Code archives/Networking/Download file

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Download source code

Download file by bytecode772008
Unlike BlitzGet Deluxe this download routine is faster, because it downloads 4 KB blocks instead of byte-per-byte.
It also supports automatic redirects as well as chunked transfer encoding, which is required to download php/css files.
0 byte sized files will not be threaded like they don't exist.
Graphics 640, 480, 32, 2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

;Download a normal file (easy)
Print Download("")

;Download a php file, which is chunked!
Print Download("", "", "")

;A download which will be redirected, which is also chunked!
Print Download("", "", "index.html")

Print ""
Print "Done."
Print "What the download function returned is printed on the screen."
Print "0 = download failed"
Print "1 = download successful"


;link$      - The link. You may enter the link just like you enter it
;             in your browser. Very tolerant. No http:// required.
;savepath$  - The path where the file should be saved
;savefile$  - The filename of the saved file. When given "", it will
;             be named like the file in the link$.

Function Download(link$, savepath$ = "", savefile$ = "")
;Strip protocol and return false if not "http"
inst = Instr(link$, "://")
If inst Then
	If Lower(Trim(Left(link$, inst - 1))) <> "http" Then Return False
	link$ = Right(link$, Len(link$) - inst - 2)

;Seperate host from link
inst = Instr(link$, "/")
If inst = 0 Then Return False
host$ = Trim(Left(link$, inst - 1))
link$ = Trim(Right(link$, Len(link$) - inst + 1))

;Seperate path and file from the link
For i = Len(link$) To 1 Step -1
	If Mid(link$, i, 1) = "/" Then
		link_path$ = Trim(Left(link$, i))
		link_file$ = Right(link$, Len(link$) - i)
If link_file$ = "" Then Return False
If savefile$ = "" Then savefile$ = link_file$

;Open TCP stream
tcp = OpenTCPStream(host$, 80)
If tcp = 0 Then Return False
WriteLine tcp, "GET " + link_path$ + link_file$ + " HTTP/1.1" + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + "Host: " + host$ + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + "User-Agent: Download_Function_By_bytecode77" + Chr(13) + Chr(10)

;Download file
l$ = ReadLine(tcp)
inst1 = Instr(l$, " ")
inst2 = Instr(l$, " ", inst1 + 1)
num = Mid(l$, inst1, inst2 - inst1)
Select num
	Case 200
		conlen = -1
		chunk = False
			l$ = Trim(ReadLine(tcp))
			If l$ = "" Then Exit
			inst = Instr(l$, ":")
			l1$ = Trim(Left(l$, inst - 1))
			l2$ = Trim(Right(l$, Len(l$) - inst))
			Select Lower(l1$)
				Case "content-length"
					conlen = l2$
				Case "transfer-encoding"
					If Lower(l2$) = "chunked" Then chunk = True
			End Select
		If conlen = 0 Then
			file = WriteFile(savepath$ + savefile$)
			CloseFile file
			CloseTCPStream tcp
			Return True
		ElseIf conlen > 0 Then
			file = WriteFile(savepath$ + savefile$)
			bnk = CreateBank(4096)
			pos = 0
				avail = conlen - pos
				If avail > 4096 Then
					ReadBytes bnk, tcp, 0, 4096
					WriteBytes bnk, file, 0, 4096
					pos = pos + 4096
					ReadBytes bnk, tcp, 0, avail
					WriteBytes bnk, file, 0, avail
			FreeBank bnk
			CloseFile file
			CloseTCPStream tcp
			Return True
		ElseIf chunk Then
			file = WriteFile(savepath$ + savefile$)
			bnk = CreateBank(4096)
				l$ = Trim(Upper(ReadLine(tcp)))
				ln = 0
				For i = 1 To Len(l$)
					ln = 16 * ln + Instr("123456789ABCDEF", Mid$(l$, i, 1))
				If ln = 0 Then Exit
				If BankSize(bnk) < ln Then ResizeBank bnk, ln
				ReadBytes bnk, tcp, 0, ln
				WriteBytes bnk, file, 0, ln
			FreeBank bnk
			CloseFile file
			CloseTCPStream tcp
			Return True
			CloseTCPStream tcp
			Return False
	Case 301, 302
			l$ = Trim(ReadLine(tcp))
			If l$ = "" Then Exit
			inst = Instr(l$, ":")
			l1$ = Trim(Left(l$, inst - 1))
			l2$ = Trim(Right(l$, Len(l$) - inst))
			Select Lower(l1$)
				Case "location"
					CloseTCPStream tcp
					Return Download(l2$, savepath$, savefile$)
			End Select
		CloseTCPStream tcp
		Return False
End Select
End Function


Hey this stuff is usefull..

i added some extra thing just in case somthing hapends while downloading file..

Function checkstream(stream)
If Eof(stream)<=-1

RuntimeError "Cowabonga lost connection.. download failed"
End If

End Function

Going from intermediate coder to expert. Many directions. marginal gains possible with two of my projects, however at this stage they were on the back-burner for 1 year. persistent error. Even just sharing that i have a problem may help my attitude. So, this looked like the best place to start. Happy Easter!

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