Code archives/Miscellaneous/Top down scrolling with ai

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Top down scrolling with ai by Pakz2014

Here a video of the program

Here modified code of the last thing I added to the code archives. Simple ai. The ai will go in one direction, if a obstacle is in its way it will make a random move and so possibly bypassing the obstacle.
If the ai is to long in one spot then it will change its destination.

In the example 100 ai blocks are moving around in their own speed.

The code could be used for a starting point for a game.
; Topdown movement scrolling map with simple ai by Rudy van Etten
; ai will find new destination if stuck to long in one area

Graphics 640,480,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
SeedRnd MilliSecs()
AppTitle "Use cursor keys to move the map"
Global tilewidth = 8
Global tileheight =8
Global playerwidth = tilewidth
Global playerheight = tileheight
Global mapwidth = 512
Global mapheight = 512
Dim map(mapwidth,mapheight)
Global mapx = 256
Global mapy = 256
Global playerx = mapx + ((GraphicsWidth()/tilewidth)/2)
Global playery = mapy + ((GraphicsHeight()/tileheight)/2)

Type ai
	Field x,y
	; target x and y
	Field tx,ty
	; delay
	Field dl
	; millisecs
	Field ms
	; stuck in area
	Field x1,y1,w1,h1
	Field stuckintime
End Type

; Make lines with pasways that goes a little bit wavy
x = 0
y = 0
While y=<mapheight-5
	While x=<mapwidth		
		If Rand(5) = 1 Then 
			If m1<2
				m1 = m1 + 1
				m1 = m1 -1
			End If
		End If
		If Rand(10) < 8
			map(x,y+m1) = 1
		End If

; Make open spaces
For i=0 To 200
	x1 = Rand(0,mapwidth)
	y1 = Rand(0,mapheight)
	rad = Rand(10,30)
	For y2 = -rad To rad
	For x2 = -rad To rad
		If (y2*y2+x2*x2) <= rad*rad+rad*0.8
			x3 = x1+x2
			y3 = y1+y2
			If Rand(10) < 8
			If x3=>0 And x3<=mapwidth And y3>=0 And y3<=mapheight
				map(x3,y3) = 0
			End If
			End If
		End If

; Make the borders
For y=0 To mapheight
	map(0,y) = 1
	map(mapwidth,y) = 1
For x=0 To mapwidth
	map(x,0) = 1
	map(x,mapheight) = 1

; Make sure the player location is not a wall
map(playerx,playery) = 2


; Main game loop
Global mytimer = CreateTimer(15)
While KeyDown(1) = False
	WaitTimer mytimer
	; up
	If KeyDown(200) And map(playerx,playery-1) = 0 Then 
		map(playerx,playery) = 0
		playery = playery - 1
		mapy = mapy - 1
		map(playerx,playery) = 2
	End If
	; down
	If KeyDown(208) And map(playerx,playery+1) = 0 Then
		map(playerx,playery) = 0
		playery = playery + 1
		mapy = mapy + 1
		map(playerx,playery) = 2
	End If
	; left
	If KeyDown(203) And map(playerx-1,playery) = 0
		map(playerx,playery) = 0
		playerx = playerx - 1
		mapx = mapx - 1
		map(playerx,playery) = 2
	End If
	; right
	If KeyDown(205) And map(playerx+1,playery) = 0
		map(playerx,playery) = 0
		playerx = playerx + 1
		mapx = mapx + 1
		map(playerx,playery) = 2
	End If


Function doai()
	For = Each ai
		; where to next
		If this\ms < MilliSecs()
		If this\x = this\tx And this\y = this\ty Then
			sel = False
			While sel = False
				x = Rand(3,mapwidth-6)
				y = Rand(3,mapheight-6)
				If map(x,y) = 0
					this\tx = x
					this\ty = y
					sel = True
				End If
		End If
		If this\tx < this\x Then nx = this\x - 1
		If this\tx > this\x Then nx = this\x + 1
		If this\ty < this\y Then ny = this\y - 1
		If this\ty > this\y Then ny = this\y + 1
		If map(nx,ny) = 0
			map(this\x,this\y) = 0
			map(nx,ny) = 3
			this\x = nx
			this\y = ny
		End If
		If map(nx,ny) = 1 Or map(nx,ny) = 2
		; if blocked, move to a random block
			sel = False
			While sel = False
				For y=-1 To 1
				For x=-1 To 1
					If Rand(10) = 1 Then 
						If map(this\x+x,this\y+y) = 0
							sel = True
						End If
					End If
				If KeyDown(1) = True Then End
			map(this\x,this\y) = 0
			map(this\x+x,this\y+y) = 3
			this\x = this\x+x
			this\y = this\y+y
		End If
		this\ms = MilliSecs() + this\dl
		; ai stuck in area fix
		If this\stuckintime < MilliSecs()
			If RectsOverlap(this\x1-3,this\y1-3,12,12,this\x1,this\y1,this\w1,this\h1) = True Then
				this\tx = Rand(3,mapwidth-6)
				this\ty = Rand(3,mapheight-6)
			End If
			this\x1 = this\x - 3
			this\y1 = this\y - 3
			this\stuckintime = MilliSecs()+Rand(2000,5000)
		End If
		End If
End Function

Function createai(num)
	For i=0 To num = New ai
		this\x = Rand(3,mapwidth-6)
		this\y = Rand(3,mapheight-6)
		map(this\x,this\y) = 3
		this\tx = Rand(3,mapwidth-6)
		this\ty = Rand(3,mapheight-6)
		this\dl = Rand(10,1000)
		this\ms = MilliSecs()
		this\x1 = this\x - 3
		this\y1 = this\y - 3
		this\w1 = 6
		this\h1 = 6
		this\stuckintime = MilliSecs()+Rand(2000,5000)
End Function

Function drawmap()
	For y=0 To GraphicsHeight()/tileheight
	For x=0 To GraphicsWidth()/tilewidth
		tx = mapx + x
		ty = mapy + y
		If tx => 0  And tx <= mapwidth And ty => 0 And ty <= mapheight
			If map(tx,ty) = 1
				Color 255,255,255
				Rect x*tilewidth,y*tileheight,tilewidth,tileheight,True
			End If
			If map(tx,ty) = 2
				Color 255,0,0
				Rect x*tilewidth,y*tileheight,tilewidth,tileheight,True
			End If
			If map(tx,ty) =3 
				Color 255,0,255
				Rect x*tilewidth,y*tileheight,tilewidth,tileheight,True
			End If	
		End If
End Function



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