Code archives/File Utilities/Simple file output debugger

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Simple file output debugger by AntonyWells2004
Simply include this in your project(Via an include for easy on/off switching)
and it'll convert all file calls to read/writeline, so your text output and input is converted, allowing you to easily debug custom formats.(As you can now read the output in any text editor in plain english.)

The cool bit is that it's automatic, just include it "Include "" and your already wrote code will use it, as it swaps around built in func calls.

Simple..but nice ;)
Function ReadInt(file)
      return ReadLine(file)
End Function

Function ReadFloat#(file)
	return ReadLine(file)
End Function

Function ReadString$(file)
	return ReadLine(file)
End Function

Function WriteInt(file,val)
	WriteLine file,val
End Function

Function WriteFloat(File,val#)
	WriteLine file,val
End Function

Function WriteString(file,val$)
	WriteLine file,val
End Function


At first I was thinking 'Has Ant gone stupid?' then I decided to read the whole description. Of course, the next train of thought was 'Nifty'.

m'sorry, but it dont do a thing with my code...automatically...

aaaaaahhhhh... it's kinda overriding/overloading them built-in funcs with userdefined ones. Is this legal???

totally illegal, but I always was a rebel.

Noel, bullet train or slow coach? :)

Spaced: One which has been wrecked at the side of the tracks for ages.

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