Code archives/Miscellaneous/Permanent Environment Variables

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Permanent Environment Variables by JoshK2012
If you use SetEnv, the environment variable is only visible to your program. Use this for permanent vars other apps can see. Must be run in admin mode.

You can use this to make your program request admin mode:

SetEnv("MyAwesomeKey","Happy happy fun time")

Function SetEnv:Int(key:String,value:String)
	Local stream:TStream=WriteFile("temp.bat")
	If Not stream Return False
	stream.WriteLine "% reg add ~qHKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment~q /v ~q"+key+"~q /t REG_SZ /d ~q"+value+"~q"
	Local proc:TProcess = CreateProcess("temp.bat")
	If Not proc Return False
	While proc.status()
		Delay 1
	If getenv_(key)=value Return True


Doesn't SetEnv set the UserProfile environment variables?

I was intrigued at this and made a few changes so it will run in Windows 8.1, and yes - you are right. You have to run it under Administration Mode in order to get it to work.

Would be interested in seeing one that does not require this special method of execution.

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