Code archives/Networking/BlitzPlus Irc Client 0.7 (Update)

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BlitzPlus Irc Client 0.7 (Update) by ShadowTurtle2003
/join [your channel] [enter]
go go go with Chat!!!

New Features:
- You can more Channels than one in extra Windows.
- You can open a extra Query Window with /Query [Nickname].
- Rejoin when you was kicked.
- Autojoin
- ...

cu, ShadowTurtle
Global Server$, Port, NickName$, AutoJoin$
Global Network, NetWin, NetMsg

Global TextOutPut$ = "´ %NAME% ` %TEXT%"

Type Query
  Field Name$
  Field Window
  Field MsgBox
  Field InpBox
  Field InpBut
End Type

Type Channel
  Field Name$
  Field Window
  Field MsgBox
  Field InpBox
  Field InpBut
  Field UseBox
End Type

Type User
  Field Name$
  Field DeleteNow
  Field Channel.Channel
End Type


Function Input_Infos()
  wW = 250 : wH = 200
  Win = CreateWindow("BlitzPlus Irc 0.6", ClientWidth(Desktop())/2-wW/2, ClientHeight(Desktop())/2-wH/2, wW, wH, 0, 1)

  InputA = CreateTextField(60, 12+ToDown, wW-70, 20, Win) : SetGadgetText InputA, ""
  CreateLabel("Server :", 15, 15+ToDown, 45, 20, Win, 0) : ToDown = ToDown + 25

  InputB = CreateTextField(60, 12+ToDown, wW-70, 20, Win) : SetGadgetText InputB, "6667"
  CreateLabel("Port :", 15, 15+ToDown, 45, 20, Win, 0) : ToDown = ToDown + 35

  InputC = CreateTextField(60, 12+ToDown, wW-70, 20, Win) : SetGadgetText InputC, "BlitzBasicUser"
  CreateLabel("Name :", 15, 15+ToDown, 45, 20, Win, 0) : ToDown = ToDown + 25

  InputD = CreateTextField(60, 12+ToDown, wW-70, 20, Win) : SetGadgetText InputD, "#Project"
  CreateLabel("Autojoin :", 15, 15+ToDown, 45, 20, Win, 0) : ToDown = ToDown + 25

  ButtonA = CreateButton("Connect", 15, 15+ToDown, wW-25, 20, Win) : ToDown = ToDown + 25
  ButtonB = CreateButton("Close", 15, 15+ToDown, wW-25, 20, Win)

  While 1
    tmp = WaitEvent()
    If EventSource() = ButtonA Then
      Server$ = TextFieldText(InputA)
      Port = TextFieldText(InputB)
      NickName$ = TextFieldText(InputC)
      AutoJoin$ = TextFieldText(InputD)
      FreeGadget Win
    End If
    If EventSource() = ButtonB Then End   
End Function

Function Start_Network()
  wW = 400 : wH = 575 : iH = 20 : bW = 40
  NetWin = CreateWindow("BlitzPlus Irc - ["+Server$+"]", ClientWidth(Desktop())/5-wW/2, ClientHeight(Desktop())/2-wH/2, wW, wH, 0, 1)
  NetMsg = CreateTextArea(-1, 0, wW-3, wH-28-iH, NetWin)
  NetInput = CreateTextField(0, wH-26-iH, wW-6-bW, iH, NetWin)
  NetButInput = CreateButton("Send", wW-6-bW, wH-26-iH, bW, iH, NetWin)
  AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Connection to '"+Server$+"' Server ..." + Chr$(10)

  Network = OpenTCPStream(Server$, Port)
  If OpenIRCSession(Network) Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Connection is Ready." + Chr$(10) + Chr$(10)
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Connection to '"+Server$+"' Server is Abordet." + Chr$(10)
    RuntimeError "Connection to '"+Server$+"' Server is Abordet." + Chr$(10)
  End If

  If AutoJoin$<>"" Then JoinChannel(AutoJoin$)

  NetClient = 1
  While NetClient
    If Network
      While Bytes
        Irc_Read ReadLine(Network)
    End If

    tmp = WaitEvent(2)
    tmpB = EventID()
    If Network
      For Query.Query = Each Query
        If tmpB = $401 Then
          If EventSource() = Query\InpBut Or (EventData() = 13 And EventSource()=Query\InpBox) Then
            TheText$ = TextFieldText(Query\InpBox)
            If Not TheText$ = "" Then
              If Not EnterBef(TheText$) Then
                WriteLine Network, "PRIVMSG " + Query\Name$ + " :" + TheText$
                AddTextAreaText Query\MsgBox, MO$(NickName$, TheText$) + Chr$(10)
              End If
              SetGadgetText Query\InpBox, ""
            End If
          End If
        ElseIf tmpB = $803
          If EventSource() = Query\Window Then
            FreeGadget Query\Window
            Delete Query
          End If
        End If

      For Channel.Channel = Each Channel
        If tmpB = $401 Then
          If EventSource() = Channel\InpBut Or (EventData() = 13 And EventSource()=Channel\InpBox) Then
            TheText$ = TextFieldText(Channel\InpBox)
            If Not TheText$ = "" Then
              If Not EnterBef(TheText$) Then
                WriteLine Network, "PRIVMSG " + Channel\Name$ + " :" + TheText$
                AddTextAreaText Channel\MsgBox, MO$(NickName$, TheText$) + Chr$(10)
              End If
              SetGadgetText Channel\InpBox, ""
            End If
          End If
        ElseIf tmpB = $803 Then
          If EventSource() = Channel\Window Then
            WriteLine Network, "PART " + Channel\Name$

            For User.User = Each User
              If User\Channel = Channel Then
                Delete User
              End If
            FreeGadget Channel\Window
            Delete Channel
          End If
        End If
    End If

    If tmpB = $803 Then
      If EventSource() = NetWin Then End
    ElseIf tmpB = $401 Then
      If EventSource() = NetButInput Or (EventData() = 13 And EventSource()=NetInput) Then
        TheText$ = TextFieldText(NetInput)
        If Not TheText$ = "" Then        
          tp$ = Lower(Trim(TheText$))
          SetGadgetText NetInput, ""
        End If
      End If
    End If
End Function

Function EnterBef(tp$, tna$ = "")
  If Lower(Mid(tp$,1,5)) = "/join" Then
    Return 1
  ElseIf Lower(Mid(tp$,1,4)) = "/msg" Then
    jj$ = Trim(tp$)
    toyou$ = GetPar(jj$, 0)
    thetxt$ = Mid$(jj$,7+Len(toyou$))

    WriteLine Network, "PRIVMSG " + toyou$ + " :" + thetxt$

    For Channel.Channel = Each Channel
      If Lower(Channel\Name$) = Lower(toyou$) Then
        AddTextAreaText Channel\MsgBox, MO$(NickName$, thetxt$) + Chr$(10)
      End If

    For User.User = Each User
      If Lower(NS$(User\Name$)) = Lower(NS$(toyou$))  Then
        Query.Query = OpenQuery(toyou)
        AddTextAreaText Query\MsgBox, MO(Query\Name$, thetxt$) + Chr$(10)
      End If

    Return 1
  ElseIf Lower(Mid(tp$,1,6)) = "/query" Then
    jj$ = Trim(tp$)
    toyou$ = GetPar(jj$, 0)
    Query.Query = OpenQuery(toyou)
    Return 0
  End If
End Function

; Here comes the another Functions
Function MO$(TheName$, TheText$)
  Return Replace(Replace(TextOutPut$, "%TEXT%", TheText$), "%NAME%", TheName$)
End Function

Function JoinChannel(ChanName$)
  wW = 400 : wH = 375 : iH = 20 : bW = 40 : lbG = 120
  Channel.Channel = New Channel
  Channel\Name$ = ChanName$
  Channel\Window = CreateWindow("["+Server$+"] :: " + ChanName$, ClientWidth(Desktop())/4-wW/2+fA, ClientHeight(Desktop())/2-wH/2, wW, wH, NetWin, 1)
  Channel\MsgBox = CreateTextArea(-1, 0, wW-6-lbG, wH-28-iH, Channel\Window)
  Channel\InpBox = CreateTextField(0, wH-26-iH, wW-6-bW, iH, Channel\Window)
  Channel\InpBut = CreateButton("Send", wW-6-bW, wH-26-iH, bW, iH, Channel\Window)
  Channel\UseBox = CreateListBox(wW-6-lbG, 0, lbG, wH-28-iH, Channel\Window)

  WriteLine Network, "JOIN " + Channel\Name$
;      AddTextAreaText Query\MsgBox, "` "+Query\Name$+" ´ " + GetContext$(tLine$) + Chr$(10)
;      tmps=1
End Function

Function Irc_Read(tLine$)
  TheText$ = GetPar(tLine$, 0)
  If TheText$ = "NOTICE" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Notice from " + GetFromNick$(tLine$) + " :: " + GetContext$(tLine$) + Chr$(10)
  ElseIf TheText$ = "PRIVMSG" Then
    j$ = GetPar(tLine$, 1)
    If Lower(j$) = Lower(NickName$) Then
      tmps = 0
      For Query.Query = Each Query
        If Lower(NS$(Query\Name$)) = Lower(NS$(GetFromNick$(tLine$))) Then
          AddTextAreaText Query\MsgBox, MO(Query\Name$, GetContext$(tLine$)) + Chr$(10)
          tmps = tmps + 1
        End If
        fA = fA + 10

      If tmps=0 Then
        Query.Query = OpenQuery(GetFromNick$(tLine$))
        AddTextAreaText Query\MsgBox, MO(Query\Name$, GetContext$(tLine$)) + Chr$(10)
      End If
      For Channel.Channel = Each Channel
        If Channel\Name$ = j$ Then
          AddTextAreaText Channel\MsgBox, MO(GetFromNick$(tLine$), GetContext$(tLine$)) + Chr$(10)
        End If
    End If
  ElseIf TheText$ = "353" Then
    j$ = GetPar(tLine$, 3)
    For Channel.Channel = Each Channel
      If Channel\Name$ = j$ Then
        For User.User = Each User
          If User\Channel = Channel Then
            Delete User
          End If

          If newname$<>lastname$ And newname$<>"" Then
            User.User = New User
            User\Name$ = newname$
            User\Channel = Channel
          End If
          n=n+1 : lastname$=newname$
      End If
  ElseIf TheText$ = "PART" Then
    ch$ = Lower(GetPar(tLine$,2))
    For User.User = Each User
      If Lower(User\Channel\Name$) = ch$ And NS(User\Name$) = NS(GetFromNick(tLine$)) Then
        AddTextAreaText User\Channel\MsgBox, GetFromNick(tLine$) + " has Left " + ch$ + "." + Chr(10)
        User\DeleteNow = 1
        Delete User
      End If
  ElseIf TheText$ = "JOIN" Then
    Nick$ = GetFromNick(tLine$)
    TheCha$ = GetPar(tLine$,2,":")
    For Channel.Channel = Each Channel
      If Lower(Replace(Channel\Name$,"#","")) = Lower(Replace(TheCha$,"#","")) Then
        If Nick$ = NickName$ Then
          AddTextAreaText Channel\MsgBox, "You has joined " + TheCha$ + "." + Chr(10)
          AddTextAreaText Channel\MsgBox, Nick$ + " has joined " + TheCha$ + "." + Chr(10)
        End If
        User.User = New User
        User\Name$ = Nick$
        User\Channel = Channel
      End If
  ElseIf TheText$ = "NICK" Then
    OldNick$ = GetFromNick(tLine$)
    NewNick$ = GetPar(tLine$,2,":")
    For User.User = Each User
      If User\Name$ = OldNick$ Then
        AddTextAreaText User\Channel\MsgBox, OldNick$ + " is now as " + NewNick$ + "." + Chr(10)
        User\Name$ = NewNick$
      End If

    For Query.Query = Each Query
      If Query\Name$ = OldNick$ Then
        Query\Name$ = NewNick$
        SetGadgetText Query\Window, "["+Server$+"] :: Query with " + Query\Name$
      End If
  ElseIf TheText$ = "KICK" Then
    ANick$ = GetPar(tLine$, 2)
    BNick$ = GetFromNick(tLine$)
    Chan$ = GetPar(tLine$, 1)
    For Channel.Channel = Each Channel
      If Channel\Name$ = Chan$ Then
        If ANick$ = NickName$ Then
          AddTextAreaText Channel\MsgBox, "You was kicked by " + BNick$ + Chr$(10)
          AddTextAreaText Channel\MsgBox, "You rejoin now ..." + Chr$(10)
          WriteLine Network, "JOIN " + Chan$
          AddTextAreaText Channel\MsgBox, ANick$ + " was kicked by " + BNick$ + Chr$(10)
        End If
      End If
  ElseIf TheText$ = "MODE" Then
    Chan$ = GetPar(tLine$, 1)
    Nick$ = GetFromNick(tLine$)
    Art$ = GetPar(tLine$, 2)
    Where$ = GetPar(tLine$, 3)
    For Channel.Channel = Each Channel
      If Channel\Name$ = Chan$ Then
        AddTextAreaText Channel\MsgBox, Nick$ + " sets Mode: " + Art$ + " " + Where$ + Chr$(10)
      End If
  ElseIf TheText$ = "TOPIC" Then
    Nick$ = GetFromNick(tLine$)
    Chan$ = GetPar(tLine$,1)
    topic$ = GetContext(tLine$)
    For Channel.Channel = Each Channel
      If Channel\Name$ = Chan$ Then
        AddTextAreaText Channel\MsgBox, Nick$ + " changes Topic to '"+topic$+"'" + Chr$(10)
      End If
;    RuntimeError Chan$
  ElseIf "401" Then
;    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "AddError[401]: No such nick/channel." + Chr$(10)
  ElseIf "402" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "AddError[402]: No such server." + Chr$(10)
  ElseIf "403" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "AddError[403]: No such channel." + Chr$(10)
  ElseIf "403" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "AddError[403]: No such channel." + Chr$(10)
  ElseIf "404" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[404]: Cannot send to channel."
  ElseIf "405" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[405]: You cannot join anymore channels."
  ElseIf "406" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[406]: There was no such nickname."
  ElseIf "407" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[407]: Duplicate recipients, no message delivered."
  ElseIf "409" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[409]: No orgin specified."
  ElseIf "411" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[411]: No recipient given."
  ElseIf "412" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[412]: No text to send."
  ElseIf "413" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[413]: No top level domain specified."
  ElseIf "414" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[414]: Wildcard in top level domain."
  ElseIf "421" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[421]: Unknown command."
  ElseIf "422" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[422]: MOTD file missing."
  ElseIf "423" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[423]: No addministrative info available."
  ElseIf "424" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[424]: File error."
  ElseIf "431" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[431]: No nickname given."
  ElseIf "432" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[432]: Erroneus nickname."
  ElseIf "433" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[433]: Nickname already in use."
  ElseIf "436" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[436]: Nickname Collision KILL"
  ElseIf "441" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[441]: They aren't on that channel."
  ElseIf "442" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[442]: You're not on that channel."
  ElseIf "443" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[443]: User already in that channel."
  ElseIf "444" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[444]: User not logged on."
  ElseIf "445" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[445]: SUMMON has been disabled."
  ElseIf "446" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[446]: USERS has been disabled."
  ElseIf "451" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[451]: You have not registered."
  ElseIf "461" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[461]: Not enough parameters."
  ElseIf "462" Then 
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[462]: You may not register."
  ElseIf "463" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[463]: You're host isn't among privliged."
  ElseIf "464" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[464]: Password incorecct."
  ElseIf "465" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[465]: You are banned from this server."
  ElseIf "467" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[467]: Channel key already set."
  ElseIf "471" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[471]: Cannot join channel (+l)."
  ElseIf "472" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[472]: Uknown mode."
  ElseIf "473" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[473]: Cannot join channel (+i)."
  ElseIf "474" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[474]: Cannot join channel (+b)."
  ElseIf "475" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[474]: Cannot join channel (+k)."
  ElseIf "481" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[481]: Permission denied, you are not an IRC operator."
  ElseIf "482" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[482]: You're not a channel operator."
  ElseIf "483" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[483]: You cant kill a server!"
  ElseIf "491" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[491]: No O-Lines from your host."
  ElseIf "501" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[501]: Uknown mode flag."
  ElseIf "502" Then
    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, "Error[502]: Can't change mode for other users."
;    AddTextAreaText NetMsg, tLine$ + Chr$(10)
  End If
;  AddTextAreaText NetMsg, tLine$ + Chr$(10)
End Function

Function OpenQuery.Query(Name$)
  wW = 400 : wH = 375 : iH = 20 : bW = 40
  Query.Query = New Query
  Query\Name$ = Name$
  Query\Window = CreateWindow("["+Server$+"] :: Query with " + Query\Name$, ClientWidth(Desktop())/4-wW/2+fA, ClientHeight(Desktop())/2-wH/2, wW, wH, NetWin, 1)
  Query\MsgBox = CreateTextArea(-1, 0, wW-3, wH-28-iH, Query\Window)
  Query\InpBox = CreateTextField(0, wH-26-iH, wW-6-bW, iH, Query\Window)
  Query\InpBut = CreateButton("Send", wW-6-bW, wH-26-iH, bW, iH, Query\Window)
  Return Query
End Function

Function NS$(jj$)
  Return Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(jj$, "!", ""), "-", ""), "+", ""), "@", "")
End Function

Function ActualUserList(Channel.Channel)
  ClearGadgetItems Channel\UseBox
  For User.User = Each User
    If User\Channel = Channel Then
      If User\DeleteNow = 0 Then AddGadgetItem Channel\UseBox, User\Name$
    End If
;  AddGadgetItem Channel\UseBox, ""
;  AddGadgetItem Channel\UseBox, NickName$
End Function

Function GetContext$(msg$)
	Local break1%=Instr(msg,":")
	Local break2%=Instr(msg,":",break1+1)

	Return Mid(msg,break2+1)
End Function

Function GetFromNick$(msg$)
	Return Mid(msg,Instr(msg,":")+1,(Instr(msg,"!")-Instr(msg,":")-1))
End Function

Function GetPar$(msg$,par%=0,bChr$=" ")
	Local sbreak%=1,ebreak%
	For i=0 To par
		If Instr(msg,bChr,sbreak+1)
	If ebreak
		Return Mid(msg,sbreak+1,ebreak-sbreak-1)
		Return Mid(msg,sbreak+1)
End Function

Function OpenIRCSession(stream,timeout%=2000)
	Local time=MilliSecs()
	While Not stream
		If (MilliSecs()-time)>timeout Return 0
    Hostname$ = "BlitzPlus Irc"
	WriteLine stream,"USER "+NickName$+" "+Hostname$+" "+Server$+" :"+NickName$
	WriteLine stream,"NICK "+NickName$
	Return Stream
End Function


The CreateWindow function don't exist

@Smokey - It's a BlitzPlus function. If you're using Blitz3D, then it won't work.

This doesn't seem to work. It all appears OK, but doesn't connect to channels with other people in. It seems to create its own channels in limbo.

Not sure whats wrong.

Also, why do you use huge ElseIf lists instead of Select..Case?

This is very old.

Here is the new version:


It is still very buggy. It only connects some of the time and one time I connected and it displayed each line four times.

In memory of Mahe, i've killed some Bugs. It does now connect on >every< Server, but you must wait a long connect-time.

Here is a small screenshot:


Can I have an english version of the source? I don't know german.

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