Code archives/Networking/FTP Using WinInet Userlib Functions

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FTP Using WinInet Userlib Functions by turtle17762005
This program uses the Windows Internet (WinInet) userlib to access FTP sites and transfer files. WinInet functions seem to be faster and more reliable than the TCP/IP alternatives using the native Blitz OpenTCPStream() command.
;WinInet FTP Functions
;By Patrick Lester (turtle1776)

;This program uses the Windows Internet (WinInet) userlib to access FTP sites and transfer files. 
;WinInet functions seem to be faster and more reliable than the TCP/IP alternatives using the 
;native Blitz OpenTCPStream() command.

;The list of functions can be found below in both the decls list and below that, where it says
;"Working WinInet Functions."  These functions are used in the following, very simple FTP
;program. Obviously, a nicer Windows program, complete with bells and whistles, could be
;created with the basic elements included here.


;Add to decls file
;.lib "wininet.dll"
;FtpDeleteFile%(hFTPSession%,lpszFileName$) : "FtpDeleteFileA"
;FtpFindFirstFile%(hFTPSession%,lpszFileName$,lpFindFileData*,dwFlags%,dwContext%) : "FtpFindFirstFileA"
;FtpRemoveDirectory%(hFTPSession%,lpszDirectory$) : "FtpRemoveDirectoryA"
;FtpRenameFile%(hFTPSession%,lpszExisting$,lpszNew$) : "FtpRenameFileA"
;FtpSetCurrentDirectory%(hFTPSession%,lpszDirectory$) : "FtpSetCurrentDirectoryA"
;InternetConnect%(hInternet%, ServerName$, ServerPort%, Username$, Password$, Service%, Flags%,  dwContext%):"InternetConnectA"
;InternetFindNextFile%(hInternet%,lpvFindData*) : "InternetFindNextFileA"
;InternetOpen%(Agent$, AccessType%, ProxyName%, ProxyBypass%, Flags%):"InternetOpenA"
;InternetGetLastResponseInfo%(lpdwError*,lpszBuffer*,lpdwBufferLength*) : "InternetGetLastResponseInfoA"

;.lib "kernel32.dll"
;GetLastError%() : "GetLastError"

;Constants, globals, and types
Const succeeded = 1, failed = -1
Const FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_ASCII = 1 ;Used by FtpPutFile and FtpGetFile functions.
Const FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY = 2 ;Used by FtpPutFile and FtpGetFile functions.
Const ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES = 18 ;Used by FtpFindFirstFile
Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = $80; = 128 -- Used by FtpGetFile function.
Const INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD = $80000000 ;Used by FtpFindFirstFile
Global ghFTPSession, ghInternet, gCurrentDirectory$
Type FTPFile 
	Field directory$
	Field fileName$
	Field typeOfFile	
	Field sizeofFile ;in bytes
End Type

;Full Program: Open, run and close FTP Session

;WORKING WININET FUNCTIONS: These functions are actually used elsewhere in the program.
;They are listed here so you can see what they look like all in one place.

;Functions that open and close FTP session (used by OpenFTPSession and CloseFTPSession)
hInternet = InternetOpen("...", 0, 0, 0, 0)
ghFTPSession = InternetConnect(hInternet ,"",21,login$,password$,1,$08000000,0)
result = InternetCloseHandle(ghFTPSession) 
result = InternetCloseHandle(hInternet) 

;File functions
result = FtpDeleteFile(ghFTPSession,file$)
result = FtpGetFile (ghFTPSession,remoteFile$,localFile$,0,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY,0)
result = FTPGetFileList(directory$)
result = FtpPutFile (ghFTPSession,localFile$,remoteFile$,FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY,0)
result = FtpRenameFile(ghFTPSession,existingFile$,newFileName$) ;also renames directories

;Directory functions
result = FtpCreateDirectory%(ghFTPSession%,directory$)
directory$ = FTPGetCurrDirectory$()
result = FtpRemoveDirectory(ghFTPSession,directory$)
result = FtpSetCurrentDirectory(ghFTPSession,directory$)

error = GetLastError()


;This function runs the FTP session until the user exits by typing 'x'
Function RunFTPSession(host$,user$,password$)

	Print "Connecting to FTP server at "+ host$ + " ... (please wait)"
	If OpenFTPSession(host$,user$,password$) = failed
		error = GetLastError()
		Print "Error opening FTP session. Error = " + GetError(error)
		Print "Finished. Sorry."
	End If
	gCurrentDirectory$ = FTPGetCurrDirectory$()
	If FTPGetFileList() = succeeded Then PrintRemoteFileList()

		myinput$ = Input$("Next Action (type h for help, x to exit program): ")
		Print " "	
		;Process user input
		If myInput$ = "x" Or myInput$ = "X" Then Exit
		;Get and print current directory and current file list.
		gCurrentDirectory$ = FTPGetCurrDirectory$() 
		If FTPGetFileList() = succeeded
			error = GetLastError()
			Print "Error listing files. Error = " + GetError(error)			
		End If
		If myinput$ = "h" Then PrintHelp()	
	Print "Closing FTP session ... (please wait)"
End Function

;This function conducts various actions based on what the user types in.
;This function illustrates how to access most of the WinInet functions.
Function ProcessUserInput(myinput$)
	If myinput$ = ".." ;go up one level	
		If gCurrentDirectory$ = "/" Then Return		
			SecondToLastSlash = lastSlash 
			lastSlash = x
			x = Instr (gCurrentDirectory$, "/",lastSlash+1)
		Until x = 0
		newDirectory$ = Left (gCurrentDirectory$, SecondToLastSlash) 
		If newDirectory$ = "" Then newDirectory$ = "/"
		result = FtpSetCurrentDirectory(ghFTPSession,newDirectory$)	
		If result = 1 Return succeeded
		If result <> 1 
			error = GetLastError()
			Print "Failed. Error = " + GetError(error)
		End If		
	;Get (download) a file	
	Else If myinput$ = "g"	
		remoteFile$ = Input$("Type a file in current directory listed above or x to cancel: ")
		If remoteFile$ = "" Or remoteFile$ = "x" Then Return
		transfer$ = Input$("Transfer in binary mode? If not sure, answer yes. If you answer no, it will be an ASCII transfer. (y/n): ")		
		If Left (transfer$, 1) = "n" Or Left (transfer$, 1) = "N" 
			transferType = FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_ASCII 
			Print "ASCII transfer"		
			Print "Binary transfer."
		End If	
		downloadToC$ = Input$("Download to C:\ drive? (y/n): ")
		If downloadToC$ = "" Or downloadToC$ = "y" Or downloadToC$ = "yes"
			localFile$ = "C:\"+remoteFile$
			remoteFile$ = gCurrentDirectory$+remoteFile$ 
			result = FtpGetFile (ghFTPSession,remoteFile$,localFile$,0,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,transferType,0)
			If result = 1 Then Print "Succeeded"
			If result <> 1 
				error = GetLastError()
				Print "Failed. Error = " + GetError(error)
			End If	
			localDirectory$ = Input$("Please type the full path to the local directory: ")
			If Right$(localDirectory$,1) <> "\" And Right$(localDirectory$,1) <> "/"
				localDirectory$ = localDirectory$+"\"
			End If	
			localFile$ = localDirectory$+remoteFile$
			remoteFile$ = gCurrentDirectory$+remoteFile$ 
			result = FtpGetFile (ghFTPSession,remoteFile$,localFile$,0,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,transferType,0)			
			If result = 1 Then Print "Succeeded"
			If result <> 1 
				error = GetLastError()
				Print "Failed. Error = " + GetError(error)
			End If	
		End If	
	;Put (upload) a file	
	Else If myInput$ = "p"	
		localFile$ = Input$("Type a local file starting with C:\ to upload it to this directory (or press x to cancel): ")
		If localFile$ = "" Or localFile$ = "x" Then Return
		remoteFile$ = gCurrentDirectory$+GetFileName$(localFile$)
		transfer$ = Input$("Transfer in binary mode? If not sure, answer yes. If you answer no, it will be an ASCII transfer. (y/n): ")		
		If Left (transfer$, 1) = "n" Or Left (transfer$, 1) = "N" 
			transferType = FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_ASCII 
			Print "ASCII transfer"		
			Print "Binary transfer."
		End If	
		result = FtpPutFile (ghFTPSession,localFile$,remoteFile$,transferType,0)
		If result = 1 Then Print "Succeeded"
		If result <> 1 
			error = GetLastError()
			Print "Failed. Error = " + GetError(error)
		End If	
	;Delete a file
	Else If myInput$ = "d"		
		remoteFile$ = Input$("Type a file in current directory listed above or x to cancel: ")
		If remoteFile$ = "" Or remoteFile$ = "x" Then Return
		remoteFile$ = gCurrentDirectory$+remoteFile$
		result = FtpDeleteFile(ghFTPSession,remoteFile$)
		If result = 1 Then Print "Succeeded"
		If result <> 1 
			error = GetLastError()
			Print "Failed. Error = " + GetError(error)
		End If	

	;Rename a file or directory
	Else If myInput$ = "r"	
		existingFile$ = Input$("Type a file in current directory listed above or x to cancel: ")
		If existingFile$ = "" Or existingFile$ = "x" Then Return
		existingFile$ = gCurrentDirectory$+existingFile$		
		newFileName$ = Input$("Type a new name or x to cancel: ")
		If newFileName$ = "" Or newFileName$ = "x" Then Return
		newFileName$ = gCurrentDirectory$+newFileName$			
		result = FtpRenameFile(ghFTPSession,existingFile$,newFileName$)
		If result = 1 Then Print "Succeeded"
		If result <> 1 
			error = GetLastError()
			Print "Failed. Error = " + GetError(error)
		End If		

	;Create a directory
	Else If myInput$ = "cd"	
		newDirectory$ = Input$("Type a subdirectory name or x to cancel: ")
		If newDirectory$ = "" Or newDirectory$ = "x" Then Return
		newDirectory$ = gCurrentDirectory$+newDirectory+"/"
		result = FtpCreateDirectory%(ghFTPSession%,newDirectory$)
		If result = 1 Then Print "Succeeded"
		If result <> 1 
			error = GetLastError()
			Print "Failed. Error = " + GetError(error)
		End If		
	;Delete a directory
	Else If myInput$ = "dd"	
		directory$ = Input$("Type a subdirectory to delete or x to cancel: ")
		If directory$ = "" Or directory$ = "x" Then Return
		directory$ = gCurrentDirectory$+directory+"/"
		result = FtpRemoveDirectory(ghFTPSession,directory$)
		If result = 1 Then Print "Succeeded"
		If result <> 1 
			error = GetLastError()
			Print "Failed. Error = " + GetError(error)
		End If	

	;Stop in debug mode
	Else If myInput$ = "s"
	;Printing help.
	Else If myInput$ = "h"
		;do nothing, handled in RunFTPSession() function
	;Check to see if the user typed in a subdirectory name. If so, open it.						
		For ftpfile.ftpfile = Each ftpfile
			If ftpfile\fileName$ = myinput$
				If ftpfile\typeOfFile = 2
					fullFile$ = gCurrentDirectory$ + myinput$
					result = FtpSetCurrentDirectory(ghFTPSession,fullFile$)
				End If
				Return succeeded
			End If
		Print "No such subdirectory. Press h for help."
		Return failed 
	End If	
End Function

;This function opens an FTP session
Function OpenFTPSession(domain$,login$,password$)
	ghInternet = InternetOpen("...", 0, 0, 0, 0)
	If Not ghInternet Then Return failed
	ghFTPSession = InternetConnect(ghInternet,domain$,21,login$,password$,1,$08000000,0)	
	If Not ghFTPSession Then Return failed
	Return succeeded
End Function 

;This function closes the current FTP session
Function CloseFTPSession()
End Function 

;This function returns the current directory with a trailing slash /
Function FTPGetCurrDirectory$()	
	lpNeededLength = CreateBank(4)
	PokeInt lpNeededLength,0,200	
	lpCurrentDirectory = CreateBank(256) ;needs to be big enough to handle the string
	If FtpGetCurrentDirectory%(ghFTPSession,lpCurrentDirectory,lpNeededLength) = succeeded	
		If Right$(currentDirectory$,1) <> "/" Then currentDirectory$ = currentDirectory$+"/"
	End If	
	FreeBank lpNeededLength : FreeBank lpCurrentDirectory
	Return currentDirectory$
End Function

;This function iterates through the file in a given FTP directory
;and stores the file information in a type called ftpfile, which 
;contains the file's directory, filename, type (1 = directory, 2 = file),
;and size in bytes. If no directory is specified, the function will use
;the current directory.
Function FTPGetFileList(remoteDirectory$="")
	Delete Each ftpfile	
	If remoteDirectory$ = "" Then remoteDirectory$ = gCurrentDirectory$
	lpFindFileData = CreateBank (320) 
	hInternet = FtpFindFirstFile(ghFTPSession,remoteDirectory$,lpFindFileData,INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD,0)	
	If hInternet = 0 
		FreeBank lpFindFileData
		If GetLastError() = ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES Then Return succeeded ;no files or subdirectories
		Return failed	

	;Iterate through the files in the directory and store each in a type.
		ftpfile.ftpfile = New ftpfile	
		ftpfile\directory$ = remoteDirectory$
		ftpfile\fileName$ = ReadAPIString$(lpFindFileData,44)
		If PeekInt(lpFindFileData,0) = 16 Then ftpfile\typeOfFile = 2 ;directory (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
		If PeekInt(lpFindFileData,0) = 128 Then ftpfile\typeOfFile = 1 ;file (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)
		ftpfile\sizeofFile = PeekInt(lpFindFileData,32)	 ;nFileSizeLow is enough, accurate for files < 2.1 gigs (that's huge)	
	Until InternetFindNextFile(hInternet,lpFindFileData) = 0

	result = InternetCloseHandle(hInternet) 
	FreeBank lpFindFileData	
	Return succeeded
End Function
;Technical Note: File information returned in the lpFindFileData bank is in the 
;form of a WIN32_FIND_DATA structure. Data in this structure is in the following
;positions in the bank. See
	;0-3 = dwFileAttributes
	;4-11 = ftCreationTime;
	;8-19 = ftLastAccessTime;
	;20-27 = ftLastWriteTime;;
	;28-31 = nFileSizeHigh
	;32-35 = nFileSizeLow
	;36-39 = dwReserved0
	;40-43 = dwReserved1
	;44+ = null terminated file name

;This function extracts the file name from an url or local file.
Function GetFileName$(file$)
		x = Instr (file$, "\")
		file$ = Right (file$, Len (file$) - x) 
	Until x = 0
		x = Instr (file$, "/")
		file$ = Right (file$, Len (file$) - x) 
	Until x = 0	
	Return file$
End Function

;This function retrieves and translates common error codes. A complete
;list can be found here: 
Function GetError$(error)
	If error = 2 Then Return "ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND"
	If error = 3 Then Return "ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND"
	If error = 5 Then Return "ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED"
	If error = 18 Then Return "ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES"
	If error = 19 Then Return "ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT"
	If error = 87 Then Return "ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER"
		lpdwError = CreateBank (4)
		lpszBuffer = CreateBank (1000)
		lpdwBufferLength = CreateBank (4)
		PokeInt lpdwBufferLength,0,1001
		result = InternetGetLastResponseInfo(lpdwError,lpszBuffer,lpdwBufferLength) 
		If result = 1 Then errorString$="Extended error. " + ReadAPIString$(lpszBuffer) +" ("+PeekInt(lpdwError,0) + ")"
		If result = 0 Then errorString$="Extended error not returned. Error " + GetLastError()
		FreeBank lpdwError : FreeBank lpszBuffer : FreeBank lpdwBufferLength
		Return errorString$	
	End If
	If error = 12007 Then Return "ERROR_INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED "
	If error = 12013 Then Return "ERROR_INTERNET_INCORRECT_USER_NAME"
	If error = 12015 Then Return "ERROR_INTERNET_LOGIN_FAILURE"	
	If error = 12030 Then Return "Internet connection has been terminated." ;ERROR_INTERNET_CONNECTION_ABORTED
	If error = 12031 Then Return "ERROR_INTERNET_CONNECTION_RESET"
	If error = 12110 Then Return "ERROR_FTP_TRANSFER_IN_PROGRESS"	
	If error = 12111 Then Return "ERROR_FTP_DROPPED"
	If error = 12112 Then Return "ERROR_FTP_NO_PASSIVE_MODE"	
	Return "Undefined error " + error ;if none of the above is true, return the number
End Function

;This function reads a null-terminated string returned from API function
;to a given bank.  The offset parameter is used if the string is part of a
;larger data structure, as is the case when this function is called from 
;FTPGetFileList().  In that particular case, the string is stored in a larger
;data structure called WIN32_FIND_DATA.
Function ReadAPIString$(bank,offset=0)
	size = BankSize(bank)
	For x = offset To (size-1)
		If PeekByte(bank,x) = 0 Then Exit ;null terminator found
		myString$ = myString$ + Chr$(PeekByte(bank,x))
	Return myString$
End Function

;This function prints the file list obtained through FTPGetFileList.
Function PrintRemoteFileList()
	Print ""
	Print "================================"
	Print "CURRENT DIRECTORY = " + gCurrentDirectory$
	Print ""
	Print "Subdirectories"; 
	Print "-----------------"
	For ftpfile.ftpfile = Each ftpfile
		If ftpfile\typeOfFile = 2
			count = count + 1
			Print ftpfile\fileName$ + " (" + ftpfile\sizeofFile + " bytes)"
		End If	
	If count = 0 Then Print "None"	
	Print ""
	Print "Files in directory"
	Print "------------------"
	count = 0
	For ftpfile.ftpfile = Each ftpfile
		If ftpfile\typeOfFile = 1
			count = count + 1
			Print ftpfile\fileName$ + " (" + ftpfile\sizeofFile + " bytes)"
		End If
	If count = 0 Then Print "None"
	Print ""
End Function

;This function prints out the commands.
Function PrintHelp()
	Print ""
	Print "Commands"
	Print "-------------"
	Print "x = Exit program"
	Print "h = Help"
	Print "subdirectory name = Open subdirectory in current directory"
	Print ".. = Go up one directory level"
	Print "g = Get (download) a file."
	Print "p = Put (upload) a file"
	Print "d = Delete a file"
	Print "r = Rename a file or directory."
	Print "cd = Create a directory."
	Print "dd = Delete a directory (must be empty)."		
	Print ""
End Function


There is no CHMOD possible?? Otherwise the library is great and fast ;)

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