Code archives/Networking/HTML WEB READER BMX

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HTML WEB READER BMX by warwulf2012
this reads html code from a website
Function HTTPReader$(url$)
	Local stream:TStream = OpenStream("http::" + url$,80)
	If Not stream Then Return -1
	stream.WriteLine "HEAD " + file$ + " HTTP/1.1"
	stream.WriteLine "Host: " + host$
	While Not Eof(stream) ; Print stream.ReadLine() ; Wend
	Return header$
End Function


In this example what would file$ and host$ be?

I'd assume the following, based on the HTTP specs:

Host would be the hostname of the website (e.g. "" -- this is what the server uses to detect the website you want, since under HTTP1.1 multiple sites can share a single IP address)

file would contain the path+filename, e.g. "codearcs/codearcs.php"

If you do NOT know a file/folder name and simply want to go to the default main page of a site, specify "/" as the filename, which will tell it to open the default document in the root folder of the website.

It's basically a really bad, incomplete example of doing something. There are probably better examples elsewhere.

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