Code archives/Miscellaneous/Functional programming primitives

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Functional programming primitives by Yasha2014
This library is useful for closely imitating or literally translating Haskell or ML code to BlitzMax. It provides:

- function currying and composition
- functional list data structure
- ML-style deconstructive pattern matching

Any function that operates on objects and returns an object can be promoted to a TDelegate. TDelegates can then be curried, composed, and used as operations for Map, Fold, etc. in the ConsList type. Currying is functional.

Take great care when working with TDelegates that you get the number and type of arguments right when currying, calling, etc., as there is no checking of argument type or number (you can end up passing e.g. a string and nothing to a function expecting two non-null arrays, for instance; BlitzMax will not error cleanly in this situation, although the debugger can show you the true types).

See the "Max Yourself A Scheme" entry for several examples of the pattern matching system at work. Patterns can match against actual values, types (or any predicate fitting the .Is pattern), may have nullable components, and can unCons any object that responds correctly to SendMessage(RefCell.GetCons).
' Helper functions and types for imitating a Haskell style in BlitzMax


' Delegates: curry-able functions
' (slightly unsafe: don't get the argument count wrong, don't use with primitive types)
Type TDelegate
	Const CMAX:Int = 7, ABUF:Int = 2	'Max of 7 arguments may be curried, 6 if using call2
	Field _cargs:Object[], _ctr:Int
	Field f:Object(_c0:Object, _c1:Object, _c2:Object, _c3:Object, _c4:Object, _c5:Object, _c6:Object, _c7:Object)
	Function Make:TDelegate(f:Byte Ptr)	'Constructor, accepts any function pointer operating on objects
		Local d:TDelegate = New TDelegate
		d.f = f ; d._cargs = New Object[CMAX + ABUF] ; d._ctr = 0
		Return d
	End Function
	Method curry:TDelegate(a:Object)
		If _ctr >= CMAX Then RuntimeError "Cannot curry more arguments onto " + ToString() + "; out of room"
		Local r:TDelegate = Make(f)
		r._ctr = _ctr ; r._cargs = New Object[CMAX + ABUF]
		For Local a:Int = 0 Until _ctr
			r._cargs[a] = _cargs[a]
		r._cargs[_ctr] = a ; r._ctr :+ 1
		Return r
	End Method
	Method compose:TDelegate(g:TDelegate)
		Local c:TComposedDelegate = New TComposedDelegate
		c.f = Self ; c.g = g
		Return c
	End Method
	Method call:Object(a:Object)
		_cargs[_ctr] = a
		Local ret:Object = f(_cargs[0], _cargs[1], _cargs[2], _cargs[3], _cargs[4], _cargs[5], _cargs[6], _cargs[7])
		_cargs[_ctr] = Null ; Return ret	'delegate should not gcretain its argument
	End Method
	Method call2:Object(a0:Object, a1:Object)
		_cargs[_ctr] = a0 ; _cargs[_ctr + 1] = a1
		Local ret:Object = f(_cargs[0], _cargs[1], _cargs[2], _cargs[3], _cargs[4], _cargs[5], _cargs[6], _cargs[7])
		_cargs[_ctr] = Null ; _cargs[_ctr + 1] = Null ; Return ret
	End Method
End Type

Type TComposedDelegate Extends TDelegate
	Field f:TDelegate, g:TDelegate
	Method call:Object(a:Object)
	End Method
	Method call2:Object(a0:Object, a1:Object)
		Return, a1))
	End Method
	Method curry:TDelegate(a:Object)
		Return f.compose(g.curry(a))
	End Method
End Type

' Functional single-linked list
' All of the operations that don't take Ints can be used as delegates for functional composition
Type ConsList
	Field val:Object, nx:ConsList
	Function Cons:ConsList(val:Object, nx:ConsList)
		Local c:ConsList = New ConsList
		c.val = val ; c.nx = nx
		Return c
	End Function
	Function FromArray:ConsList(a:Object[])
		Local c:ConsList = Null
		For Local e:Int = a.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
			c = Cons(a[e], c)
		Return c
	End Function
	Function ToArray:Object[](l:ConsList)
		Local a:Object[] = New Object[ConsList.Length(l)]
		For Local e:Int = 0 Until a.Length
			a[e] = l.val ; l = l.nx
		Return a
	End Function
	Function Map:ConsList(f:TDelegate, l:ConsList)
		Local r:ConsList = Cons(Null, Null), ret:ConsList = r
		While l
			r.nx = Cons(, Null) ; r = r.nx ; l = l.nx
		Return ret.nx
	End Function
	Function ZipWith:ConsList(f:TDelegate, l:ConsList, r:ConsList)
		Local d:ConsList = Cons(Null, Null), ret:ConsList = d
		While l And r
			d.nx = Cons(f.call2(l.val, r.val), Null) ; d = d.nx ; r = r.nx ; l = l.nx
		Return ret.nx
	End Function
	Function FoldL:Object(f:TDelegate, st:Object, l:ConsList)
		While l
			st = f.call2(st, l.val) ; l = l.nx
		Return st
	End Function
	Function FoldL1:Object(f:TDelegate, l:ConsList)
		If l Then Return FoldL(f, l.val, l.nx) Else Return Null
	End Function
	Function FoldR:Object(f:TDelegate, st:Object, l:ConsList)
		Return FoldL(f, st, Reverse(l))
	End Function
	Function Reverse:ConsList(l:ConsList)
		Local r:ConsList = Null
		While l
			r = Cons(l.val, r) ; l = l.nx
		Return r
	End Function
	Function Length:Int(l:ConsList)
		Local i:Int = 0
		While l
			i :+ 1 ; l = l.nx
		Return i
	End Function
	Function Index:Object(l:ConsList, i:Int)
		While i
			If l Then l = l.nx Else Return Null
			i :- 1
		Return l.val
	End Function
	Function Take:ConsList(l:ConsList, i:Int)
		Local r:ConsList = Cons(Null, Null), ret:ConsList = r
		While i And (l <> Null)
			r.nx = Cons(l.val, Null) ; r = r.nx ; l = l.nx ; i :- 1
		Return ret.nx
	End Function
	Function Drop:ConsList(l:ConsList, i:Int)
		While i And (l <> Null)
			l = l.nx ; i :- 1
		Return l
	End Function
	Function Last:Object(l:ConsList)
		If l = Null Then Return Null
		While l.nx ; l = l.nx ; Wend
		Return l.val
	End Function
End Type

' Pattern matching "unpackers"
Type RefCell Abstract
	Global GetCons:String = "GETCONS"
	Global Any:RefCell = New RefCell_Any
	Field _:Object
	Function Make:RefCell() Return New RefCell_Recv End Function
	Function unCons:RefCell(me:Object, nx:RefCell)
		If nx = Null Then nx = unVal(Null)
		Local r:RefCell_Cons = New RefCell_Cons ; r._ = me ; r.nx = nx ; Return r
	End Function
	Function unVal:RefCell(me:Object)
		Local r:RefCell = New RefCell_Val ; r._ = me ; Return r
	End Function
	Function unType:RefCell(me:Object, chk:Object(_:Object))
		Local r:RefCell_Type = New RefCell_Type ; r._ = me ; r.chk = chk ; Return r
	End Function
	Function unMaybe:RefCell(me:RefCell)
		RefCell_Recv(me).nullable = True ; Return me
	End Function
	Method match:Int(me:Object) Abstract
End Type

Type RefCell_Val Extends RefCell
	Method match:Int(me:Object)
		If me Then Return me.Compare(_) = 0 Else Return me = _
	End Method
End Type
Type RefCell_Type Extends RefCell
	Field chk:Object(_:Object)
	Method match:Int(me:Object)
		If RefCell(_).match(me) Then Return chk(me) <> Null Else Return 0
	End Method
End Type
Type RefCell_Cons Extends RefCell
	Field nx:RefCell
	Method match:Int(me:Object)
		If me = Null Then Return 0
		Local c:ConsList = ConsList(me) ; If c = Null Then c = ConsList(me.SendMessage(RefCell.GetCons, Null))
		If c Then Return RefCell(_).match(c.val) And nx.match(c.nx) Else Return 0
	End Method
End Type
Type RefCell_Recv Extends RefCell_Cons
	Field nullable:Int
	Method match:Int(me:Object) _ = me ; Return nullable Or (_ <> Null) End Method
End Type
Type RefCell_Any Extends RefCell
	Method match:Int(_:Object) Return 1 End Method
End Type


This is awesome. What was it SICP said about reimplementing 70% of lisp in each new language?

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