Code archives/Miscellaneous/GetWord$()

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GetWord$() by sswift2003
This function gets a specific word from a string. It defaults to defining spaces as the characters that divide words, but you can use the equal sign, or even BOTH equals AND space at the same time.

This makes it trivial to seperate "X = 10" into "X" and "10".

I wrote this specifically for that kind of usage. It's great for parsing input from a command line, or from a human readable/editable text file.

As you can see in the example, it finds the speficied word just fine even though the string starts out with a seperator character and has multiple and varying types of seperator between each of the words.
Print GetWord$(" ==Suck= it =down, ====monkeyf*ck!", 4, " =")

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This function gets a specific "word" from a string.
; A word is defined as a string of characters seperated by one or more seperator characters.
; The function defaults to using space as the seperator but you can make any character the seperator, and can even
; pass multiple seperators at the same time to the function like " =" so that all combinations of spaces and equal
; signs are treated as seperator characters.
; If you specify a word which is higher than the total number of words in the string then an empty string is
; returned.  
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function GetWord$(InputString$, WordNum, Seperators$=" ")

	FoundWord  = False
	WordsFound = 0

	; Loop through each character in the input string.
	For CharLoop = 1 To Len(InputString$)

		; Get the character at this location in the string.
		ThisChar$ = Mid$(InputString$, CharLoop, 1)

		; If the character at this position is one of the characters in the seperator list...
		If Instr(Seperators$, ThisChar$, 1)
			; If a word has been started...
			If FoundWord
				; ...then this character must mark the end of a word.

				; Increment the number of words we've found.
				WordsFound = WordsFound + 1

				; Is this word the word we want?
				If WordsFound = WordNum
					; Yes!  Exit the function and return the word.
					Return Word$
					; No.  Discard this word.
					Word$ = ""
					FoundWord = False
				; Ignore this character.  We have either not reached a word yet, or are between words.
			; This is not a character in our seperator list.  Add it to our word.
			FoundWord = True
			Word$ = Word$ + ThisChar$
	; We have finished looking through the string.  Was the last word we were on the one we were looking for?
	If (WordsFound+1) = WordNum

		; Yes! 
		; Return the word that at the end of the string which didn't have any seperators after it.
		Return Word$

		; No. 
		; The word number passed to the function was greater than the number of words in the string. 
		; Return an empty string.
		Return ""

End Function



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