Code archives/Networking/GNet (1.16) sample

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GNet (1.16) sample by WendellM2006
Since 1.16 changed how GNet works, I put together this very simple MaxGUI example to explore how it works. It's minimal: just updating a pair of ints and strings with no provision for messaging. But if you're looking for a barebones starting point to explore GNet, it might be helpful.

Build it then start the compiled .exe twice: first as host and then as client. You should then be able to change local values in either window and see them updated in the remote section of the other.
'by Wendell Martin - Mar. 11, 2006


'initialize GNet (both are "hosts" but somebody's gotta "dial up," and that's the "client")
Local hosting = Proceed( "Do you want to be host? (No = be client, Cancel = end)" )
If hosting = -1 Then End
Local host:TGNetHost = CreateGNetHost()
Local port = 1234 ' users would normally choose one allowed through their firewall
Local address$ = ""' loopback IP address for testing host & client on same machine
Local timeout_ms = 10000 ' client has 10 seconds to connect to host

' initialize host or client
Local success
If hosting Then
	success = GNetListen( host, port )
	If Not success Then RuntimeError "GNetListen failed"
	success = GNetConnect( host, address$, port, timeout_ms )
	If Not success Then RuntimeError "GNetConnect failed"

' create local and remote GNet objects
Local localObj:TGNetObject = CreateGNetObject:TGNetObject( host )
Local remoteObj:TGNetObject
Local objList:TList = New TList ' list of received, remote objects

' Host GUI goes at upper-left, Client one to its right.
Local name$, x, y
If hosting Then
	name$ = "Host"
	x = 10
	y = 10
	name$ = "Client"
	x = 500
	y = 10
Local win:TGadget = CreateWindow( name$, x,y, 400,300 )
CreateLabel( "LOCAL:", 10,10, 50,20, win )
CreateLabel( "int:", 10,30, 30,20, win )
Local localTxt0:TGadget = CreateTextField( 40,30, 50,20, win )
CreateLabel( "txt:", 10,60, 30,20, win )
Local localTxt1:TGadget = CreateTextField( 40,60, 100,20, win )
CreateLabel( "REMOTE:", 10,90, 50,20, win )
CreateLabel( "int:", 10,110, 30,20, win )
Local remoteTxt0:TGadget = CreateTextField( 40,110, 50,20, win )
CreateLabel( "txt:", 10,140, 30,20, win )
Local remoteTxt1:TGadget = CreateTextField( 40,140, 100,20, win )


	Delay 10 ' allow other apps some cycles to minimize CPU use

	'update local GNet object with any local  changes 
	SetGNetInt localObj, 0, Int( TextFieldText(localTxt0) )
	SetGNetString localObj, 1, TextFieldText(localTxt1)
	GNetSync host ' send to other instance & get updates
	' Only a single object will be returned in this example, but more-advanced checking
	' would be needed to separate out messages and deal with multiple GNet objects in a
	' more-advanced app
	objList = GNetObjects( host, GNET_MODIFIED )
	For remoteObj = EachIn objList
		SetGadgetText remoteTxt0, GetGNetInt( remoteObj, 0 )
		SetGadgetText remoteTxt1, GetGNetString( remoteObj, 1 )



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