Code archives/Networking/POP3 email retrieval

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POP3 email retrieval by BlitzSupport2003
Just a general example of POP3 email retrieval. You might want to modify the functions that 'do stuff' with the actual mails (eg. add each line to an edit box rather than print it, etc)...

Seems to work here, anyway!

[Updated to print out some headers.]
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; POP3 access... james @ hi - toro . com
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; IMPORTANT! Enter your POP3 server, username and password in the demo code at the bottom, or it won't do much!

; Very raw example of connecting to POP3 server and reading all emails. Hit
; ESC to stop if you have too many! The demo code is at the bottom...

; NOTE: this demo doesn't delete mails from the server, so you'll still be able
; to access them from your normal client afterwards.

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Required types, globals and constants...
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Type Email
	Field number
End Type

Global POP3_Fail

Const FAIL_None		= 0
Const FAIL_NoServer	= 1
Const FAIL_User		= 2
Const FAIL_Pass		= 3

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Opens POP3 connection and returns stream (if 0, check POP3_Fail global)...
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function OpenPOP (pop3$, user$, pass$)

	; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Open POP3 connection...
	; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	pop = OpenTCPStream (pop3$, 110)
	If pop
		; --------------------------------------------------------------------
		; Get welcome message...
		; --------------------------------------------------------------------
		welcome$ = ReadLine (pop)
		If OK (welcome$)
			; ----------------------------------------------------------------
			; Send POP3 username...
			; ----------------------------------------------------------------
			WriteLine pop, "USER " + user$

			user$ = ReadLine (pop)
			If OK (user$)
				; ------------------------------------------------------------
				; Send POP3 password...
				; ------------------------------------------------------------
				WriteLine pop, "PASS " + pass$
				pass$ = ReadLine (pop)

				If OK (pass$)
					POP3_Fail = FAIL_None
					Return pop
					ClosePOP (pop)
					POP3_Fail = FAIL_Pass
					Return False

				ClosePOP (pop)
				POP3_Fail = FAIL_User	; May return password failure
				Return False			; instead, depending on server...


		POP3_Fail = FAIL_NoServer
		Return False

End Function

; Closes the given POP3 connection...

Function ClosePOP (stream, remove = 0)
	If stream
		If Not remove
			WriteLine stream, "RSET"
			ReadLine (stream) ; "+OK Markers cleared"
		WriteLine stream, "QUIT"
		quit$ = ReadLine (stream)
		CloseTCPStream stream
		If OK (quit$) = False
			Return False
		Return True
End Function

; Fills the .Email type list with available email index numbers (clears
; any existing list first)...

Function GetEmailList (stream)
	If stream
		Delete Each Email
		WriteLine stream, "LIST"
		list$ = ReadLine (stream)
		If OK (list$)
				entry$ = ReadLine (stream)
				If entry$ = "." Then Exit
				e.Email = New Email
				e\number = Left (entry$, Instr (entry$, " ") - 1)
End Function

; Reads a single specified message. Call GetEmailList () to fill the .Email
; type list with available emails before calling this on each one you're
; interested in...

; The 'remove' parameter will mark a message for deletion. This doesn't occur until
; you call ClosePOP (), which must also have its failsafe 'remove' parameter set to
; True, or nothing will be deleted...

Function ReadMessage (stream, number, remove = 0)
	If stream
		WriteLine stream, "RETR " + number ; Retrieve email number x...
		; Get result...
		msg$ = ReadLine (stream)
		If OK (msg$)
			Print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
			; Read header (read until blank line)...
				header$ = ReadLine (stream)
				pos = Instr (header$, ": ")
				If pos
					Select Left (header$, pos - 1)
						Case "From"
							Print headers ; Mid (header$, pos + 2)
						Case "To"
							Print header$
						Case "Subject"
							Print header$
						Case "X-Mailer"
							Print header$
						Case "Date"
							Print header$
						Case "Message-ID"
							Print header$
;						Default
;							Print header$
					End Select
			Until header$ = ""
			; Message body (read until single period)...
			Print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
			Print ""
				msg$ = ReadLine (stream)
				If msg$ = "." Then Exit ; End of message; exit loop
				If msg$ = ".." Then msg$ = "." ; We get ".." if original line was "."
				Print msg$
				If KeyHit (1) Then Exit
			Print ""
		If remove
			WriteLine stream, "DELE " + number
End Function

; Convenience function that calls ReadMessage () for each email in the list...

; The 'remove' parameter will mark a message for deletion. This doesn't occur until
; you call ClosePOP (), which must also have its failsafe 'remove' parameter set to
; True, or nothing will be deleted...

Function ReadAllEmails (stream, remove = 0)
	If stream
		For e.Email = Each Email
			ReadMessage (stream, e\number, remove)
End Function

; Used internally by other functions; checks result is "+OK"...

Function OK (result$)
	If Left (result$, 3) = "+OK" Then Return True
End Function

; Returns raw stats (eg. "10 64000", where 10 is the number of emails and
; 64000 is the number of bytes in total for all emails)...

Function GetStat$ (stream)
	If stream
		WriteLine stream, "STAT"
		Return ReadLine (stream)
End Function

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Demo...
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

AppTitle "POP3 Test..."
Graphics 640, 480, 0, 2

pop3$ = "your_pop3_server"
user$ = "your_pop3_username"
pass$ = "your_password"

Print ""
Print "Connecting to POP3 server..."
Print ""

pop = OpenPOP (pop3$, user$, pass$)

If pop

	GetEmailList (pop)
	ReadAllEmails (pop)
	ClosePOP (pop)


	Select POP3_Fail
		Case FAIL_NoServer
			Print "Cannot find server!"
		Case FAIL_User
			Print "Username doesn't exist!"
		Case FAIL_Pass
			Print "Incorrect username or password!"
	End Select


Print ""
Print "Click mouse to exit..."
Print ""




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