Code archives/Miscellaneous/Apple IIe Text Console

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Apple IIe Text Console by zoqfotpik2015
This is a coordinate-addressable text console for roguelikes and whatever other console display needs you might have. This is fast enough for just about any purpose but could be vastly sped up by getting rid of the cls statement, only plotting characters that changed in a given tick, and clearing each one by writing a black rectangle over it first. Further huge speedup could be had by using a pixmap draw like Derron's drawimagetoimage or something similar, which will cut down the number of screen draws to one (but not necessary if you are plotting only changes.)
' Quick and Dirty Text Display Console.  For roguelikes or whatever else you might
' want.

Graphics 1280,960
Global text:String[10000] 	' This is the text string.  It's not a 2D array to make it
							' easier to display actual readable strings but is addressable
							' by x and y with function plotchar.
Global textimage:TImage = New TImage

' The Apple IIe font as an image.
' Grab it here:  

textimage = LoadImage("applefont-wide.png")


' This is the order of characters as they appear in the font.  When drawing
' we use a text search to find where in the string the character is,
' then translate that into x and y coordinates so that we can clip
' the correct subimagerect out of the font bitmap for pasting.
Global fontstring$ = " !~q#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz(|}~~"
Global curkey$
Global cursorx=0
Global cursory=0

Function drawapplefontchar(a$,x:Int,y:Int)
	Local fontimagex:Int
	Local fontimagey:Int
	Local infontstring=fontstring.find(a$)
	If infontstring > -1 
		fontimagex = infontstring Mod 16
		fontimagey = infontstring / 16
	End Function

While Not KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE)
curkey = GetChar()
If curkey>0
	cursorx = cursorx + 1

For j = 0 To 30
For i = 0 To 80
drawapplefontchar text[curchar],i*16,j*32


For i = 0 To 10
plotchar(Chr(33+Rand(48)) ,Rand(80)-1,Rand(40)-1)

Function stringtotext(a$,num:Int)
	For Local i:Int = 0 To Len(a$)-1
End Function

Function plotchar(a$,x:Int,y:Int)
	text[y*80+x] = a
End Function

Function Distance#(x0#,y0#,x1#,y1#)
	Local dx# = x0-x1
	Local dy# = y0-y1
	Return Sqr(dx*dx + dy*dy)
End Function

Function DrawImageSubRect(Image:TImage, DrawX#, DrawY#, PartX#, PartY#, PartWidth#, PartHeight#, Frame# = 0)
' Not my code, someone else here did this a long time ago.  Draws a sub-rectangle of a given
' image to the screen.
	Local OldX:Int
	Local OldY:Int
	Local OldWidth:Int
	Local OldHeight:Int
	Local ViewportX:Int = DrawX
	Local ViewportY:Int = DrawY
	' Save current viewport settings
	GetViewport(OldX, OldY, OldWidth, OldHeight)
	' Calculate viewport coordinates based on image's handle	
	If Image.Handle_X Then
		Local PercentX:Float
		PercentX = Float(Image.Handle_X) / Float(Image.Width)
		ViewportX = DrawX - (PercentX * PartWidth)
	If Image.Handle_Y Then
		Local PercentY:Float
		PercentY = Float(Image.Handle_Y) / Float(Image.Height)
		ViewportY = DrawY - (PercentY * PartHeight)
	SetViewport(ViewportX, ViewportY, PartWidth, PartHeight)
	DrawImage(Image, DrawX-PartX, DrawY-PartY, Frame)
	' Restore old viewport settings
	SetViewport(OldX, OldY, OldWidth, OldHeight)
End Function


Brilliant post :)
Here's a slight different version that gives dynamic displays of different resolutions. It also allows for foreground and background colours!
' Quick and Dirty Text Display Console.  For roguelikes or whatever else you might want.


'size of the window
Global ScreenWidth:Int = 1280
Global ScreenHeight:Int = 960

Global TextX:Int = 40
Global TextY:Int = 25

Graphics ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight

Global vdu:TVdu = New TVdu
vdu.init(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, TextX, TextY)

While Not KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE)

	Local k:Int

	vdu.SetFcol(Rand(0,255), Rand(0,255), Rand(0,255))
	vdu.SetBcol(Rand(0,255), Rand(0,255), Rand(0,255))
	For k = 0 To 10
		vdu.plotchar(Chr(Rand(33,127)) ,Rand(0, TextX-1), Rand(0, TextY-1))


Type TVdu
	'size of the display (usually 800x40)
	Field TextXRes:Int
	Field TextYRes:Int
	Field TextXRes1:Int
	Field TextYRes1:Int
	Field TextMaxRes:Int
	Field TextWidth:Float
	Field TextHeight:Float
	'where we put the chars
	Field text:Int[]
	'where we put the colours
	Field fcol:Int[]
	Field bcol:Int[]
	field gFcol:Int
	field gBcol:Int
	'Load the font
	field textimage:TImage = New TImage

	Method Init(width:Int, height:Int, textx:Int, texty:int)
		TextXRes = textx
		TextYRes = texty
		TextXRes1 = TextXRes-1
		TextYRes1 = TextYRes-1
		TextMaxRes = TextXRes * TextYRes
		TextWidth = Float(Width) / Float(TextXRes)
		TextHeight = Float(Height) / Float(TextYRes)
		'redim the array to the new size
		text = text[..TextMaxRes+1]
		fCol = fCol[..TextMaxRes+1]
		bCol = bCol[..TextMaxRes+1]
	End Method
	Method FontInit(FontName:String)
		textimage = LoadImage(FontName)
	End Method

	method drawapplefontchar(char:Int, x:Int, y:Int)
		Local fontimagex:Int
		Local fontimagey:Int
		If char > -1 
			fontimagex = char Mod 16
			fontimagey = char Shr 4
		DrawSubImageRect textimage, x*TextWidth,y*TextHeight,TextWidth,TextHeight, fontimagex*16,64+fontimagey*32,16,32
	End method
	method DrawScreen()
		Local curchar:Int = 0
		Local x:Int
		Local y:Int
		Local fontimagex:Int
		Local fontimagey:Int
		Local xx:Float
		Local yy:Float
		For y = 0 To TextYRes1
			For x = 0 To TextXRes1
				If text[curchar] > -1 
					fontimagex = text[curchar] Mod 16
					fontimagey = text[curchar] Shr 4
					xx = x * TextWidth
					yy = y * TextHeight
					SetColor (Bcol[curchar] Shr 16) & 255, (Bcol[curchar] Shr 8) & 255, Bcol[curchar] & 255
					DrawRect xx,yy,TextWidth,TextHeight
					SetColor (Fcol[curchar] Shr 16) & 255, (Fcol[curchar] Shr 8) & 255, Fcol[curchar] & 255
					DrawSubImageRect textimage, xx,yy,TextWidth,TextHeight, fontimagex*16,64+fontimagey*32,16,32
				curchar = curchar + 1
	End method
	method plotchar(a$, x:Int, y:Int)
		Local pos:Int = (y * TextXRes) + x
		If pos < 0 Then
			pos = 0
		Else If pos > TextMaxRes Then
			pos = TextMaxRes
		End If
		text[pos] = Asc(a)
		fcol[pos] = gFcol
		bcol[pos] = gBcol
	End method
	method SetFCol(red:Int, green:Int, blue:Int)
		gFCol = ((red & 255) Shl 16) | ((green & 255) Shl 8) | (blue & 255)
	End method
	method SetBCol(red:Int, green:Int, blue:Int)
		gBCol = ((red & 255) Shl 16) | ((green & 255) Shl 8) | (blue & 255)
	End method
End Type

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