Code archives/Miscellaneous/B+ LoadFont Validation

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B+ LoadFont Validation by _PJ_2013
BLITZPLUS ONLY! Will not work for B3D!

The following code allows the user to check for whether a font will load correctly or not.

Either supply an installed font "Internal Name" such as "Arial Narrow" or "Courier" etc. Or the fully qualified path to a TTF file.
;The functions - Please include both functions in your programs for this to work.
;Before using LoadFont, check the font will load correctly by calling ValidateFont()
;If the font loads and is printable by Blitz, then ValidateFont() will return TRUE

Function ValidateFont%(Name$)
	Local Font=LoadFont(Name,0)
	Local Validate=( Lower(Name)=Lower(FontName(Font)) ) + ( RetrieveFileName(Name)=Lower(FontName(Font)) )
	FreeFont Font
	Return Validate
End Function

Function RetrieveFileName$(FilePath$)
	Local TestPath$=Lower(FilePath)
	If (FileType(FilePath)=2)
		DebugLog("Path leads to directory, not file")
		Return ""
	End If
	If (Not(Instr(FilePath,"\")))
		Return RetrieveFileName(SystemProperty("appdir")+FilePath)
	End If
	If (FileType(FilePath)<>1)
		If (Left(TestPath,Len(SystemProperty("appdir"))) = Lower(SystemProperty("appdir")))
			DebugLog("File does not exist")
			Return ""
			Return RetrieveFileName(SystemProperty("appdir")+FilePath)
		End If
	End If
	Local ns_Iterbyte%
	Local ns_Len=Len(TestPath)
	For ns_Iterbyte = ns_Len To 1 Step -1
		If (Mid(TestPath,ns_Iterbyte,1)="\")
			; Trim target from path
	If (Instr(TestPath,"."))
		If (Lower(Right(TestPath,4)=".ttf"))
		End If
	End If
	Return TestPath
End Function



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