Code archives/Networking/Multithreaded web server

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Multithreaded web server by BlitzSupport2009
This is an update to an earlier Code Archives entry I made: BlitzServe

That implementation was heavily restricted by its single-threadedness, meaning it could only serve one file at a time. Even requesting one web page from it would take a long time as each image would have to wait for the previous image to finish transferring.

Now that BlitzMax supports multithreading, I was finally able to update it to serve multiple files at once.

I've even tested this over the internet (ie. using a web browser on my brother's PC to connect to my IP address), and it worked fine.

Note that the Graphics window is just there to receive the closing ESC key hit, allowing the threads to exit properly for this demo -- a real server would probably just be running in an infinite loop. It won't actually cause any harm if you direct ESC to the IDE (which just brutally terminates the program).
' IMPORTANT: Make sure "Threaded Build" is enabled in the Program -> Build Options menu!

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' BlitzServe 2 -- a very crude multithreaded HTTP server...
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Set this to a folder on your hard drive containing the files to be served:
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Global folder:String = "C:\Temp\"

' The value below is derived from Win32 -> GetSystemInfo (info:SYSTEM_INFO) ->
' info.dwAllocationGranularity, the 'ideal' size for optimum read/write speeds
' in Windows. Later version might report bigger numbers, but this will be fine:

Const OPTIMUM_IO:Int = 65536

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' To test...
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

' 1) Run the program and launch a web browser;

' 2) In the browser's address bar, type plus the file name, eg.


'	Don't type the folder name!

' 3) If your firewall complains, you need to unblock/allow this program!

' 4) Repeatedly hit F5/Refresh in your browser to see the server handle
'    cut-off requests (you'll see ERROR: xyz messages).

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' OK...
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

AppTitle = "BlitzServe 2..."

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Remove trailing slash from server's folder (HTTP GET command prefixes file
' name with a forward slash)...
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

folder = Replace (folder, "/", "\")

If (Right (folder, 1) = "\")'"/") Or (Right (folder, 1) = "\")	
	folder = Left (folder, Len (folder) - 1)

If FileType (folder) = 0
	RuntimeError "Set folder:String to a folder on your computer!"

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Print queue for threads -- multiple threads running at the same time will
' cause corrupted output for Print, so queue within the thread and print all
' the thread's messages when ready...
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Type PrintList

	Field list:TList = CreateList ()

	Method Add (info:String)
		ListAddLast list, info
	End Method

	Method PrintAll ()
		For Local i:String = EachIn list
			Print i
			ListRemove list, i
	End Method

End Type

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Each connection has a socket and an associated stream to read from...
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Type Connection
	Field socket:TSocket
	Field stream:TSocketStream
End Type

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Thread list and mutex for safe access...
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Global ThreadListMutex:TMutex = CreateMutex ()
Global ThreadList:TList = CreateList ()

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Temporary graphics window...
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

' This is just to allow keyboard input to be captured. Don't press ESC on
' the IDE output, as that just terminates the program. Press ESC with the
' graphics window highlighted so the program can close all connections. It won't
' cause any harm if you don't -- this is just for completeness' sake...

' Note that in real life, this would just be running in an infinite loop
' so there would be no need to test for ESC!

Graphics 320, 200

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Just a local pointer
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Local thread:TThread

Local threads:Int = 0

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Create HTTP server (always on port 80)...
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Local server:TSocket = CreateTCPSocket ()

If server

	' Bind to port 80...
	If BindSocket (server, 80)

		' Start listening for incoming connections on port 80...
		' NOTE: Don't use default 0 for backlog parameter, as this will cause
		' web pages to fail occasionally. The web browser will be requesting
		' all the files in any HTML page you request, and a 0-sized backlog
		' won't process the requests quickly enough. If the backlog isn't
		' cleared between SocketListen and the call to SocketAccept, the
		' request will fail, meaning images, etc, fail to display.
		' 5 is an old Windows standard, but there is lots of disagreement
		' as to what it should be, and different use scenarios. A server
		' expecting to be Slashdotted will require a much larger amount,
		' while a lowly desktop serving local files like this won't need
		' as much...
		' More information here:
		SocketListen server, 5
		Print "BlitzServe 2: awaiting incoming connections..."
		Print "Launch your web browser and direct it to"
		Print "where myfilename.html is a file inside the folder you specified..."
		Print ""
			' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
			' See if there's been an incoming connection attempt...
			' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
			Local remote:TSocket = SocketAccept (server)

			If remote

				thread = CreateThread (ProcessConnection, remote)
				ListAddLast ThreadList, thread
				threads = threads + 1

			For thread = EachIn ThreadList
				If Not ThreadRunning (thread)
					ListRemove ThreadList, thread
					threads = threads - 1

			' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
			' Don't wanna hog CPU (also update temp graphics window)...
			' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
			' Graphics/Cls/Flip not needed in a real server!
			Delay 10
			DrawText "Direct ESC to this window, not IDE!", 20, 20
		Until KeyHit (KEY_ESCAPE)
		Print ""
		Print "Waiting for connections to close..."
		' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
		' Free any open TCP streams...
		' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

		' Wait for each thread to finish its current job and close its own stream/socket...

		LockMutex ThreadListMutex
			For thread = EachIn ThreadList
				WaitThread thread
		UnlockMutex ThreadListMutex

		' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
		' All done!
		' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
		CloseSocket server

		Print "Couldn't bind to port 80!"

	Print "Couldn't create server!..."


' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Threaded file serve function...
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function ProcessConnection:Object (obj:Object)

	Local p:PrintList = New PrintList

	Local c:Connection = New Connection
	c.socket = TSocket (obj)
	If SocketConnected (c.socket)

		p.Add ""
		p.Add "Request from " + DottedIP (SocketRemoteIP (c.socket)) = CreateSocketStream (c.socket)

		p.Add "ERROR: No stream created from socket!"
		' No stream was created -- this can happen!

		KillConnection c
		Return Null


	' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	' Some variables (see further down for meanings)...
	' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	Local eoc:Int
	Local eop:Int

	Local command:String
	Local parameter:String
	Local file:String
	Local http:String
	Local program:String
	Local incoming:String
	' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	' HTTP requests end with a blank line, so we read until we get that...
	' ---------------------------------------------------------------------

		' -----------------------------------------------------------------
		' Read a line from an incoming HTTP request...
		' -----------------------------------------------------------------

		' The format of an incoming request line is:
		'		"Command" [space] "parameters"

		' Examples...
		'		"GET /thisfile.txt"
		'		"User-Agent; AcmeBrowse"
		If SocketConnected (c.socket)
			incoming = ReadLine (
			KillConnection c
			Return Null

		If incoming <> ""

			' -------------------------------------------------------------
			' Got a line? Let's parse! Split command and parameter(s)...
			' -------------------------------------------------------------

			eoc = Instr (incoming, " ")				' End of command part of incoming
			command = Lower (Left (incoming, eoc))		' Command part of incoming
			parameter = Mid (incoming, eoc + 1)		' Parameter part of incoming

		' -----------------------------------------------------------------
		' Let's see what command we've got...
		' -----------------------------------------------------------------

		Select command$
			Case "get "

				' ---------------------------------------------------------
				' Got a HTTP file request!
				' ---------------------------------------------------------

				' Format of GET is: "GET /thisfile.txt"
				eop = Instr (parameter, " ")			' End of first parameter ("GET")
				file = Mid (parameter, 1, eop - 1)		' First parameter ("GET")
				http = Mid (parameter, eop + 1)		' Second parameter ("/thisfile.txt")

				' ---------------------------------------------------------
				' Requesting program's name/identifier...
				' ---------------------------------------------------------

			Case "user-agent: "

				program = Mid (incoming, eoc + 1)
		End Select
	Until incoming = "" ' Got blank line after headers, so all done here...

	file = Replace (file, "/", "\")

	' -------------------------------------------------------------
	' Remove \ from end of filename (used for folder redirection)...
	' -------------------------------------------------------------

	If Right (file, 1) = "\" Then file = Left (file, Len (file) - 1)
	' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	' Lessee what we've got...
	' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	p.Add "Requested file: " + file
	p.Add "Requested by: " + program
	p.Add "Requested HTTP version: " + http

	' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	' OK, we barely know what we're doing, so only accept HTTP 1.1...
	' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	If http$ <> "HTTP/1.1"

		' Very wary of streams now!
			If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof ( Then WriteLine, "HTTP/1.1 505 This server only accepts HTTP version 1.1"
			If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof ( Then WriteLine, ""

		Catch error:Object
			p.Add "ERROR (" + file + "): Received non-HTTP 1.1 request, but stream failed outside error-checking!"
			KillConnection c
			Return Null
		End Try

		' -----------------------------------------------------------------
		' It was a HTTP 1.1 request...
		' -----------------------------------------------------------------

		' Convert any %xx (Hex) codes in URL to Chr (ascii) character...
		' (Eg. %20 is ascii 57, ie. Chr (57), ie. a Space.)
		file = UnHexURL (file)

		If file
			If Left (file, 1) <> "\"
				file = "\" + file ' Add leading "/" if not found...
		' -------------------------------------------------------------
		' Does the requested file exist in our 'site' folder?
		' -------------------------------------------------------------

		Local file_type:Int = FileType (folder + file)
		If file = "" Then file_type = 2
		Select file_type
			Case 0 ' File does not exist...

				p.Add "404: File not found (" + file + ")"

					If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof ( Then WriteLine, "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"
					If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof ( Then WriteLine, ""

				Catch error:Object
					p.Add "ERROR (" + file + "): Stream failed outside error-checking!"
					KillConnection c
					Return Null
				End Try
			Case 1 ' File exists!

					If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof ( Then WriteLine, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
					If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof ( Then WriteLine, ""

				Catch error:Object
					p.Add "ERROR (" + file + "): Stream failed outside error-checking!"
					KillConnection c
					Return Null
				End Try

				Local requested:TStream = ReadFile (folder + file)

				If requested


						While Not Eof (requested)
							If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof (
								Local buffer:TBank = CreateBank (OPTIMUM_IO)
								Local bytesread:Int = 0
								Local offset:Int = 0
								If buffer


										bytesread = ReadBank (buffer, requested, 0, OPTIMUM_IO)

										' This line may trigger Try/Catch error (write-to-stream)...

										WriteBank buffer,, 0, bytesread
										offset = offset + bytesread

									Until Eof (requested)

								buffer = Null
								p.Add "ERROR (" + file + "): Socket lost while writing file"
						If requested
							CloseFile requested

						If SocketConnected (c.socket)

							If Not Eof (
								WriteLine, ""


							p.Add "ERROR (" + file + "): No socket for sending blank line after file"
							KillConnection c

							Return Null


					Catch error:Object
						' This can be triggered during file read/write While/Wend loop,
						' for reasons unknown (socket lost just after socket and stream
						' checked valid?)...
						p.Add "ERROR (" + file + "): Error while writing file to stream"
						KillConnection c
						Return Null
					End Try

			Case 2 ' Folder...

				' Try index.htm and index.html...
				Local redirect:String = file + "\index.htm"
				If FileType (folder + redirect) = 0 ' Nope!
					redirect = file + "\index.html" ' We'll see...
					If FileType (folder + redirect) = 0
						redirect = ""

					If redirect

						' Re-direct browser to index.htm or index.html if present (browser will make new request, ie. new thread will kick in)...
						If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof ( Then WriteLine, "HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect"
						If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof ( Then WriteLine, "location: " + redirect			
						If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof ( Then WriteLine, ""

						' No index.htm or index.html found, so show folder listing message...

						Local html:String = "<HTML><TITLE>Folder request</TITLE><BODY>Folder listings not allowed!</BODY></HTML>"

						If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof ( Then WriteLine, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
						If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof ( Then WriteLine, ""
						If SocketConnected (c.socket) And Not Eof ( Then WriteLine, html

				Catch error:Object
					p.Add "ERROR (" + file + "): Stream failed outside error-checking!"
					KillConnection c
					Return Null
				End Try

		End Select


	KillConnection c
	Return Null
End Function

' Made separate as it's referenced a lot...

Function KillConnection (c:Connection)
	If SocketConnected (c.socket) Then CloseSocket c.socket
	If And Not Eof ( Then CloseStream
End Function

' Helper functions...

Function UnHexURL:String (url:String)
	Local pos:Int
		pos = Instr (url, "%")
		If pos
			Local hexx:String = Mid (url$, pos, 3)
			url = Replace (url, hexx, Chr (HexToDec (hexx)))
	Until pos = 0
	Return url
End Function

Function HexToDec:Int (h:String)

	' From PureBasic code by 'PB'...

	If Left (h, 1) = "%" Then h = Right (h, Len (h) - 1)
	h = Upper (h)

	Local a:String
	Local d:Int

	For Local r:Int = 1 To Len (h)
		d = d Shl 4; a = Mid (h, r, 1)
		If Asc (a) > 60
			d = d + Asc (a) - 55
			d = d + Asc (a) - 48
	Return d
End Function


This is great! It really helps if you are new to threads.

so you could potentially write scripts in LUA or briskvm


helps if you are new to threads

Although it's an ideal candidate for multithreading, it's possibly too simple an example to learn from, since the threads don't have to access any global data or return a result to the main thread, meaning no mutexes are needed (I just removed a couple of unnecessary mutex locks) -- the threads are just launched and left to their own devices. Most threading situations will need to exchange or somehow share data with the main thread (or other threads).

JPY, I wasn't sure what you meant, but I suppose you mean you could use LUA or similar in place of PHP, etc?


I did find it very useful to create the thread function as a normal function for the purposes of debugging, ie. just call it normally, as ProcessConnection (remote), rather than via CreateThread (ProcessConnection, remote). Threads can't be debugged properly in BlitzMax, so running it as a normal function lets you troubleshoot as normal, then you can switch to calling via CreateThread once it's working. This certainly won't be applicable to all multithreading situations, though.

I just updated this to deal with URLs representing folders better -- checking for index.htm and index.html (redirecting the browser via a 307 response if found), then providing a 'directory listing denied' message if neither of these default files was found.

I also fixed the file sending code to read/write 64 KB at a time, ie. it serves individual files much more quickly now. Exciting stuff!

Heh... I just wrapped the server into a type and made this little demo. Now your game can serve web pages in the background! No, I don't know why anyone would want to do that either...

(Actually, it was a step towards doing this kind of thing.)

This is a little step further towards this kind of thing.

Run the program and open a web browser. Enter any of the following URLs:

(Hit F5 a couple of times after seeing each one.)

Note that these aren't real files/folders, just organised 'commands' that the web server will recognise (or not, in the case of test.html)...

Next up would be passing 'live' variables (eg. player position) and including the code from that article to make the browser auto-update.

thx james i use this !

This is epicly awesome. Thanks a ton for sharing this! :D

unfortunately its not working for videos if u have a ipod / iphone as client.
maybe the streaming method isnt "apple" like

Oh my god! I can't believe I've missed this!

Any further progress with "live" variables? This could be an excellent tuning/debugging console. It could even be used as an editor/configurator!

This is really exciting. Going to try it as soon as I get home.

Any further progress with "live" variables? This could be an excellent tuning/debugging console. It could even be used as an editor/configurator!

good point!

Nice work!


All it does is crash when you point a browser at it.

Sorry to rehash an old thread, but I have been modifying the code to work with PHP. This is the process:
Check if the extension is PHP, if so, System_("php.exe -f filename > output path/filename")
Problem is, php outputs to the standard IO buffer, not the file. It should be working somehow, I have tried CreateProcess (pub.FreeProcess), I have tried OpenUrl, but System_ seems like the best way to go about this.
It (PHP) does not output the file as it should. Is this a PHP problem, or a Windows bug (yes I said bug, not problem), or a BMax Problem? (Or am I just doing it wrong?)
I would post my code, but I do not know how to insert code properly in the frame and such. :)
Thanks in advance!

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