Code archives/Miscellaneous/SplitString function - Splits a string into fields and returns it in an array

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SplitString function - Splits a string into fields and returns it in an array by Zethrax2012
* Blitz3D code. May also work with BlitzPlus. *

This function takes a string value and splits it into fields using a delimiter string. The resulting fields are returned in an array.

Splits the specified stringval$ into fields using the div$ string as the delimiter. The resulting string fields are placed into the A_string$() array.

The div$ string can contain multiple characters. If it is empty then the array will have one element which will contain the entire string.

The index of the last array slot is returned by the function.

The max_elements parameter can be used to set a limit on the number of fields the string is split into. For no element limits, use a zero value for max_elements (default).

When max_elements or the end of the string is reached, the remainder of the string is returned in the last array element. The returned array will contain at least one element even if there is no divider string found.
Dim A_string$( 0 )

Function SplitString( stringval$, div$, max_elements = 0 )

	; Splits the specified stringval$ into fields using the div$
	; string as the delimiter. The resulting string fields are
	; placed into the A_string$() array.
	; The div$ string can contain multiple characters. If it is
	; empty then the array will have one element which will
	; contain the entire string.
	; The index of the last array slot is returned by the function.
	; The max_elements parameter can be used to set a limit on
	; the number of fields the string is split into. For no
	; element limits, use a zero value for max_elements (default).
	; When max_elements or the end of the string is reached, the
	; remainder of the string is returned in the last array element.
	; The returned array will contain at least one element even if
	; there is no divider string found.
	If div$ = ""
		Dim A_string$( 0 )
		A_string$( 0 ) = stringval$
		Return 0

	Local divlen = Len( div$ )
	Local x = 0, startpos = 1, divpos = 1

		divpos = Instr( stringval$, div$, divpos )
		If divpos
			x = x + 1
			divpos = divpos + divlen
	Until divpos = 0

	If max_elements
		If max_elements < x Then x = max_elements

	Dim A_string$( x )

	max_elements = max_elements - 1
	x = 0

	While x <> max_elements
		divpos = Instr( stringval$, div$, startpos )
		If divpos = 0 Then Exit
		A_string$(x) = Mid( stringval$, startpos, divpos - startpos )
		startpos = divpos + divlen
		x = x + 1
	A_string$(x) = Right( stringval$, Len( stringval$ ) - startpos + 1 )
	Return x
End Function

; *** EXAMPLE CODE ***

max_index = SplitString( "aa<!>bb<!>cc<!>dd<!>ee<!>", "<!>", 0 )

Print "Highest Index: " + max_index

For i = 0 To max_index
	Print "["+A_string$( i )+"]"

Print "Press any key to exit."


isn't there a split function already in BlitzMax?

There is, but this is for Blitz Basic, where there is not.

There are a few others already in the archives, but this is a nice clear implementation by the look of it.


Works great

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