Code archives/Networking/getSubnetMask() & getBroadcastAddress()

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getSubnetMask() & getBroadcastAddress() by Jeremy Alessi2007
This combo adds getSubnetMask() to Blitz3D via a .dll and userlib that I wrote in Visual C++ and additionally adds a getBroadcastAddress() function written in Blitz which can be used to ping a LAN of any network class type.

I originally created this to "fix" BlitzPlay which is limited to a class-C network assumption and additionally doesn't even use the broadcast address for that assumption but instead pings 255 ip addresses. With this code multiplayer LAN searches can be conducted instantly on any network class.

Here's a link to the .dll/userlib

There's a onesComplement() function included as well which is used in the getBroadcastAddress() function.
Function getBroadcastAddress$( ip$ )

	subnetMask$ = getSubnetMask()

	bank = CreateBank( 4 )
	byte$ = ""
	j = 1
	For i = 0 To 3
		byte = ""
		While Mid( subnetMask$, j, 1 ) <> "." And j < Len( subnetMask$ )
			byte$ = byte$ + Mid( subnetMask$, j, 1 )
			j = j + 1
		j = j + 1
		PokeByte( bank, i, byte$ )
	onesComplement( bank, 0, 4 )
	bank2 = CreateBank( 4 )
	byte$ = ""
	j = 1
	For i = 0 To 3
		byte$ = ""
		While Mid( ip$, j, 1 ) <> "." And j < Len( ip$ )
			byte$ = byte$ + Mid( ip$, j, 1 )
			j = j + 1
		j = j + 1
		PokeByte( bank2, i, byte$ )
	bank3 = CreateBank( 4 )
	For i = 0 To 3
		PokeByte( bank3, i, ( PeekByte( bank, i ) Or PeekByte( bank2, i ) ) )
	broadcastAddress$ = ( PeekByte( bank3, 0 ) + "." + PeekByte( bank3, 1 ) + "." + PeekByte( bank3, 2) + "." + PeekByte( bank3, 3 ) )

	FreeBank( bank )
	FreeBank( bank2 )
	FreeBank( bank3 )
	Return broadcastAddress$

End Function


Do you have an example for this?

What do you put in the parameter for getBroadcastAddress(ip$) ?

Hey this possibly solves what harass me since 1 month!
I'll let you know.

Search my posts on the forum to see what I mean.

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