Code archives/Networking/BlitzMax ConvertIP function

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BlitzMax ConvertIP function by *2007
This function will convert a string IP something like "" to its integer equivalent.

The original Blitz3d function was created by Perturbatio
Function ConvertIP:Int( sIPAddress:String )	'pass IP as a String e.g. ""

	Local iIP:Int
	Local iDotPos:Int = 0
	Local iOldDotPos:Int = 0
	Local strTemp:String
	Local Counter:Int = 3

	While Counter > 0 
		iOldDotPos = iDotPos
		iDotPos = Instr(sIPAddress, ".", iOldDotPos+1)
		strTemp = Mid(sIPAddress,iOldDotPos + 1, (iDotPos - iOldDotPos)-1)
		iIP = iIP + (Int( strTemp ) Shl (Counter * 8))
		Counter = Counter - 1

	strTemp = Right(sIPAddress, (Len(sIPAddress) - iDotPos) )
	iIP = iIP + (Int( strTemp ) Shl 0)	

	Return iIP 
End Function


Local IP = HostIP("")


This will convert ANY ip address

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