Code archives/Networking/BlitzUnixTime

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BlitzUnixTime by ThePict2010
Gets the Unix Timestamp from 'my' server returning it as an integer. Then dissects the integer to a readable format.
Sorry it is just GMT, but where else does time begin anyhow?
Graphics 800,600,16,2
Print "UnixTime = "+UnixTime()
Print "The correct time (GMT) is "+time$
Print "Your computer thinks it is "+CurrentDate$()+" - "+CurrentTime$()

;I needed a firm time reference for my web game, so (with lots of help) I put this together.
;It seems to be very accurate. I compared to BT's 123 service. 
;I know that a slightly different php code could have done what the long-winded function does for me,
;but my game only needed an integer to calc from, so had to assemble readable date and time myself.

;Now all I have to do is finish my WhereInTheWorldAreYou() function - anyone already done one?

Function UTDateandTime$()
days=1+(ut/24/60/60); don't know why but it was always a day slow
For year=1970 To 2039;should exit before we get to 2039
If year Mod 4=0 Then daysinyear=366 Else daysinyear=365
If days<=daysinyear Then Exit
If daysinyear=366 And days>0 Then mon$="Jan" 
If daysinyear=366 And days>31 Then mon$="Feb"
If daysinyear=366 And days>60 Then mon$="Mar"
If daysinyear=366 And days>91 Then mon$="Apr"
If daysinyear=366 And days>121 Then mon$="May" 
If daysinyear=366 And days>152 Then mon$="Jun" 
If daysinyear=366 And days>182 Then mon$="Jul" 
If daysinyear=366 And days>213 Then mon$="Aug" 
If daysinyear=366 And days>244 Then mon$="Sep" 
If daysinyear=366 And days>274 Then mon$="Oct" 
If daysinyear=366 And days>305 Then mon$="Nov" 
If daysinyear=366 And days>335 Then mon$="Dec"
If daysinyear=365 And days>0 Then mon$="Jan" 
If daysinyear=365 And days>31 Then mon$="Feb" 
If daysinyear=365 And days>59 Then mon$="Mar" 
If daysinyear=365 And days>90 Then mon$="Apr" 
If daysinyear=365 And days>120 Then mon$="May" 
If daysinyear=365 And days>151 Then mon$="Jun" 
If daysinyear=365 And days>181 Then mon$="Jul" 
If daysinyear=365 And days>212 Then mon$="Aug" 
If daysinyear=365 And days>243 Then mon$="Sep" 
If daysinyear=365 And days>273 Then mon$="Oct" 
If daysinyear=365 And days>304 Then mon$="Nov" 
If daysinyear=365 And days>334 Then mon$="Dec"	
If daysinyear=366 Then Goto leap
If mon$="Dec" Then day=days-334
If mon$="Nov" Then day=days-304
If mon$="Oct" Then day=days-273
If mon$="Sep" Then day=days-243
If mon$="Aug" Then day=days-212
If mon$="Jul" Then day=days-181
If mon$="Jun" Then day=days-151
If mon$="May" Then day=days-120
If mon$="Apr" Then day=days-90
If mon$="Mar" Then day=days-59
If mon$="Feb" Then day=days-31
If mon$="Jan" Then day=days
Goto maketime
If mon$="Dec" Then day=days-335
If mon$="Nov" Then day=days-305
If mon$="Oct" Then day=days-274
If mon$="Sep" Then day=days-244
If mon$="Aug" Then day=days-213
If mon$="Jul" Then day=days-182
If mon$="Jun" Then day=days-152
If mon$="May" Then day=days-121
If mon$="Apr" Then day=days-91
If mon$="Mar" Then day=days-60
If mon$="Feb" Then day=days-31
If mon$="Jan" Then day=days
date$=d$+" "+mon$+" "+y$
secs=ut Mod 86400
second$=Right$("0"+Str$(secs Mod 60),2)
Return date$+" - "+t$
End Function

;Had many helping hands getting this to work - and I still don't know how php does what it does
;I know it's a bit clunky, but at least it's mostly commented for the noobs (like me)

Function UnixTime$(); WORKS!!! Feel free to use this Function.
;As long as I own the domain the php file should work.
DownloadTime("", "", "CurrentUnixTime.txt")
Delay 5
Return x
End Function

;* Using a slightly modified version of Devils Child's Download File Function. *
;Many thanks to DC for this.

; ID: 2279
; Author: Devils Child
; Date: 2008-06-26 12:46:33
; Title: Download file
; Description: Supports downloading files, php sites and redirected sites. (Fast)


;link$      - The link. You may enter the link just like you enter it
;             in your browser. Very tolerant. No http:// required.
;savepath$  - The path where the file should be saved
;savefile$  - The filename of the saved file. When given "", it will
;             be named like the file in the link$.

Function DownloadTime(link$, savepath$ = "", savefile$ = "")
;Strip protocol and return false if not "http"
inst = Instr(link$, "://")
If inst Then
	If Lower(Trim(Left(link$, inst - 1))) <> "http" Then Return False
	link$ = Right(link$, Len(link$) - inst - 2)

;Seperate host from link
inst = Instr(link$, "/")
If inst = 0 Then Return False
host$ = Trim(Left(link$, inst - 1))
link$ = Trim(Right(link$, Len(link$) - inst + 1))

;Seperate path and file from the link
For i = Len(link$) To 1 Step -1
	If Mid(link$, i, 1) = "/" Then
		link_path$ = Trim(Left(link$, i))
		link_file$ = Right(link$, Len(link$) - i)
If link_file$ = "" Then Return False
If savefile$ = "" Then savefile$ = link_file$

;Open TCP stream
tcp = OpenTCPStream(host$, 80)
If tcp = 0 Then Return False
WriteLine tcp, "GET " + link_path$ + link_file$ + " HTTP/1.1" + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + "Host: " + host$ + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + "User-Agent: Download_Function_By_DevilsChild" + Chr(13) + Chr(10)

;Download file
l$ = ReadLine(tcp)
inst1 = Instr(l$, " ")
inst2 = Instr(l$, " ", inst1 + 1)
num = Mid(l$, inst1, inst2 - inst1)
Select num
	Case 200
		conlen = -1
		chunk = False
			l$ = Trim(ReadLine(tcp))
			If l$ = "" Then Exit
			inst = Instr(l$, ":")
			l1$ = Trim(Left(l$, inst - 1))
			l2$ = Trim(Right(l$, Len(l$) - inst))
			Select Lower(l1$)
				Case "content-length"
					conlen = l2$
				Case "transfer-encoding"
					If Lower(l2$) = "chunked" Then chunk = True
			End Select
		If conlen = 0 Then
			file = WriteFile(savepath$ + savefile$)
			CloseFile file
			CloseTCPStream tcp
			Return True
		ElseIf conlen > 0 Then
			file = WriteFile(savepath$ + savefile$)
			bnk = CreateBank(4096)
			pos = 0
				avail = conlen - pos
				If avail > 4096 Then
					ReadBytes bnk, tcp, 0, 4096
					WriteBytes bnk, file, 0, 4096
					pos = pos + 4096
					ReadBytes bnk, tcp, 0, avail
					WriteBytes bnk, file, 0, avail
			FreeBank bnk
			CloseFile file
			CloseTCPStream tcp
			Return True
		ElseIf chunk Then
			file = WriteFile(savepath$ + savefile$)
			bnk = CreateBank(4096)
				l$ = Trim(Upper(ReadLine(tcp)))
				ln = 0
				For i = 1 To Len(l$)
					ln = 16 * ln + Instr("123456789ABCDEF", Mid$(l$, i, 1))
				If ln = 0 Then Exit
				If BankSize(bnk) < ln Then ResizeBank bnk, ln
				ReadBytes bnk, tcp, 0, ln
				WriteBytes bnk, file, 0, ln
			FreeBank bnk
			CloseFile file
			CloseTCPStream tcp
			Return True
			CloseTCPStream tcp
			Return False
	Case 301, 302
			l$ = Trim(ReadLine(tcp))
			If l$ = "" Then Exit
			inst = Instr(l$, ":")
			l1$ = Trim(Left(l$, inst - 1))
			l2$ = Trim(Right(l$, Len(l$) - inst))
			Select Lower(l1$)
				Case "location"
					CloseTCPStream tcp
					Return DownloadTime(l2$, savepath$, savefile$)
			End Select
		CloseTCPStream tcp
		Return False
End Select
End Function


There are C commands that interrogate the UnixTime directly for you that you can call.

Now you tell me. I have been asking about this for months, and got nowhere. I believe it's easy with other programming languages but not so easy with Blitz2D/3D.
I learned a lot from writing these snippets, and hope they can be of use to others.

It should be easy in B3D as well. As I don't have B3D i can't test it but from the code there is at least one error I have seen.

A leapyear is not just every 4 years if the year can be devided by 100 without rest (eg 1900) there is no leap year. If the year is also devidable by 400 without rest it is a leapyear again (eg: 2000)


if year modulo 400 is 0
then is_leap_year
else if year modulo 100 is 0
then not_leap_year
else if year modulo 4 is 0
then is_leap_year

I knew about the 400 year leap-year, but because UnixTime only runs effectively from 1970 to 2038ish the only century year would be a leap-year anyway, so a simple mod 4 is sufficient.

I hear that UnixTime is going 64-bit to eliminate the 2038'bug'. If this happens my code would need to be modified a little - the main modulus utilised should still be valid.
Well apart from the odd leap seconds those pesky scientists occasionally add!

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