Code archives/Miscellaneous/Convert hex string to byte array

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Convert hex string to byte array by BlitzSupport2012
This won't be of much use to many people, but I had a need to convert the returned SHA-1 string from here to the underlying raw bytes, hence this...

NB. Hex string is assumed NOT to be prefixed with "$" (just because I'm getting hex values from outside of Blitz), so strip that off if needed. Also, note that there's no error checking here to make sure the hex string contains valid characters!
Function HexToByteArray:Byte [] (hx:String)
	Local bytes:Byte [Len (hx) / 2]
	For Local loop:Int = 1 To Len (hx) Step 2
		bytes [loop / 2] = Byte ("$" + Mid (hx, loop, 2))
	Return bytes
End Function



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