Code archives/Miscellaneous/Lambda syntax (closures)

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Lambda syntax (closures) by Yasha2012


This library (which is not short, simple, or clean, but anyway) adds support to Blitz3D/+ for lambda forms: anonymous functions, closures, and nested or "inner" function blocks.

No, no magic involved. The system is inspired by Boost::Lambda, although lacking templates or overloading, it's nowhere near as seamless. The method is really very simple: actions are packaged up using "thunk constructors" that have a name that visually indicates what you want to do, but actually return a delayed evaluation that can be invoked later on. The challenge is mainly in making it look tidy enough to use. Thus, we can write code like this:

Local L = Func("x", Add("x", 5)) put a "function" in L which adds 5 to its argument (when it is called later, using CallFunc). Well ain't that handy! You can then use this to pass custom functions inline to list sorts, store event handlers directly in GUI component objects, and so on! Basically this is a very marginal improvement on simply using inlined scripting language code.

Local variables to a closure are named using string literals (case-sensitive, can't begin with "@"); the last argument to Func is the closure's body expression (all closures must take at least one argument, and may take up to eight; you can combine two statements into one body expression with a "Do" block). You can pass values directly into expressions to bind them into the function objects - as we did with the number 5 above, and can therefore use "external" variables as well:

Function MakeAdder(n)
    Return Func("x", Add(n, "x"))
End Function

Every time you call MakeAdder, it'll return a shiny new function that will increment its argument by whatever it closed over. How handy. Note that since there's a distinction between code that runs immediately (normal Blitz functions) and code that secretly packages delayed actions (lambda code/thunks), if you want to do something similar to the above using only lambdas (create a "curried function"), you need to do it like this:

Local MakeAdder = Func("n", Lambda("x", Add("n", "x")))
Local adder = CallFunc(MakeAdder, 5)

"Lambda" is to "Func" as "Add" is to "+": it's the thunking-form for use within closures, as opposed to Func which returns a value immediately to Blitz code. There's also "Apply" to use instead of "CallFunc" within lambdas (Apply is thunking, CallFunc is value-returning).

If you want to close over strings or floats, you should package them with LString and LFloat (unpack results with GetLString and GetLFloat respectively). This is because the lambda constructors make minor use of strings for representing internal values, and also (as you can see) variable names; and CallFunc only deals in integers (the bundled math functions are int-only anyway for the moment).

There's also an "inner function" form:

Function GetPrinter(count)
    Local p = InnerFunc("x", "y")
        tWrite LString("Hello ")
        tPrint "x"
        Loop("n", 1, count, tPrint(IntToString("n")))
        tWrite LString("Goodbye ")
        tPrint "y"
    Return p
End Function

CallFunc(GetPrinter(3), LString("Alice"), LString("Bob"))

; Prints:
; Hello Alice
; 1
; 2
; 3
; Goodbye Bob

This function returns its two-parameter inner function after closing-over the "count" environment. (If using IDEal or something else that "corrects" indentation, you might want to wrap the nested instructions in a Repeat/Until True block so they indent.) You'll also notice that those member statements that would have the same name as their normal Blitz code counterparts ("Print") are prefixed with a small t ("tPrint"), to avoid name clashes. There are a few others like this in the library. Even though nested functions are multi-line, they're still limited to using one-liner control blocks (unless of course you nest further inner functions within them...). Replicating the syntax of control structures too would be going a bit far.

Built-in control structures in the Basis library include tIf (which functions as a ternary operator), tWhile, Loop (a bit like For), tDelay and Force (implementing futures and promises), Let (names a local variable for use in the body expression), Do (multiple statements), and Fixpoint (allows recursion). Control structures are properly lazy (i.e. tIf will only evaluate the correct arm, and ignore the other), and all of them return a value, usually the last value evaluated (this is the Functional Programming Way). It is possible to change the value of variables, with SetVar, but do try to avoid it if at all possible (it is never necessary to set a variable, but sometimes the obvious option... and tWhile won't work if you never mutate anything). Among other things this will kinda highlight the fact that closures don't actually share environment objects.

Contrary to what you might expect, there are no Lisp-style list or cons manipulation functions. I figure it makes more sense to write them to suit an existing List library (such as my own... this will happen shortly), and also because without a garbage collector it becomes very hard indeed to keep track of "ownership" of such resources, and would probably just get confusing really quickly.

On the subject of memory management, using lambdas without a garbage collector is usually a real pain: to alleviate this slightly, by default this library is set up to allocate objects using my AutoReleasing semiautomatic-garbage-collector. This will take some of the pain out of tracking the lifetimes of lambda objects (all of it, in fact, if you never return them past the border of an AutoRelease block). If you really want to manually manage memory, you can comment out the AutoRelease code without breaking the library, as the library's inner workings don't use it, with one exception: LString. You'll have a very hard time keeping track of new Lambda objects though.

The Basis library also includes a WithAutoReleasePool function, which creates and clears an AutoRelease pool around the body expression, to isolate its allocations and tighten up memory use (obviously, comment this if you are working without AutoRelease).

(Using AutoRelease conversely introduces a bug which I can't be bothered to address: LStrings are AutoReleased separately from the functions, so closed-over LStrings may be freed before their supposed owners are, which will crash. Design around this.)

Basis Library, "":

The evaluation system is not tail-call optimised. This means unlimited recursion is not safe, and absolutely will result in a stack overflow crash (in fact, since one function call actually requires four or five function calls, it will do it even sooner than regular Blitz code). Use the looping primitives, or call out to a normal Blitz function, to take care of such things: this is just a bit of FP-icing for Blitz, not a full programming style replacement! The same goes for other functionality: don't be afraid to call out to normal B3D code (you'll have to, to do anything interesting). The Basis library should make it fairly clear how to add more thunking functions for the lambda engine to use, both eager (normal) and lazy (control).

The actual lambda library is very small and only really consists of lambda constructors and the evaluation functions. Most of the useful stuff (some integer math, input and output, control structures) is in the Basis library, "". I have not tested the performance of this engine. I assume it's comparable to interpreted bytecode (there's a lot of boilerplate, but conversely there are also a lot of "real" function calls doing all the hard work). This engine is significantly slower than native code, or even a decent interpreter; if you need to care about performance, you're probably thinking of a task that shouldn't be handled by lambda code: if necessary, create a new thunk around a native Blitz function (I will create a faster JITting version some other time). There's also very little error-checking: no type-checks, and no checks to see whether variable references are actually valid. Many errors will result in crashes; try not to make them (luckily functional-style code is easier to write without errors anyway).

Here are some more crappy examples:

Yeah, that's right, that's a fixed-point combinator in classic Blitz Basic code.

As it stands, this library depends on AutoRelease for "garbage collection", available from the code archives (although this can be removed at your peril). It also requires the free FastPointer DLL by Mikhail Vostrikov, for working with real function pointers in Blitz Classic (it is possible to engineer a similar library to work without this, but it would be painful. Don't ask me to show you how).

; Lambda library for Blitz3D/+

; Requires FastPointer DLL (free):

;Memory management (optional, but extremely useful)
Include ""	;Get this file at

;Basis library (useful predefined constructor functions)
Include ""	;Get this file at

Type Closure
	Field rc.RefCounted		;Remove this if not using AutoRelease
	Field argn$[9], env.Closure
	Field expr.Thunk, argv
End Type

Type Thunk
	Field argn$[9], isVarName	;isVarName = bit array; upper bits are "isThunk", bit 30 is "isBound"
	Field val[9], argv			;val = args passed in (inc. thunks, vars), argv = evaluated args passed to fptr
	Field fptr, argc, env.Closure	;Function pointer, arg count (neg for isLazy), calling lambda
End Type

Global LAMBDA_private_CIF_.Closure

;Create an inline anonymous function and return it to external Blitz code
Function Func(a0$, a1$, a2$ = "", a3$ = "", a4$ = "", a5$ = "", a6$ = "", a7$ = "", a8$ = "", doAR = True)
	Local argc = 2 + (a2 <> "") + (a3 <> "") + (a4 <> "") + (a5 <> "") + (a6 <> "") + (a7 <> "") + (a8 <> "")
	Local f.Closure = MakeClosureInner(doAR)
	f\argn[0] = a0 : f\argn[1] = a1 : f\argn[2] = a2 : f\argn[3] = a3 : f\argn[4] = a4
	f\argn[5] = a5 : f\argn[6] = a6 : f\argn[7] = a7 : f\argn[8] = a8
	If Asc(f\argn[argc - 1]) <> 64 Then RuntimeError "Expecting thunk as body expression of lambda function"
	f\expr = Object.Thunk Int Mid(f\argn[argc - 1], 2)
	If LAMBDA_private_CIF_ <> Null Then PurgeThunkTreeFromCIF f\expr, LAMBDA_private_CIF_\expr
	Return Handle f
End Function

;Create an inline anonymous function and return it to closure code
Function Lambda$(a0$, a1$, a2$ = "", a3$ = "", a4$ = "", a5$ = "", a6$ = "", a7$ = "", a8$ = "")
	Return MakeThunk(0, Func(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, False))
End Function

;Invoke a closure with arguments
Function CallFunc(L, a0 = 0, a1 = 0, a2 = 0, a3 = 0, a4 = 0, a5 = 0, a6 = 0, a7 = 0, a8 = 0)
	Local F.Closure = Object.Closure L 
	If Not F\argv Then F\argv = CreateBank(9 * 4)
	Local tmp[8], i, val : For i = 0 To 8
		tmp[i] = PeekInt(F\argv, i * 4)
	PokeInt F\argv,  0, a0 : PokeInt F\argv,  4, a1 : PokeInt F\argv,  8, a2
	PokeInt F\argv, 12, a3 : PokeInt F\argv, 16, a4 : PokeInt F\argv, 20, a5
	PokeInt F\argv, 24, a6 : PokeInt F\argv, 28, a7 : PokeInt F\argv, 32, a8
	val = EvalThunk(F\expr, F)
	For i = 0 To 8
		PokeInt F\argv, i * 4, tmp[i]
	Return val
End Function

;Invoke a closure with arguments and return it to closure code
Function Apply$(L$, a0$ = "", a1$ = "", a2$ = "", a3$ = "", a4$ = "", a5$ = "", a6$ = "", a7$ = "")
	Return MakeThunk(1, L, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, 9)
End Function

;Define a new nested inner function
Function InnerFunc(a0$, a1$ = "", a2$ = "", a3$ = "", a4$ = "", a5$ = "", a6$ = "", a7$ = "", a8$ = "")
	Local argc = 2 + (a2 <> "") + (a3 <> "") + (a4 <> "") + (a5 <> "") + (a6 <> "") + (a7 <> "") + (a8 <> "")
	Local f.Closure = MakeClosureInner(True)
	f\argn[0] = a0 : f\argn[1] = a1 : f\argn[2] = a2 : f\argn[3] = a3 : f\argn[4] = a4
	f\argn[5] = a5 : f\argn[6] = a6 : f\argn[7] = a7 : f\argn[8] = a8
	f\expr = Object.Thunk Int Mid(MakeThunk(0, ""), 2)	;Call before setting CIF!
	f\expr\argv = CreateBank(0) : f\expr\argc = 0
	f\env = LAMBDA_private_CIF_ : LAMBDA_private_CIF_ = f
	Return Handle f
End Function

;End a nested inner function definition
Function EndFunc()
	LAMBDA_private_CIF_ = LAMBDA_private_CIF_\env
End Function

;Manually free closure objects
Function FreeFunc(L.Closure)
	If L\expr <> Null Then FreeThunk L\expr
	If L\argv Then FreeBank L\argv
	Delete L
End Function

;(Internal) Internal constructor for closure objects: uses AutoRelease by default
Function MakeClosureInner.Closure(doAR)
	Local L.Closure = New Closure
	If doAR
		Local freePtr = FunctionPointer() : Goto skip : FreeFunc L	;Comment these lines if not using AutoRelease
		L\rc = NewRefCounted(freePtr, TypePointer(L))
		AutoRelease L\rc
	Return L
End Function

;(Internal) Copy closure objects (for use with Lambda)
Function CopyFuncInner.Closure(L.Closure, doAR)
	Local C.Closure = MakeClosureInner(doAR), i
	For i = 0 To 8
		C\argn[i] = L\argn[i]
	If L\expr <> Null Then C\expr = CopyThunkInner(L\expr)
	If L\argv Then C\argv = CreateBank(BankSize(L\argv)) : CopyBank L\argv, 0, C\argv, 0, BankSize(L\argv)
	C\env = L\env
	Return C
End Function

;(Internal) Attach an environment to a function to form a complete closure
Function BindFuncEnvironment(L.Closure, env.Closure)
	If env <> Null
		L\argv = CreateBank(BankSize(env\argv) + 9 * 4)
		CopyBank env\argv, 0, L\argv, 9 * 4, BankSize(env\argv)
		L\argv = CreateBank(9 * 4)
	L\env = env
End Function

;(Internal) Get the Func out of a lambda-thunk for manual processing
Function GetLambdaFunc.Closure(lam$)
	Local L.Thunk = Object.Thunk Int Mid(lam, 2)
	Return Object.Closure L\val[0]
End Function

;(Internal) Package a delayed action
Function MakeThunk$(fptr, a0$, a1$ = "", a2$ = "", a3$ = "", a4$ = "", a5$ = "", a6$ = "", a7$ = "", a8$ = "", maxArgC = 0)
	Local t.Thunk = New Thunk, i
	If maxArgC
		t\argc = maxArgC
	Else	;Count them
		t\argc = 1 + (a1 <> "") + (a2 <> "") + (a3 <> "") + (a4 <> "") + (a5 <> "") + (a6 <> "") + (a7 <> "") + (a8 <> "")
	t\fptr = fptr
	t\argn[0] = a0
	If fptr
		t\argn[1] = a1 : t\argn[2] = a2 : t\argn[3] = a3 : t\argn[4] = a4
		t\argn[5] = a5 : t\argn[6] = a6 : t\argn[7] = a7 : t\argn[8] = a8
		t\argv = CreateBank((Abs t\argc) * 4 + 4)
	For i = 0 To (Abs t\argc) - 1
		If Asc(t\argn[i]) = 64 Then t\val[i] = Int Mid(t\argn[i], 2) : Else t\val[i] = Int t\argn[i]
	If LAMBDA_private_CIF_ <> Null	;Add statement to InnerFunc, but remove child expressions from it
		For i = 0 To (Abs t\argc) - 1
			If Asc(t\argn[i]) = 64 Then RemoveThunkFromCIF Object.Thunk t\val[i], LAMBDA_private_CIF_\expr
		LAMBDA_private_CIF_\expr\argc = LAMBDA_private_CIF_\expr\argc + 1
		ResizeBank LAMBDA_private_CIF_\expr\argv, LAMBDA_private_CIF_\expr\argc * 4
		PokeInt LAMBDA_private_CIF_\expr\argv, (LAMBDA_private_CIF_\expr\argc - 1) * 4, Handle t
	Return "@" + Handle t
End Function

;(Internal) Copy a Thunk (for use with Lambda)
Function CopyThunkInner.Thunk(t.Thunk)
	Local i, C.Thunk = New Thunk
	C\fptr = t\fptr : C\argc = t\argc : C\isVarName = t\isVarName
	If t\argv Then C\argv = CreateBank(BankSize(t\argv)) : CopyBank t\argv, 0, C\argv, 0, BankSize(t\argv)
	If t\fptr
		For i = 0 To (Abs t\argc - 1)
			If Asc(t\argn[i]) = 64
				C\val[i] = Handle CopyThunkInner(Object.Thunk t\val[i]) : C\argn[i] = "@" + C\val[i]
				C\val[i] = t\val[i] : C\argn[i] = t\argn[i]
		If t\argv	;An InnerFunc
			For i = 0 To t\argc - 1
				PokeInt C\argv, i * 4, Handle CopyThunkInner(Object.Thunk PeekInt(t\argv, i * 4))
		Else		;A lambda thunk
			C\val[0] = Handle CopyFuncInner(Object.Closure t\val[0], False)
	Return C
End Function

;(Internal) Free a delayed action
Function FreeThunk(t.Thunk)
	Local i
	If t\fptr
		For i = 0 To (Abs t\argc) - 1
			If Asc(t\argn[i]) = 64 Then FreeThunk Object.Thunk t\val[i]
		FreeBank t\argv
		If t\argv	;An InnerFunc
			For i = 0 To t\argc - 1
				FreeThunk Object.Thunk PeekInt(t\argv, i * 4)
			FreeBank t\argv
		Else		;A lambda thunk
			FreeFunc Object.Closure t\val[0]
	Delete t
End Function

;(Internal) Evaluate a delayed action
Function EvalThunk(t.Thunk, env.Closure)
	Local i, val
	If t\fptr	;It's an action thunk
		If Not t\isVarName
			For i = 0 To (Abs t\argc) - 1
				If Asc(t\argn[i]) = 64
					t\isVarName = t\isVarName Or (1 Shl (i + 9))
					Local idx = GetThunkArgBinding(t\argn[i], env)
					If idx
						t\val[i] = idx - 1 : t\isVarName = t\isVarName Or (1 Shl i)
						PokeInt t\argv, i * 4, t\val[i]		;Simple value, poke it here (so we only do it once)
			t\isVarName = t\isVarName Or (1 Shl 30)	;Set a very high bit to nonzero
		If t\argc < 0
			t\env = env : PokeInt t\argv, (Abs t\argc) * 4, Handle t	;Lazy thunks need an eval environment
			Local tmp[9]
			For i = 0 To t\argc - 1
				If t\isVarName And (1 Shl (i + 9))
					tmp[i] = EvalThunk(Object.Thunk t\val[i], env)
			For i = 0 To t\argc - 1
				If t\isVarName And (1 Shl i)
					PokeInt t\argv, i * 4, PeekInt(env\argv, t\val[i])
				ElseIf t\isVarName And (1 Shl (i + 9))
					PokeInt t\argv, i * 4, tmp[i]
		If t\fptr = LAMBDA_APPLY_CONSTPTR	;Apply (change this to check against Apply's actual fptr sometime)
			Local F = PeekInt(t\argv, 0), a0 = PeekInt(t\argv, 4), a1 = PeekInt(t\argv, 8), a2 = PeekInt(t\argv, 12), a3 = PeekInt(t\argv, 16)
			Return CallFunc(F, a0, a1, a2, a3, PeekInt(t\argv, 20), PeekInt(t\argv, 24), PeekInt(t\argv, 28), PeekInt(t\argv, 32))
			CallFunctionVarInt t\fptr, t\argv
			Return PeekInt(t\argv, (Abs t\argc) * 4)
		If t\argv	;It's an InnerFunc
			For i = 0 To t\argc - 1		;If we're here, t\argc should never be negative
				val = EvalThunk(Object.Thunk PeekInt(t\argv, i * 4), env)
			Return val
		Else		;It's a thunk of lambda: return copy of value to CallFunc
			Local L.Closure = CopyFuncInner(Object.Closure t\val[0], True)
			If Not L\argv Then BindFuncEnvironment L, env
			Return Handle L
End Function

;(Internal) Find the offset of a name in the var table of the environment
Function GetThunkArgBinding(arg$, env.Closure)
	If arg = "" Then Return 0
	Local i, count : While env <> Null
		For i = 0 To 8
			If env\argn[i] = arg Then Return count + 1
			count = count + 4
		env = env\env
	Return 0
End Function

;(Internal) Evaluate a packaged action lazily
Function GetLazyThunkArgValue(t.Thunk, a)
	If t\isVarName And (1 Shl a)
		Return PeekInt(t\env\argv, t\val[a])
	ElseIf t\isVarName And (1 Shl (a + 9))
		Return EvalThunk(Object.Thunk t\val[a], t\env)
		Return PeekInt(t\argv, a * 4)
End Function

;(Internal) Remove thunks from the current inner function if they shouldn't be there
Function PurgeThunkTreeFromCIF(t.Thunk, cif.Thunk)
	Local i
	RemoveThunkFromCIF t, cif
	If t\fptr
		For i = 0 To (Abs t\argc) - 1
			If Asc(t\argn[i]) = 64 Then PurgeThunkTreeFromCIF Object.Thunk t\val[i], cif
		Local f.Closure = Object.Closure t\val[0]
		PurgeThunkTreeFromCIF f\expr, cif
End Function

;(Internal) Remove one thunk (see above)
Function RemoveThunkFromCIF(t.Thunk, cif.Thunk)
	Local ht = Handle t, i
	For i = 0 To BankSize(cif\argv) - 4 Step 4
		If PeekInt(cif\argv, i) = ht
			CopyBank cif\argv, i + 4, cif\argv, i, BankSize(cif\argv) - (i + 4)
			ResizeBank cif\argv, BankSize(cif\argv) - 4
			cif\argc = cif\argc - 1
End Function

;~IDEal Editor Parameters:



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