Code archives/Miscellaneous/Hashtable with integer keys and values

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Hashtable with integer keys and values by Pineapple2014
Simple but hopefully useful, provides 1:1 mapping for ints
' 	--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--
'	  | This code was originally written by Sophie Kirschner ( and it is |  
' 	  | released as public domain. Please do not interpret that as liberty to claim credit that |  
' 	  | is not yours, or to sell this code when it could otherwise be obtained for free because |  
'	  |                    that would be a really shitty thing of you to do.                    |
' 	--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--


Import brl.linkedlist

' Example program


' Create the hash
Local hash:inthash=inthash.Create(32)

' For each index up to 128, insert index*4 as the associated value
For Local i%=0 Until 128
	hash.insert i,i*4

' Print some examples
Print "Sampling some inserted values..."
Print "4 * 4 = "+hash.find(4)
Print "4 * 12 = "+hash.find(12)
Print "4 * 100 = "+hash.find(100)

' Demonstrate removal
Print "Removing value at index 8..."
Print "Retrieving: 4 * 8 = "+hash.find(8)


' class for mapping ints to other ints
Type inthash
	' contains the data
	Field bucket:TList[]
	' thrown error message that hopefully you'll never have to see
	Const accesserror$="inthash buckets not initialized, use setsize before accessing contents"
	' returns a new inthash of specified size
	Function Create:inthash(size%)
		Local n:inthash=New inthash
		Return n
	End Function
	' set inthash bucket array size
	Method setsize(size%)
		bucket=New TList[size]
	End Method
	' clear hash
	Method clear()
		For Local i%=0 Until bucket.length
	End Method
	' create copy of inthash
	Method copy:inthash()
		Local c:inthash=New inthash
		For Local i%=0 Until bucket.length
			If bucket[i]
				c.bucket[i]=New TList
				For Local node:inthashnode=EachIn bucket[i]
					Local add:inthashnode=inthashnode.Create(node.index,node.value)[i].addlast(add)
		Return c
	End Method
	' insert value at index
	Method insert:inthashnode(index%,value%)
		Assert bucket,accesserror
		Local i%=Abs(index Mod bucket.length)
		If Not bucket[i] bucket[i]=New TList
		Local node:inthashnode=inthashnode.Create(index,value)[i].addlast(node)
		Return node
	End Method
	' retrieve value at index (returns 0 if none exists)
	Method find%(index%)
		Local node:inthashnode=findnode(index)
		If node Return node.value
		Return 0
	End Method
	' removes node for index (returns 1 if successful, 0 if none existed)
	Method remove%(index%)
		Local node:inthashnode=findnode(index)
		If node node.remove;Return 1
		Return 0
	End Method
	' retrieve node for index (returns null if none exists)
	Method findnode:inthashnode(index%)
		Assert bucket,accesserror
		Local i%=Abs(index Mod bucket.length)
		If bucket[i]
			For Local n:inthashnode=EachIn bucket[i]
				If n.index=index Return n
		Return Null
	End Method
End Type

' inthash contains inthashnodes in each bucket
Type inthashnode
	' index and associated value
	Field index%,value%
	' list link recorded for swift removal
	Field link:TLink
	' returns a new inthashnode with specified arguments
	Function Create:inthashnode(index%,value%)
		Local n:inthashnode=New inthashnode
		Return n
	End Function
	' remove the inthashnode from its bucket
	Method remove()
		If link link.remove
	End Method
End Type


Cool :-)
Are arrays of TLists more efficient that arrays of Arrays?

I doubt it, but it's certainly easier to write this way :P

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