Code archives/Networking/HTTP Poster

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HTTP Poster by Andres2005
Ever needed to post many posts at a time on a website? Here's the solution. Just fill in the header caps and then variable names and their contents and finally press "Start".
This app supports only POST method posting.
Global MainWindow = CreateWindow("HTTP Poster", ClientWidth(Desktop()) / 2 - 250 / 2, ClientHeight(Desktop()) / 2 - 430 / 2, 250, 430, Desktop(), 1)
AppTitle "HTTP Poster"

Global Stream = False
Global Progress = False
Global Post$ = ""
Global tries = 0
Global VariableCount = 16
Dim PostData(VariableCount, 4)
Global Timer = CreateTimer(1000)

CreateLabel("Server:", 5, 8, 40, 15, MainWindow)
Global ServerField = CreateTextField(45, 5, 100, 20, MainWindow)
CreateLabel("Port:", 160, 8, 25, 15, MainWindow)
Global PortField = CreateTextField(185, 5, ClientWidth(MainWindow) - 190, 20, MainWindow)
CreateLabel("URL:", 5, 33, 30, 15, MainWindow)
Global URLField = CreateTextField(45, 30, ClientWidth(MainWindow) - 50, 20, MainWindow)
CreateLabel("Host:", 5, 58, 30, 15, MainWindow)
Global HostField = CreateTextField(45, 55, ClientWidth(MainWindow) - 50, 20, MainWindow)
CreateLabel("Header:", 5, 83, 38, 15, MainWindow)
Global HeaderField = CreateTextArea(45, 80, ClientWidth(MainWindow) - 50, 32, MainWindow, 1)
CreateLabel("Delay:", 5, 118, 30, 15, MainWindow)
Global DelayField = CreateTextField(45, 116, 50, 20, MainWindow)
CreateLabel("Count:", 110, 118, 30, 15, MainWindow)
Global CountField = CreateTextField(145, 116, 50, 20, MainWindow)
Global ProgressLabel = CreateLabel("Progress...", 5, ClientHeight(MainWindow) - 24, ClientWidth(MainWindow) - 65, 18, MainWindow, 3)

CreateLabel("Post data:", 5, 145, 50, 15, MainWindow)
PostPanel = CreatePanel(5, 160, ClientWidth(MainWindow) - 10, ClientHeight(MainWindow) - 190, MainWindow, 1)
Global Slider = CreateSlider(ClientWidth(PostPanel) - 18, 0, 18, ClientHeight(PostPanel), PostPanel, 2)

For i = 0 To VariableCount - 1
	PostData(i, 1) = CreateLabel("Var #" + (i + 1) + ":", 5, 8 + i * 62, 50, 15, PostPanel)
	PostData(i, 2) = CreateTextField(55, 5 + i * 62, 100, 20, PostPanel)
	PostData(i, 3) = CreateLabel("Content:", 5, 33 + i * 62, 50, 15, PostPanel)
	PostData(i, 4) = CreateTextArea(55, 30 + i * 62, 150, 32, PostPanel, 1)

Global Button = CreateButton("Start", ClientWidth(MainWindow) - 55, ClientHeight(MainWindow) - 25, 50, 20, MainWindow)

SetSliderRange Slider, ClientHeight(PostPanel), VariableCount * 62 + 10

SetGadgetText PortField, "80"
SetGadgetText DelayField, "500"
SetGadgetText CountField, "100"

	If Progress
		If tries < Int(TextFieldText(CountField))
			If TimerTicks(Timer) => Int(TextFieldText(DelayField))
				If Not Eof(Stream)
					WriteLine Stream, Post$
					tries = tries + 1
					SetGadgetText ProgressLabel, "Try: " + tries + "/" + TextFieldText(CountField) + "  Sent: " + ConvertBytes(tries * (Len(Post$) + 2))
					;Clear buffer
					avail = ReadAvail(Stream)
					For i = 1 To avail:ReadByte(Stream):Next
					Progress = False
				ResetTimer Timer
			Progress = False

Function Events(wait)
	Select WaitEvent(wait)
		Case $401
			Select EventSource()
				Case Slider
					For i = 0 To VariableCount - 1
						y = SliderValue(Slider)
						SetGadgetShape PostData(i, 1), 5, 8 + i * 62 - y, 50, 15
						SetGadgetShape PostData(i, 2), 55, 5 + i * 62 - y, 100, 20
						SetGadgetShape PostData(i, 3), 5, 33 + i * 62 - y, 50, 15
						SetGadgetShape PostData(i, 4), 55, 30 + i * 62 - y, 150, 32
				Case Button
					Progress = 1 - Progress
			End Select
		Case $803
			FreeGadget MainWindow
	End Select
End Function

Function StartProgress()
	If progress
		Stream = OpenTCPStream(TextFieldText(ServerField), TextFieldText(PortField))
		If Stream
			DisableGadget ServerField
			DisableGadget PortField
			DisableGadget URLField
			DisableGadget HostField
			DisableGadget HeaderField
			DisableGadget DelayField
			DisableGadget CountField
			For i = 0 To VariableCount - 1
				DisableGadget PostData(i, 2)
				DisableGadget PostData(i, 4)
			SetGadgetText Button, "Stop"
			tries = 0
			sent = 0
			PostLine$ = ""
			For i = 0 To VariableCount - 1
				If Not TextFieldText(PostData(i, 2)) = ""
					If Len(PostLine$) > 0 Then PostLine$ = PostLine$ + "&"
					PostLine$ = PostLine$ + WebCompatible(TextFieldText(PostData(i, 2))) + "=" + WebCompatible(TextAreaText(PostData(i, 4)))
			Post$ = "POST " + TextFieldText(URLField) + " HTTP/1.1" + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
			Post$ = Post$ + "Host: " + TextFieldText(HostField) + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
			Post$ = Post$ + "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)" + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
			If Right$(TextAreaText(HeaderField), 2) = Chr(13) + Chr(10) Then Post$ = Post$ + TextAreaText(HeaderField) Else Post$ = Post$ + TextAreaText(HeaderField) + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
			Post$ = Post$ + "Content-Length: " + Len(PostLine$) + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
			Post$ = Post$ + "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
			Post$ = Post$ + "Connection: Keep-Alive" + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
			Post$ = Post$ + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
			Post$ = Post$ + PostLine$
			Notify "Unable to connect to " + TextFieldText(ServerField) + ":" + TextFieldText(PortField)
			Progress = False
		EnableGadget ServerField
		EnableGadget PortField
		EnableGadget URLField
		EnableGadget HostField
		EnableGadget HeaderField
		EnableGadget DelayField
		EnableGadget CountField
		For i = 0 To VariableCount - 1
			EnableGadget PostData(i, 2)
			EnableGadget PostData(i, 4)
		SetGadgetText Button, "Start"
		If Stream CloseTCPStream Stream
		Stream = False
End Function

Function WebCompatible$(address$)
	For i = 1 To Len(address$)
		char = Asc(Mid$(address$, i, 1))
		If Encode(char)
			result$ = result$ + "%" + Right$(Hex(char), 2)
			result$ = result$ + Chr(char)
	Return result$
End Function

Function Encode(code)
	If code =< 31 Or code => 127 Then Return True
	Select code
		Case 36, 38, 43, 44, 47, 58, 59, 61, 63, 64, 32, 91, 93
			Return True
		Case 34, 60, 35, 37, 123, 125, 124, 92, 94, 126, 96
			Return True
			Return False
	End Select
End Function

Function ConvertBytes$(bytes)
	If bytes > 1024^2
		txt$ = Int(Float bytes / 1024^2) + " MB"
	ElseIf bytes > 1024
		txt$ = Int(Float bytes / 1024) + " KB"
		txt$ = bytes + " B"
	Return txt$
End Function



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