Code archives/Networking/cd-key online verification

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cd-key online verification by Arska2012
Here is simple and secure way to check if cd-key is valid.

Why it's secure?
Program doesn't send CD-key anywhere. We send MD5 hash which cannot be returned back to CD-key. Even CD-key check server doesn't know users keygen. Server knows only list of valid MD5 hashes. If MD5 hash list leaks. No problem. Hashes are useless. :)

Here is how it works:
1. User gives cd-key.
2. Program turns cd-key into MD5 hash
3. Program sends MD5 hash to server
4. PHP script checks if cd-key is valid
5. PHP script outputs result
6. Program read result.

What do you need?

Blitzmax side:

PHP side:
List of all cd-keys MD5 hashes

You propably need keygen and MD5 generator. You can find my generator from my website at 'products' section:

I'll post PHP side comments below.

Edit: Updated description

Local keygen:String = "6664-4027-4945-5115-5472"

Local keygenMD5hash:String = Trim(MD5(keygen))

Print "Sending MD5 Hash to server: "+keygenMD5hash

Local stream:TStream = ReadStream(""+keygenMD5hash)

If Not stream Then
	Print "Error occurred!"
	Print "- Check your internet connection."
	Print "- CD-key check server maybe down. Try again later."

While Not stream.Eof()

	Local response:String = stream.ReadLine()

	If response = keygenMD5hash Then Print "You are authorized!"
	If response <> keygenMD5hash Then Print "Invalid CD-key"


Function MD5$(in$)
  Local h0 = $67452301, h1 = $EFCDAB89, h2 = $98BADCFE, h3 = $10325476
  Local r[] = [7, 12, 17, 22,  7, 12, 17, 22,  7, 12, 17, 22,  7, 12, 17, 22,..
                5,  9, 14, 20,  5,  9, 14, 20,  5,  9, 14, 20,  5,  9, 14, 20,..
                4, 11, 16, 23,  4, 11, 16, 23,  4, 11, 16, 23,  4, 11, 16, 23,..
                6, 10, 15, 21,  6, 10, 15, 21,  6, 10, 15, 21,  6, 10, 15, 21]
  Local k[] = [$D76AA478, $E8C7B756, $242070DB, $C1BDCEEE, $F57C0FAF, $4787C62A,..
                $A8304613, $FD469501, $698098D8, $8B44F7AF, $FFFF5BB1, $895CD7BE,..
                $6B901122, $FD987193, $A679438E, $49B40821, $F61E2562, $C040B340,..
                $265E5A51, $E9B6C7AA, $D62F105D, $02441453, $D8A1E681, $E7D3FBC8,..
                $21E1CDE6, $C33707D6, $F4D50D87, $455A14ED, $A9E3E905, $FCEFA3F8,..
                $676F02D9, $8D2A4C8A, $FFFA3942, $8771F681, $6D9D6122, $FDE5380C,..
                $A4BEEA44, $4BDECFA9, $F6BB4B60, $BEBFBC70, $289B7EC6, $EAA127FA,..
                $D4EF3085, $04881D05, $D9D4D039, $E6DB99E5, $1FA27CF8, $C4AC5665,..
                $F4292244, $432AFF97, $AB9423A7, $FC93A039, $655B59C3, $8F0CCC92,..
                $FFEFF47D, $85845DD1, $6FA87E4F, $FE2CE6E0, $A3014314, $4E0811A1,..
                $F7537E82, $BD3AF235, $2AD7D2BB, $EB86D391]
  Local intCount = (((in$.length + 8) Shr 6) + 1) Shl 4
  Local data[intCount]
  For Local c=0 Until in$.length
    data[c Shr 2] = data[c Shr 2] | ((in$[c] & $FF) Shl ((c & 3) Shl 3))
  data[in$.length Shr 2] = data[in$.length Shr 2] | ($80 Shl ((in$.length & 3) Shl 3)) 
  data[data.length - 2] = (Long(in$.length) * 8) & $FFFFFFFF
  data[data.length - 1] = (Long(in$.length) * 8) Shr 32
  For Local chunkStart=0 Until intCount Step 16
    Local a = h0, b = h1, c = h2, d = h3
    For Local i=0 To 15
      Local f = d ~ (b & (c ~ d))
      Local t = d
      d = c ; c = b
      b = Rol((a + f + k[i] + data[chunkStart + i]), r[i]) + b
      a = t
    For Local i=16 To 31
      Local f = c ~ (d & (b ~ c))
      Local t = d

      d = c ; c = b
      b = Rol((a + f + k[i] + data[chunkStart + (((5 * i) + 1) & 15)]), r[i]) + b
      a = t
    For Local i=32 To 47
      Local f = b ~ c ~ d
      Local t = d
      d = c ; c = b
      b = Rol((a + f + k[i] + data[chunkStart + (((3 * i) + 5) & 15)]), r[i]) + b
      a = t
    For Local i=48 To 63
      Local f = c ~ (b | ~d)
      Local t = d
      d = c ; c = b
      b = Rol((a + f + k[i] + data[chunkStart + ((7 * i) & 15)]), r[i]) + b
      a = t
    h0 :+ a ; h1 :+ b
    h2 :+ c ; h3 :+ d
  Return (LEHex(h0) + LEHex(h1) + LEHex(h2) + LEHex(h3)).ToLower()  
End Function

Function SHA1$(in$)
  Local h0 = $67452301, h1 = $EFCDAB89, h2 = $98BADCFE, h3 = $10325476, h4 = $C3D2E1F0
  Local intCount = (((in$.length + 8) Shr 6) + 1) Shl 4
  Local data[intCount]
  For Local c=0 Until in$.length
    data[c Shr 2] = (data[c Shr 2] Shl 8) | (in$[c] & $FF)
  data[in$.length Shr 2] = ((data[in$.length Shr 2] Shl 8) | $80) Shl ((3 - (in$.length & 3)) Shl 3) 
  data[data.length - 2] = (Long(in$.length) * 8) Shr 32
  data[data.length - 1] = (Long(in$.length) * 8) & $FFFFFFFF
  For Local chunkStart=0 Until intCount Step 16
    Local a = h0, b = h1, c = h2, d = h3, e = h4

    Local w[] = data[chunkStart..chunkStart + 16]
    w = w[..80]
    For Local i=16 To 79
      w[i] = Rol(w[i - 3] ~ w[i - 8] ~ w[i - 14] ~ w[i - 16], 1)
    For Local i=0 To 19
      Local t = Rol(a, 5) + (d ~ (b & (c ~ d))) + e + $5A827999 + w[i]
      e = d ; d = c
      c = Rol(b, 30)
      b = a ; a = t
    For Local i=20 To 39
      Local t = Rol(a, 5) + (b ~ c ~ d) + e + $6ED9EBA1 + w[i]
      e = d ; d = c
      c = Rol(b, 30)
      b = a ; a = t
    For Local i=40 To 59
      Local t = Rol(a, 5) + ((b & c) | (d & (b | c))) + e + $8F1BBCDC + w[i]
      e = d ; d = c
      c = Rol(b, 30)
      b = a ; a = t

    For Local i=60 To 79
      Local t = Rol(a, 5) + (b ~ c ~ d) + e + $CA62C1D6 + w[i]
      e = d ; d = c
      c = Rol(b, 30)
      b = a ; a = t
    h0 :+ a ; h1 :+ b ; h2 :+ c
    h3 :+ d ; h4 :+ e
  Return (Hex(h0) + Hex(h1) + Hex(h2) + Hex(h3) + Hex(h4)).ToLower()  
End Function

Function SHA256$(in$)
  Local h0 = $6A09E667, h1 = $BB67AE85, h2 = $3C6EF372, h3 = $A54FF53A
  Local h4 = $510E527F, h5 = $9B05688C, h6 = $1F83D9AB, h7 = $5BE0CD19
  Local k[] = [$428A2F98, $71374491, $B5C0FBCF, $E9B5DBA5, $3956C25B, $59F111F1,..
                $923F82A4, $AB1C5ED5, $D807AA98, $12835B01, $243185BE, $550C7DC3,..
                $72BE5D74, $80DEB1FE, $9BDC06A7, $C19BF174, $E49B69C1, $EFBE4786,..
                $0FC19DC6, $240CA1CC, $2DE92C6F, $4A7484AA, $5CB0A9DC, $76F988DA,..
                $983E5152, $A831C66D, $B00327C8, $BF597FC7, $C6E00BF3, $D5A79147,..
                $06CA6351, $14292967, $27B70A85, $2E1B2138, $4D2C6DFC, $53380D13,..
                $650A7354, $766A0ABB, $81C2C92E, $92722C85, $A2BFE8A1, $A81A664B,..
                $C24B8B70, $C76C51A3, $D192E819, $D6990624, $F40E3585, $106AA070,..
                $19A4C116, $1E376C08, $2748774C, $34B0BCB5, $391C0CB3, $4ED8AA4A,..
                $5B9CCA4F, $682E6FF3, $748F82EE, $78A5636F, $84C87814, $8CC70208,..
                $90BEFFFA, $A4506CEB, $BEF9A3F7, $C67178F2]

  Local intCount = (((in$.length + 8) Shr 6) + 1) Shl 4
  Local data[intCount]
  For Local c=0 Until in$.length
    data[c Shr 2] = (data[c Shr 2] Shl 8) | (in$[c] & $FF)
  data[in$.length Shr 2] = ((data[in$.length Shr 2] Shl 8) | $80) Shl ((3 - (in$.length & 3)) Shl 3) 
  data[data.length - 2] = (Long(in$.length) * 8) Shr 32
  data[data.length - 1] = (Long(in$.length) * 8) & $FFFFFFFF
  For Local chunkStart=0 Until intCount Step 16
    Local a = h0, b = h1, c = h2, d = h3, e = h4, f = h5, g = h6, h = h7

    Local w[] = data[chunkStart..chunkStart + 16]
    w = w[..64]
    For Local i=16 To 63
      w[i] = w[i - 16] + (Ror(w[i - 15], 7) ~ Ror(w[i - 15], 18) ~ (w[i - 15] Shr 3))..
            + w[i - 7] + (Ror(w[i - 2], 17) ~ Ror(w[i - 2], 19) ~ (w[i - 2] Shr 10))
    For Local i=0 To 63
      Local t0 = (Ror(a, 2) ~ Ror(a, 13) ~ Ror(a, 22)) + ((a & b) | (b & c) | (c & a))
      Local t1 = h + (Ror(e, 6) ~ Ror(e, 11) ~ Ror(e, 25)) + ((e & f) | (~e & g)) + k[i] + w[i]
      h = g ; g = f ; f = e ; e = d + t1
      d = c ; c = b ; b = a ;  a = t0 + t1  
    h0 :+ a ; h1 :+ b ; h2 :+ c ; h3 :+ d
    h4 :+ e ; h5 :+ f ; h6 :+ g ; h7 :+ h
  Return (Hex(h0) + Hex(h1) + Hex(h2) + Hex(h3) + Hex(h4) + Hex(h5) + Hex(h6) + Hex(h7)).ToLower()  
End Function

Function Rol(val, shift)
  Return (val Shl shift) | (val Shr (32 - shift))
End Function

Function Ror(val, shift)
  Return (val Shr shift) | (val Shl (32 - shift))
End Function

Function LEHex$(val)
  Local out$ = Hex(val)
  Return out$[6..8] + out$[4..6] + out$[2..4] + out$[0..2]
End Function


PHP side:

$clientMD5Hash = trim($_GET['hash']);

$fh = fopen("data/MD5.txt", "r");

while(!feof($fh)) { 

$lines = trim(fgets($fh));

if ($lines == $clientMD5Hash) {
     echo $lines;

} else {
// echo $clientMD5Hash." is invalid MD5 hash";




So this script should return MD5 hash to program if it's valid.

While this is not a bad Idea, i want to point out a very easy way to crack that:

Your can mimic cdkeycheck.php's behavior for "valid key" for every possible user input: You can wireshark the dns where your CD check is sent to and set it in the computer's /etc/hosts to Then start a webserver that returns the key that was GET from cdkeycheck.php...

To stop this, you have to make your webserver special, so your program only trusts the "valid key" if it is coming from your server. This works best if the server is also somehow needed in the game. It then gets more and more difficult for crackers to really mimic all of the server's aspects that are only there for DRM without cutting you off completely from the server.

Guy Fawkes2016
Or you can use Vernam Cipher

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