Code archives/Networking/Server and client example

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Server and client example by PowerPC6032010
This code is a simple example which demonstrates how to setup a server application and the clients.
The server program only needs to run once, you can use multiple clients, which all connect to the server application and communicate with it.

The server checks for new connections all the time and creates a new player-instance for every new connection.
It accepts data from each player, prints it onscreen and sends a response to the player who sent the message.

The client(s) open a TCP-stream to the server, generate a random playername and sends that to the server as well.
Then every second, the client sends a random number as a string to the server and prints the sent number onscreen.
The clients also checks for any replies by the server and prints those onscreen as well.

There is also a built-in check to see if a client disconnects from the server (by closing the client-window).
The server will see this and delete the player-instance.
The client also checks if the server is still connected and will close when the server is closed.

You can also add code to process the data to add more functionality, but this example only demonstrates how to setup server-client connection and the sending/receiving of messages, so beginners can use this code as a starting point.

This code lists the server and client programs, so copy them in 2 separate bb-files and compile them.
Run one instance of the server and multiple instances of the client to see what happens.
; Server-code

; Set application title
AppTitle "Server"
; Setup window size
Graphics 600, 200, 0, 2

; Setup the player-instance
Type TPlayer
	Field Name$ ; The name of the player
	Field stream ; The stream-handle for this player (all messages sent to / received from this player use this TCP-stream)
End Type

; Define a global variable that declares the port-number on which tcp-streams are sent and received
Global Port = 9876
; Create a TCP-server on the given port
Global Server = CreateTCPServer(Port)

; Check if the server was created successfully or not
If Server <> 0 Then
	; If the server was created successfully, print it on the screen
	Print "Server started successfully: " + Str$(Server)
	; If the server couldn't be created, print it on the screen
	Print "Server failed to start."
	; Add 1 second delay
	Delay 1000
	; And end the program

; Main loop
While Not KeyHit(1)
	Local msg$ ; A variable used to read the data sent by a player
	Local stream = AcceptTCPStream(Server) ; Check if a new TCPstream has been found (new player requests a connection with the server)

	; If a new connection has been found
	If stream Then
		; Create a new TPlayer instance
		Player.TPlayer = New TPlayer
		; Read the name of the player from the stream
		Player\Name$ = ReadString$(stream)
		; Save the stream-handle in the TPlayer instance
		Player\stream = stream
		; Print the new playername to the screen
		Print "Found new player: " + Player\Name$

	; Process all players
	For Player.TPlayer = Each TPlayer
		; If data was received from this player
		If ReadAvail(Player\stream) Then
			; Read the integer value that was sent from the player's client to the server
			msg$ = ReadString$(Player\stream)

			; Print the message onscreen that was sent by the player
			Print "Message " + Chr$(34) + msg$ + Chr$(34) + " sent by " + Player\Name$

			; Return a message to the player (includes the message that was sent to the server and the playername)
			WriteString Player\stream, "Message " + Chr$(34) + msg$ + Chr$(34) + " received, " + Player\Name$

		; Check if the client disconnected
		Select Eof(Player\stream)
			Case 1 ; Player disconnected nicely
				; Print a message in the server-window to indicate which player disconnected
				Print "Player " + Player\Name$ + " closed"
				; Delete the TPlayer instance (the server would otherwise continue to send messages to this player)
				Delete Player
			Case -1 ; Connection lost
				; Print a message in the server-window to indicate which player disconnected
				Print "Player " + Player\Name$ + " aborted unexpectedly"
				; Delete the TPlayer instance (the server would otherwise continue to send messages to this player)
				Delete Player
		End Select

	; Wait 2ms (don't let the server-program use up all processor-power)
	Delay 2

; End the server

; Client-code

; Setup window size
Graphics 600, 200, 0, 2

; Declare port and IP-adress of the server
Global Port = 9876
Global IP$ = ""
; Setup a global variable that holds the TCP-stream handle (used to talk to the server)
Global stream

; A global timer to time some events (used to send a message every second)
Global Timer = MilliSecs()

; Seed the random number generator
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

; Create an array with some playernames
Dim ANames$(10)
ANames$(1) = "Suzy"
ANames$(2) = "Tom"
ANames$(3) = "Adrian"
ANames$(4) = "Melissa"
ANames$(5) = "Ronaldo"
ANames$(6) = "Richard"
ANames$(7) = "Christine"
ANames$(8) = "Jackie"
ANames$(9) = "Arnold"
ANames$(10) = "Kevin"

; Try to connect to server
While stream = 0
	; Wait 1 second
	Delay 1000

	; Use a counter to count the number of tries
	Counter = Counter + 1

	; Try to open a TCP-stream to the server on the given port and IP-address
	stream = OpenTCPStream(IP$, Port)
	; Let the user know that the client is trying to connect to the server
	Print "Connecting to server..."
	Print "on IP$: " + IP$ + ", using port " + Str$(Port)

	; If the counter reached 5, then the client tried 5 times to connect to the server, but wasn't able to connect -> generate an error
	If Counter = 5 Then RuntimeError "Cannot find server on IP: " + IP$

; Connection established
Print ""
Print "Successfully connected to server..."
Print ""

; Use a random playername for this client
Global Name$ = ANames$(Rand(1, 10))
; Send the playername to the server
WriteString stream, Name$
; Set application title
AppTitle "Client for: " + Name$

; Main loop
While Not KeyHit(1)
	Local msg$ ; Variable used to read messages sent by the server

	; Send a random number (as a string) to the server every second
	If MilliSecs() > (Timer + 1000) Then
		Timer = Timer + 1000

		; Generate a random number for sending to the server and convert it to a string
		msg$ = Str$(Rand(0, 1000))
		; Print the number to the screen for debugging
		Print msg$
		; Send the random number as a string to the server
		WriteString stream, msg$

	; Check if the server has sent a response (or some other message)
	If ReadAvail(stream) Then
		; Read the server's message into a variable
		msg$ = ReadString$(stream)
		; Print the server's response to the screen
		Print msg$

	; Check if the connection hasn't been lost
	Select Eof(stream)
		Case 1 ; Server has been closed
			; Print it to the screen
			Print "Server has closed"
			; Wait 1 second
			Delay 1000
			; End the client program
		Case -1 ; Connection lost
			; Print it to the screen
			Print "Server has aborted unexpectedly"
			; Wait 1 second
			Delay 1000
			; End the client program
	End Select

	; Wait 10ms
	Delay 10

; End the client program



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