Code archives/Networking/EncodeURLValue() - Function used to encode the value parameter in a URL's query string.

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EncodeURLValue() - Function used to encode the value parameter in a URL's query string. by Zethrax2012
This function is used to encode the value parameter in a URL's query string.

eg. For the URL:
You would use the function to encode the 'opera' part if you suspected that it contained illegal characters.

The 'value$' parameter should hold the string value to be encoded.
The encoded version of the value string is returned.

By default the function encodes everything except 0 to 9, A to Z, a to z, and the characters: -_.~ and !'()*

The optional 'strict' parameter can be set to True if you also want to encode the characters: !'()*
These characters don't do any harm, but aren't strictly allowed.

Reference Links:-
Function EncodeURLValue$( value$, strict = False )
	; This function is used to encode the value parameter in a URL's query string.
	; eg. For the URL:
	; You would use the function to encode the 'opera' part if you suspected
	; that it contained illegal characters.
	; The 'value$' parameter should hold the string value to be encoded.
	; The encoded version of the value string is returned.
	; By default the function encodes everything except 0 to 9, A to Z, a to z,
	; and the characters: -_.~ and !'()*
	; The optional 'strict' parameter can be set to True if you also want to
	; encode the characters: !'()*
	; These characters don't do any harm, but aren't strictly allowed.

	; Reference Links:-

	Local encode, i, c, output$, l = Len( value$ )

	For i = 1 To l

		c = Asc( Mid( value$, i, 1 ) )

		; If c is numeric or is either uppercase or lowercase alphabetic then don't encode.
		If ( ( c > 47 ) And ( c < 58 ) ) Or ( ( c > 64 ) And ( c < 91 ) ) Or ( ( c > 96 ) And ( c < 123 ) )
			encode = False
			encode = True
			; Otherwise check if it's still an allowed character.
			Select c
				Case 32 : encode = False : c = 43 ; Convert space to a plus sign.
				Case 46 : encode = False ; .
				Case 45 : encode = False ; -
				Case 95 : encode = False ; _
				Case 126 : encode = False ; ~
					; These characters don't do any harm, but aren't strictly allowed.
					If Not strict 
						Select c
							Case 39 : encode = False ; '
							Case 33 : encode = False ; !
							Case 40 : encode = False ; (
							Case 41 : encode = False ; )
							Case 42 : encode = False ; *
						End Select
			End Select

		If encode
			output$ = output$ + "%" + Right(Hex$( c ), 2 )
			output$ = output$ + Chr( c )


	Return output$
End Function

; *** DEMO ***

Graphics 800, 600, 0, 2

Print EncodeURLValue( "012789-ABCXYZ-abcxyz" )
Print EncodeURLValue( "/:-@[-`{-#$%&^{|}" )
Print EncodeURLValue( " .-_~" )
Print EncodeURLValue( "'!()*" )
Print EncodeURLValue( "'!()*", True )

url$ = ""
value$ = "Blitz Basic Code Archive"

Print url$ + EncodeURLValue( value$ )

WaitKey : End


I have done a lot of similar workings particularly for other site searches such as imdb and Netflix etc. I should try to dig out my code once I am reunited with my computer.

There was a lot more versatility in that many searches link words with + and the % character acts as a control to provide ascii values for the otherwise invalid characters.

Also, depending on the search tool, there may be various qualifying criteria either beforehand or afterwords.

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