Code archives/Miscellaneous/Get size of type in bytes

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Get size of type in bytes by BlitzSupport2013
BlitzMax lets you use SizeOf on an existing variable or object, but what if you just want to check the size of a type without creating one?

For instance, I just found I needed to create a bank the size of two integers:

CreateBank (SizeOf (OOPS_HAVENT_GOT_AN_INT_HANDY) * 2)

Just do SizeOf (Type (Null value for type -- 0 for numbers, Null for Blitz types))...
Print SizeOf (Byte (0))
Print SizeOf (Short (0))
Print SizeOf (Int (0))
Print SizeOf (Long (0))
Print SizeOf (Float (0))
Print SizeOf (Double (0))

' Bonus ball! Size of type...

' Example type/class...

Type Test
	Field temp1:Int		' 4 bytes
	Field temp2:Short	' 2 bytes
End Type

Print SizeOf (Test (Null))



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