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Minimalist Date+Time type by Bobysait2015
This class allows to create date (date+time) stored with 2 integers and 1 short.
It does not rely on CurrentTime/CurrentDate, the date and time are reliable for any kind of purpose, the goal is to be able to create a game/application with its own time/date reference.
(many games scenarii are not happening on the machine time, and it's not always easy to manipulate both time and day easily ... so, here it is)

It has not been deeply tested, so, if you encounter any problem, just reply to this topic.

ps : It uses a lookup table to convert the day Identifier to a valid "day of the month" and back.
So it's pretty fast for using within a loop.

Type TTimeDate
	Global DAY_COUNT:Int[][]	=	[[0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31],[0,31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]];
	Global TABLE_DAYS:Int[][];
	Global TABLE_MONTHES:Int[][];
	Global TABLE_MAP_DAYS:Int[][][];
	Global TOSTR_DateSeparator:String="/";
	Global TOSTR_TimeSeparator:String=":";
	Global TOSTR_Separator:String = " - "
	Const MS_TO_SC:Int		=	1000;
	Const SC_TO_MN:Int		=	60;
	Const MN_TO_HR:Int		=	60;
	Const HR_TO_DA:Int		=	24;
	Const MS_TO_MN:Int		=	MS_TO_SC*SC_TO_MN;
	Const MS_TO_HR:Int		=	MS_TO_MN*MN_TO_HR;
	Const MS_TO_DA:Int		=	MS_TO_HR*HR_TO_DA;
	Function init_LookupTables()
			TABLE_DAYS			=	[New Int[365],New Int[366]];
			TABLE_MONTHES		=	[New Int[365],New Int[366]];
			TABLE_MAP_DAYS		=	[New Int[][13],New Int[][13]];
			Local d_offset_0:Int	=	0;
			Local d_offset_1:Int	=	0;
			For Local m:Int = 1 To 12
				TABLE_MAP_DAYS[0][m] = New Int[32];
				TABLE_MAP_DAYS[1][m] = New Int[32];
			For Local m:Int = 1 To 12
				For Local d:Int = 0 Until DAY_COUNT[0][m]
					TABLE_DAYS[0][d_offset_0+d]		=	d+1;
					TABLE_MONTHES[0][d_offset_0+d]	=	m;
					TABLE_MAP_DAYS[0][m][d+1]=	d_offset_0+d;
				d_offset_0 :+ DAY_COUNT[0][m];
				For Local d:Int = 0 Until DAY_COUNT[1][m]
					TABLE_DAYS[1][d_offset_1+d]		=	d+1;
					TABLE_MONTHES[1][d_offset_1+d]	=	m;
					TABLE_MAP_DAYS[1][m][d+1]=	d_offset_1+d;
				d_offset_1 :+ DAY_COUNT[1][m];
	End Function
	Function DayId:Int(year:Int, month:Int, day:Int)
		Return TABLE_MAP_DAYS[isBissextile(year)][month][day];
	End Function
	Field y:Int;	' year
	Field d:Short;	' day of the year
	Field m:Int;	' millisecs from the day
	' Create a time instance
	Function Create:TTimeDate()
		Local t:TTimeDate = New TTimeDate;
		t.y = 0; t.d = 0; t.m = 0;
		Return t;
	End Function
	' set the current date
	Method setDate(year:Int, month:Int, day:Int)
		Self.y = year;
		Self.d = TABLE_MAP_DAYS[bissextile()][month][day];
	End Method
	' set the current time
	Method setTime(hour:Int,minute:Int,second:Int,milliseconds:Int)
		Self.m = milliseconds + second*MS_TO_SC + minute * MS_TO_MN + hour * MS_TO_HR;
	End Method
	' set both date and time
	Method Set(year:Int, month:Int, day:Int, hour:Int,minute:Int,second:Int,milliseconds:Int)
		Self.y = year;
		Self.d = TABLE_MAP_DAYS[bissextile()][month][day];
		Self.m = milliseconds + second*MS_TO_SC + minute * MS_TO_MN + hour * MS_TO_HR;
	End Method
	' get the year
	Method getYr:Int() ; Return Self.y; End Method
	' get the global day id in the year ( in the range [0,day_per_year[ )
	Method getDayId:Int(); Return Self.d; End Method
	' get the global millisecond on the day (in the range [0,MS_TO_DAY[ )
	Method getMilliseconds:Int(); Return Self.m; End Method
	' get extracted month
	Method getMt:Int() ; Return TABLE_MONTHES[bissextile()][Self.d]; End Method
	' get extracted day of the month
	Method getDa:Int() ; Return TABLE_DAYS[bissextile()][Self.d]; End Method
	' get extracted hour of the day
	Method getHr:Int() ; Return Int ((Float(Self.m) / MS_TO_HR) Mod(HR_TO_DA)); End Method
	' get extracted minute ...
	Method getMn:Int() ; Return Int ((Float(Self.m) / MS_TO_MN) Mod(MN_TO_HR)); End Method
	' get extracted second
	Method getSc:Int() ; Return Int (Float(Self.m) / MS_TO_SC) Mod(SC_TO_MN); End Method
	' get extracted remaining milliseconds before the next second
	Method getMS:Int() ; Return Self.m Mod(MS_TO_SC); End Method
	' convert date+Time to a string
	Method ToString:String()
		Return	fYear	(getYr())+ TOSTR_DateSeparator	+..
				fMonth	(getMt())+ TOSTR_DateSeparator	+..
				fDay	(getDa())+ ..
				TOSTR_Separator +..
				fHour	(getHr()) + TOSTR_TimeSeparator +..
				fMinute	(getMn()) + TOSTR_TimeSeparator +..
				fSecond	(getSc()) + TOSTR_TimeSeparator +..
				fMillis	(getMs());
	End Method
	' increase day ID
	' @inc can be lower or higher than 0
	' if inc<0 then it decrease the day ID (day and year will be updated automatically if day<0 or day>'day_per_year')
	' bissextile years are considered.
	Method IncDa(inc:Int)
		Local yb:Int = 365+Self.bissextile();
		If inc>0
			While inc>0
				If inc+Self.d>=yb
					inc :- (yb-Self.d);
					Self.d = 0;
					Self.y :+ 1;
					yb = 365+Self.bissextile();
					Self.d :+ inc;
					inc = 0;
			While inc<0
				If inc+Self.d<0
					Self.y :- 1;
					yb = 365+Self.bissextile();
					inc :+ Self.d+1;
					Self.d = yb-1;
					Self.d :+ inc;
					inc = 0;
	End Method
	' increase milliseconds
	' @inc can be lower or higher than 0
	Method IncMs(inc:Int)
		If inc>0
			While inc>0
				If Self.m+inc>=MS_TO_DA
					inc :- (MS_TO_DA - Self.m);
					Self.m = 0;
					Self.m :+ inc;
					inc = 0;
			While inc<0
				If Self.m+inc<0
					inc :+ Self.m+1;
					Self.m = MS_TO_DA-1;
					Self.m :+ inc;
					inc = 0;
	End Method
	' increase hour, minute, second
	Method IncHr(inc:Int) ; Self.IncMs(inc*MS_TO_HR); End Method
	Method IncMn(inc:Int) ; Self.IncMs(inc*MS_TO_MN); End Method
	Method IncSc(inc:Int) ; Self.IncMs(inc*MS_TO_SC); End Method
	' returns true if the specified @year is bissextile
	Function isBissextile:Byte(year:Int)
		Return (year Mod(4))=0
	End Function
	' returns True if the TTimeDate instance' year is bissextile
	Method bissextile:Byte()
		Return (Self.y Mod(4))=0
	End Method
	'#region - Internal stuff -
	' formated string for date and time members
	Function fYear:String(yr:Int)
		If yr>=0
			Return "+"+Replace(RSet(yr,4)," ","0");
			Return "-"+Replace(RSet(Abs(yr),4)," ","0");
	End Function
	Function fMonth		:String(mt:Byte) ; Return Replace(RSet(mt,2)," ","0"); End Function
	Function fDay		:String(da:Byte) ; Return Replace(RSet(da,2)," ","0"); End Function
	Function fHour		:String(hr:Byte) ; Return Replace(RSet(hr,2)," ","0"); End Function
	Function fMinute	:String(mn:Byte) ; Return Replace(RSet(mn,2)," ","0"); End Function
	Function fSecond	:String(sc:Byte) ; Return Replace(RSet(sc,2)," ","0"); End Function
	Function fMillis	:String(ms:Short); Return Replace(RSet(ms,3)," ","0"); End Function
	'#end region
End Type

Local t:TTimeDate = TTimeDate.Create()
' set current date and time to 2015/12/29 at 15h32 10.85 sec (10.85 sec =10 sec + 850 ms)
t.Set(2015,12,29, 15,32,10,850);
Print t.ToString();

' remove 2016 years -> reach the year -1 ad
t.incDa( - ((365*3+366) * 504) );		' 3 times 365 + 1 time 366 = 4 years (*504 = 2016)
				Print t.ToString();
t.IncHr(8);		Print t.ToString();		' add 8 hours to the current time
t.IncMn(27);	Print t.ToString();		' add 27 minutes to the current time
t.IncSc(49);	Print t.ToString();		' etc ...
t.IncMs(150);	Print t.ToString();		' etc ...


Good, short, sweet code. Thanks for sharing ! And yes, dealing with the days of the month is a nightmare. I keep hoping in the future times and dates will go binary.

64 seconds a minute.
64 minutes an hour.
32 hours a day.
8 days a week.
32 days a month.
16 months a year.

Would be a lot easier to handle date data like this. :)

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