Code archives/File Utilities/Filecheck

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Filecheck by JPD2004
Use this code to check all files of your game. If any file doesn't exist, you can abort the programm or notify about the missing file. Enter this code at the beginning of your application.
;Number of files to check for program
files_count = 4
Dim files$(files_count)

files$(1) = "FILE_01.DAT"
files$(2) = "FILE_02.DAT"
files$(3) = "FILE_03.DAT"
files$(4) = "FILE_04.DAT"

;Check files
For d = 1 To files_count

checkfile = FileType(files$(d))
If checkfile <> 1 RuntimeError "File " + Chr$(34) + files$(d)+Chr$(34) + " doesn't exist!"
;If checkfile <> 1 Notify "File " + Chr$(34) + files$(d)+Chr$(34) + " doesn't exist!"
CloseFile checkfile



An easier way to go would be to wrap your "file open" and "load" commands in your own function that checks the return value and aborts if the file isn't there.

Constantly updating a list like this at the start of your game is just asking for trouble. The odds of forgetting to add one are astronomical.

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