 1;
			frames2 = Mid$( lin$, start, (finish - start) + 1 );
		End If

	WriteLine( fout, "SetTotalFrames(" + (frames1+frames2) + ")" );

	While( Not Eof( fin1 ) )

		matrices = False
		While( matrices = False )
			lin$ = ReadLine( fin1 );
			WriteLine( fout, lin$ )
			If( Instr( lin$, "bone:SetZConstraints" ) > 0 )
				matrices = True;
			End If
		matrices = False
		While( matrices = False )
			lin$ = ReadLine( fin2 );
			If( Instr( lin$, "bone:SetZConstraints" ) > 0 )
				matrices = True;
			End If

		matrices = True;
		While( matrices = True )
			lin$ = ReadLine( fin1 );
			If( Instr( lin$, "bone:SetId" ) > 0 )
				matrices = False;
				WriteLine( fout, lin$ )			
			End If

		matrices = True;
		While( matrices = True )
			lin$ = ReadLine( fin2 );
			If( Instr( lin$, "bone:SetId" ) > 0 )
				matrices = False;
				WriteLine( fout, lin$ )
				If( Instr( lin$, "bone:SetKey" ) > 0 )
					start   = Instr( lin$, "(" ) + 1;
					finish  = Instr( lin$, "," ) - 1;
					key = Mid$( lin$, start, (finish - start) + 1 );
					WriteLine( fout, "bone:SetKey(" + (key+frames1) + Right$( lin$, Len(lin$) - finish ) );
					WriteLine( fout, lin$ )
				End If
			End If

		lin$ = ReadLine( fin1 );
		WriteLine( fout, lin$ )

		lin$ = ReadLine( fin1 );
		WriteLine( fout, lin$ )			

	CloseFile( fin1 );
	CloseFile( fin2 );
	CloseFile( fout );	
	Return True;

End Function

Function SuggestFile$( file1$, file2$ )
	path$  = FilePath( file1$ );
	root1$ = FileRoot( file1$ );
	root2$ = FileRoot( file2$ );
	common$ = Common$( root1$, root2$ );
	comlen  = Len( common$ );
	root1$ = Mid( root1$, comlen + 1, 5 );
	root2$ = Mid( root2$, comlen + 1, 5 );
	Return path$ + common$ + root1$ + "_" + root2$ + ".cfx";
End Function

Function Common$( file1$, file2$ )
	len1 = Len( file1$ );
	len2 = Len( file2$ );
	If( len1 > len2 )
		For c = 1 To len2
			If( Left( file1$, c ) <> Left( file2$, c ) ) Then Return Left( file1$, c - 1);			
		Return file2$
		For c = 1 To len1
			If( Left( file1$, c ) <> Left( file2$, c ) ) Then Return Left( file1$, c - 1);			
		Return file1$
	End If
End Function



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