Code archives/Miscellaneous/Zones Library

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Zones Library by Murilo2003
; Example Usage:

Include ""

Graphics 640,480

SetBuffer BackBuffer()

SetZoneCount 2
CreateZone 1,150,50,100,20
CreateZone 2,200,300,40,80

While KeyDown(1)=0
If MouseDown(2) Then DeleteZone 2
Color 255,255,0
For i% = 1 To gintZoneCount
Rect ZoneProperty(i, 1), ZoneProperty(i, 2), ZoneProperty(i, 3), ZoneProperty(i, 4), True
z% = MouseZone()
If z > 0 Then
Text 0, 0, "Zone:" + z
Text 0, 12, "X:" + ZoneProperty(z, 1)
Text 0, 24,"Y:" + ZoneProperty(z, 2)
Text 0, 36, "Width:" + ZoneProperty(z, 3)
Text 0, 48, "Height:" + ZoneProperty(z, 4)
Color 255, 0, 0
Rect ZoneProperty(z, 1), ZoneProperty(z, 2), ZoneProperty(z, 3), ZoneProperty(z, 4), True
End If
Plot MouseX(), MouseY()
VWait : Flip False


; Library:			Zones
; Version:			1.0

; Author:			Leigh Bowers
;				Based on material provided by GFK (I think), but heavily modified and enhanced.
; Email:
; Homepage:

; SetZoneCount	Set the maximum number of zones to use (reserves some memory). 
; CreateZone		Define a zone. Must be between 1 and the number specified in SetZoneCount 
; DeleteZone		Delete a zone. 
; FreeZones		Delete all zones and free up reserved memory. 
; MouseZone()		Returns the number of the zone the mouse pointer is in. 
; ZoneProperty()	Returns either the X, Y, Width or Height of the given zone number.
; Zone()			Return the number of the zone at given X and Y co-ordinates.

Global gintZoneBank%, gintZoneCount%

Function SetZoneCount(Num%) 
    gintZoneCount = Num
    gintZoneBank = CreateBank(gintZoneCount * 8) 
End Function 

Function CreateZone(pintZone%, pintX%, pintY%, pintWidth%, pintHeight%) 
    intBankPosition% = (pintZone - 1) * 8 
    PokeShort gintZoneBank, intBankPosition, pintX
    PokeShort gintZoneBank, intBankPosition + 2, pintY
    PokeShort gintZoneBank, intBankPosition + 4, pintWidth
    PokeShort gintZoneBank, intBankPosition + 6, pintHeight
End Function

Function ZoneProperty%(pintZone%, pintProperty%)
	; Property: 1 = X, 2 = Y, 3 = Width, 4 = Height
	intBankPosition% = (pintZone - 1) * 8
	Return PeekShort (gintZoneBank, intBankPosition + ((pintProperty - 1) * 2))
End Function 

Function DeleteZone(pintZone%) 
	intBankPosition% = (pintZone - 1) * 8
	PokeShort gintZoneBank, intBankPosition, 0
	PokeShort gintZoneBank, intBankPosition+ 2, 0
	PokeShort gintZoneBank, intBankPosition+ 4, 0
	PokeShort gintZoneBank, intBankPosition+ 6, 0
End Function

Function FreeZones() 
	gintZoneCount = 0
	FreeBank gintZoneBank 
End Function 

Function MouseZone%() 
	Return Zone(MouseX(), MouseY())
End Function

Function Zone%(pintX%, pintY%)

	intZoneNum% = 0

	intCurrentZone% = 0
	While ((intCurrentZone < gintZoneCount) And (intZoneNum = 0))
		intBankPosition% = intCurrentZone * 8 
		intX1% = PeekShort(gintZoneBank, intBankPosition) 
		intY1% = PeekShort(gintZoneBank, intBankPosition + 2) 
		intX2% = (intX1 + PeekShort(gintZoneBank, intBankPosition + 4))
		intY2% = (intY1 + PeekShort(gintZoneBank, intBankPosition + 6))
		If ((((pintX - intX1) Xor (pintX - intX2)) And ((pintY - intY1) Xor (pintY - intY2))) And $80000000) Then
			intZoneNum = intCurrentZone + 1
		End If 
		intCurrentZone = intCurrentZone + 1
	Return intZoneNum 

End Function



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