Code archives/Networking/Message-based networking

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Message-based networking by plash2010
This is a simplified form of the model used in the network module from duct.
I recommend using types for each message, but I've to keep it out of this example for the sake of simplicity.

See the comments below for example code (multiple source files).
' common.bmx

Const MSGID_PING:Int = 10
Const MSGID_PONG:Int = 11

Type TBaseClient Extends TStream Abstract
	Field m_socket:TSocket, m_sip:Int
	Method Init(socket:TSocket)
		m_socket = socket
		If m_socket
			m_sip = m_socket.RemoteIP()
		End If
	End Method
	Method Read:Int(buf:Byte Ptr, count:Int)
		Return m_socket.Recv(buf, count)
	End Method
	Method Write:Int(buf:Byte Ptr, count:Int)
		Return m_socket.Send(buf, count)
	End Method
	Method ReadAvail:Int()
		Return m_socket.ReadAvail()
	End Method
	Method Eof:Int()
		If m_socket
			If m_socket.Connected() = True
				Return False
			End If
		End If
		Return True
	End Method
	Method Close()
		If m_socket
			m_socket = Null
		End If
	End Method
	Method Connect:Int(remoteip:Int, remoteport:Int)
		m_sip = remoteip
		Return m_socket.Connect(remoteip, remoteport)
	End Method
	Method Connected:Int()
		If m_socket
			Return m_socket.Connected()
		End If
		Return False
	End Method
	Method Update()
		If Not Eof()
			If ReadAvail() > 0
			End If
		End If
	End Method
	Method GetIPAddressAsInt:Int()
		Return m_sip
	End Method
	Method GetIPAddressAsString:String(separator:String = ".")
		Return (m_sip Shr 24) + separator + (m_sip Shr 16 & 255) + separator + (m_sip Shr 8 & 255) + separator + (m_sip & 255)
	End Method
	Method HandleMessage(id:Int) Abstract
End Type


Example code.



Czar Flavius2010
"Ping from " + GetIPAddressAsString()

Won't this just print the local IP and not the IP address of the sender?

Won't this just print the local IP and not the IP address of the sender?
No. GetIPAddressAsString is a method of TBaseClient which returns the socket's RemoteIP.

First, thanks for this!
I have what is probably a newbie question about this and/or Sockets in general. Is each Int sent in a separate packet or is it packed/optimized ? Can this code be quickly modified to transfer string lines instead of integers, or is this code far underneath that layer of control?
I've read up on Stream Sockets where I could but I apologize if I'm asking confused questions.

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