Code archives/Miscellaneous/BlitzMax to Java 2.0

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BlitzMax to Java 2.0 by Matt Merkulov2012
Most of converting work will be done by this program, but after it some point manual changements should be done anyway. Requires regular expressions module by Brucey.

Import bah.regex

Type TClass
	Global Classes:TMap = New TMap
	Field ID:String
	Field Package:String
	Field Name:String
	Function Create:TClass( Package:String, Name:String )
		Local Class:TClass = New TClass
		Classes.Insert( Name.ToLower(), Class )
		If Name.StartsWith( "LT" ) Then Name = Name[ 2.. ]
		If Name.StartsWith( "T" ) And Name.Length > 1 Then
			If Name[ 1 ] >= Asc( "A" ) And Name[ 1 ] <= Asc( "Z" ) Then Name = Name[ 1.. ]
		End If
		Name = Name[ 0..1 ].ToUpper() + Name[ 1.. ]
		Class.Name = Name
		Class.Package = Package
		Return Class
	End Function
End Type

TClass.Create( "java.lang", "System" )
TClass.Create( "java.lang", "Math" )
TClass.Create( "java.util", "LinkedList" )
TClass.Create( "java.util", "HashMap" )

Type TIdentifier
	Global Identifiers:TMap = New TMap
	Field Result:String
	Field Class:TClass
End Type

For Local Pair:String[] = Eachin [ ..
	[ "Byte", "byte" ], ..
	[ "Short", "short" ], ..
	[ "Int", "int" ], ..
	[ "Long", "long" ], ..
	[ "Float", "float" ], ..
	[ "Double", "double" ], ..
	[ "Object", "Object" ], ..
	[ "And", "&&" ], ..
	[ "Or", "||" ], ..
	[ "Not", "!" ], ..
	[ "Mod", "%" ], ..
	[ "String", "String" ], ..
	[ "Length", "length" ], ..
	[ "Find", "indexOf" ], ..
	[ "FindLast", "lastIndexOf" ], ..
	[ "Trim", "trim" ], ..
	[ "Replace", "replaceAll" ], ..
	[ "StartsWith", "startsWith" ], ..
	[ "EndsWith", "endsWith" ], ..
	[ "Join", "indexOf" ], ..
	[ "Split", "split" ], ..
	[ "ToLower", "toLowerCase" ], ..
	[ "ToUpper", "toUpperCase" ], ..
	[ "Length", "length()" ], ..
	[ "TList", "LinkedList", "linkedlist" ], ..
	[ "IsEmpty", "isEmpty" ], ..
	[ "Contains", "contains" ], ..
	[ "AddFirst", "addFirst" ], ..
	[ "AddLast", "addLast" ], ..
	[ "First", "getFirst" ], ..
	[ "Last", "getLast" ], ..
	[ "Remove", "remove" ], ..
	[ "RemoveFirst", "removeFirst" ], ..
	[ "RemoveLast", "removeLast" ], ..
	[ "Clear", "clear" ], ..
	[ "ValueAtIndex", "get" ], ..
	[ "ToArray", "toArray" ], ..
	[ "Count", "size" ], ..
	[ "TMap", "HashMap", "hashmap" ], ..
	[ "ValueForKey", "get" ], ..
	[ "Insert", "put" ], ..
	[ "Keys", "keySet" ], ..
	[ "Values", "values" ], ..
	[ "Millisecs", "System.currentTimeMillis()", "system" ], ..
	[ "Max", "Math.max", "math" ], ..
	[ "Min", "Math.min", "math" ], ..
	[ "Sin", "Math.sin", "math" ], ..
	[ "Cos", "Math.cos", "math" ], ..
	[ "Tan", "Math.tan", "math" ], ..
	[ "ACos", "Math.acos", "math" ], ..
	[ "ASin", "Math.asin", "math" ], ..
	[ "ATan", "Math.atan", "math" ], ..
	[ "ATan2", "Math.atan2", "math" ], ..
	[ "Floor", "Math.floor", "math" ], ..
	[ "Ceil", "Math.ceil", "math" ], ..
	[ "Abs", "Math.abs", "math" ], ..
	[ "Sqr", "Math.sqrt", "math" ], ..
	[ "Log", "Math.log", "math" ], ..
	[ "Exp", "Math.exp", "math" ], ..
	[ "Rnd", "Math.random", "math" ], ..
	[ "Pi", "PI", "math" ], ..
	[ "True", "true" ], ..
	[ "False", "false" ], ..
	[ "Null", "null" ], ..
	[ "Return", "return" ], ..
	[ "Exit", "break" ], ..
	[ "Super", "super" ], ..
	[ "Self", "this" ], ..
	[ "Extends", "extends" ], ..
	[ "New", "new" ] ..
	'[ "", "" ], ..
	Local Identifier:TIdentifier = New TIdentifier
	Identifier.Result = Pair[ 1 ]
	If Pair.Length = 3 Then Identifier.Class = TClass( TClass.Classes.ValueForKey( Pair[ 2 ] ) )
	TIdentifier.Identifiers.Insert( Pair[ 0 ].ToLower(), Identifier )

Const Directory:String = "D:\temp\src"

GetClassNames( Directory )
ProcessDirectory( Directory )

Function GetClassNames( DirName:String, Package:String = "" )
	Local Dir:Int = ReadDir( DirName )
		Local FileName:String = NextFile( Dir )
		If Not FileName Then Exit
		If FileName = "." Or FileName = ".." Then Continue
		Local FullFileName:String = DirName + "\" + FileName
		If FileType( FullFileName ) = FILETYPE_DIR Then
			Local NewPackage:String
			If Package Then NewPackage = Package + "." + FileName Else NewPackage = FileName
			GetClassNames( FullFileName, NewPackage )
		End If
		If Not FileName.ToLower().EndsWith( ".bmx" ) Then Continue
		DebugLog "Retrieving class names from " + FileName
		Local File:TStream = ReadFile( FullFileName )
		While Not Eof( File )
			Local Line:String = ReadLine( File ).Trim()
			If Line.ToLower().StartsWith( "type" ) Then
				Line = Line[ 4.. ].Trim() + " "
				TClass.Create( Package, Line[ ..Line.Find( " " ) ] )
			End If
End Function

Global FileClasses:TMap

Function ProcessDirectory( DirName:String, Start:Int = -1 )
	If Start < 0 Then Start = DirName.Length
	Local Dir:Int = ReadDir( DirName )
		Local FileName:String = NextFile( Dir )
		If Not FileName Then Exit
		If FileName = "." Or FileName = ".." Then Continue

		Local FullFileName:String = DirName + "\" + FileName
		If FileType( FullFileName ) = FILETYPE_DIR Then
			ProcessDirectory( FullFileName, Start )
		End If
		If Not FileName.ToLower().EndsWith( ".bmx" ) Then Continue
		FileClasses = New TMap
		DebugLog "Converting " + FileName
		Local File:TStream = ReadFile( FullFileName )
		Local Text:String = ""
		Local RemBlock:Int = False
		While Not Eof( File )
			Local Line:String = ReadLine( File )
			Local Trimmed:String = Line.ToLower().Trim()
			If Trimmed.StartsWith( "?" ) Then Continue
			if Text Then Text :+ "~n"
			If RemBlock Then
				If Trimmed = "endrem" or Trimmed = "end rem" Then
					Text :+ TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)(EndRem|End Rem)" ).ReplaceAll( Line, "\1 */" )
					RemBlock = False
					Local N:Int = 0
						N = Line.Find( "#", N ) + 1
						If N = 0 or N = Line.Length Then Exit
						Line = Line[ ..N ] + Chr( Line[ N ] ).ToLower() + Line [ N + 1.. ]
					Line = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)(bbdoc|about): *" ).ReplaceAll( Line, "\1" )
					Line = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)returns: *" ).ReplaceAll( Line, "\1@return " )
					Line = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)See also: *" ).ReplaceAll( Line, "\1@see " )
					Text :+ TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)(.*)$" ).ReplaceAll( Line, "\1 * \3" )
				End If
			ElseIf Trimmed = "rem" Then
				Text :+ TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)Rem" ).ReplaceAll( Line, "\1/**" )
				RemBlock = True
				If Trimmed.StartsWith( "import" ) Or Trimmed.StartsWith( "framework" ) Or Trimmed.StartsWith( "include" ) Then Continue
				If Line.Trim() Then
					Line :+ ";"
					Local IdentifierBegin:Int = -1
					Local Brackets:Int = False
					Local N:Int = 0 
					While N < Line.Length
						If Brackets Then
							If Line[ N ] = Asc( "~q" ) Then Brackets = False
							If Line[ N ] = Asc( "~q" ) Then
								Brackets = True
							ElseIf Line[ N ] = Asc( "'" ) Then
								Line = Line [ ..N ] + "//" + Line[ N + 1..Line.Length - 1 ]
							ElseIf IdentifierBegin < 0 Then
								If IsIdentifier( Line[ N ], True ) Then IdentifierBegin = N
							ElseIf Not IsIdentifier( Line[ N ], False ) Then
								Local NewIdentifier:String = ConvertIdentifier( Line[ IdentifierBegin..N ] )
								Line = Line[ ..IdentifierBegin ] + NewIdentifier + Line[ N.. ]
								N = IdentifierBegin + NewIdentifier.Length
								IdentifierBegin = -1
							End If
						End If
						N :+ 1
					Text :+ ApplyRegExs( Line )
				End If
			End If
		CloseFile File
		If FileName.StartsWith( "LT" ) Then FullFileName = DirName + "\" + FileName[ 2.. ]
		If FileName[ 0 ] = Asc( "T" ) And FileName[ 1 ] >= Asc( "A" ) And FileName[ 1 ] <= Asc( "Z" ) Then FullFileName = DirName + "\" + FileName[ 1.. ]
		File = WriteFile( FullFileName[ ..FullFileName.Length - 4 ] + ".java" )
		Local Package:String = DirName[ Start + 1.. ].Replace( "\", "." )
		WriteLine( File, "package " + Package + ";" )
		For Local Class:TClass = Eachin FileClasses.Keys()
			if Class.Package <> Package Then WriteLine( File, "import " + Class.Package + "." + Class.Name + ";" )
		WriteLine( File, "" )
		WriteLine( File, Text )
		CloseFile File
End Function

Function ApplyRegExs:String( Text:String )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)Local " ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)Global " ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1public static " )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)Field " ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1public " )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)Const " ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1public final " )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)(Function|Method) *((\w|\d|_)*) *\(" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1\3 \4:void(" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)Method (.*);" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1public \3 {" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)Function (.*);" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1public static \3 {" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)Type (.*);" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1public class \3 {" )
	Local RegEx:TRegEx = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)If (.*)([^=])=([^=])(.*) Then" )
	While RegEx.Find( Text )
		Text = RegEx.ReplaceAll( Text, "\1if \3\4==\5\6 then" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( " *== *~q~q" ).ReplaceAll( Text, ".isEmpty()" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( " *== *~q(.*?)~q" ).ReplaceAll( Text, ".equals( ~q\1~q )" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)(ElseIf|Else If) (.*?) Then((\t| )*);" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1} else if( \4 ) {" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)(ElseIf|Else If) (.*?)((\t| )*);$" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1} else if( \4 ) {" )
	Local LowerText:String =Text.Trim().ToLower()
	if LowerText.StartsWith( "if" ) Then If Not LowerText.Contains( "then" ) Then Text = Text[ ..Text.Length - 1 ] + "then;"
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)If (.*?) Then((\t| )*);$" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1if( \3 ) {" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)If (.*?) Then (.*?) else (.*?);$" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1if( \3 ) \4; else \5;" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)If (.*?) Then (.*?)((\t| )*);$" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1if( \3 ) \4;" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)If (.*?) ((\t| )*);$" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1if( \3 ) {" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)Else((\t| )*);" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1} else {" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)For Local ((\w|\d|_)*):((\w|\d|_)*) *= *(.*) To (.*) Step (.*);" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1for( \3:\5 = \7; \3 <= \8; \3 += \9 ) {" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)For ((\w|\d|_)*) *= *(.*) To (.*) Step (.*);" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1for( \3 = \5; \3 <= \6; \3 += \7 ) {" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)For Local ((\w|\d|_)*):((\w|\d|_)*) *= *(.*) To (.*);" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1for( \3:\5 = \7; \3 <= \8; \3++ ) {" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)For ((\w|\d|_)*) *= *(.*) To (.*);" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1for( \3 = \5; \3 <= \6; \3++ ) {" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)For Local ((\w|\d|_)*):((\w|\d|_)*) *= *(.*) Until (.*);" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1for( \3:\5 = \7; \3 <= \8; \3++ ) {" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)For ((\w|\d|_)*) *= *(.*) Until (.*);" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1for( \3 = \5; \3 < \6; \3++ ) {" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)For Local ((\w|\d|_)*):((\w|\d|_)*) *= *EachIn (.*);" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1for( \3:\5 @@ \7 ) {" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)For ((\w|\d|_)*) *= *EachIn (.*);" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1for( \3 @@ \5 ) {" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)While *(.*);" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1while( \3 ) {" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)Repeat((\t| )*);" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1while( true ) {" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)Select *(.*);" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1switch( \3 ) {" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^((\t| )*)(EndMethod|End Method|EndIf|End If|End Function|EndFunction|End Type|EndType|Next|WEnd|Forever|End Select|EndSelect)((\t| )*);" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1}" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "new +((\w|\d|_)*)" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "new \1()" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^(((\t| )*)case [^;^:]*);" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1@@" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "^(((\t| )*)default) *;" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1@@" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( ":\+" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "+=" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( ":\-" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "-=" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( ":\*" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "*=" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( ":/" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "/=" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( ">==" ).ReplaceAll( Text, ">=" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "<==" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "<=" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "<>" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "!=" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "~~q" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\~q" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "~~n" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\r\n" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "~~t" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\t" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "\.\.((\t| )*);$" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "(\d):Byte" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "(\d):Short" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "(\d):Int" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "(\d):Long" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1l" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "(\d):Float" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1f" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "(\d):Double" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\1d" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "((\w|\d|_)*) *: *((\w|\d|_)*)" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "\3 \1" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "\$(\d)" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "0x\1" )
	Text = TRegEx.Create( "%(\d)" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "0b\1" )
	Text = Text.Replace( "@@", ":" )
	'Text = TRegEx.Create( "" ).ReplaceAll( Text, "" )
	Return Text
End Function

Function IsIdentifier:Int( Code:Int, StringBeginning:Int )
	If StringBeginning And Code >= Asc( "0" ) And Code <= Asc( "9" ) Then Return True
	If Code >= Asc( "A" ) And Code <= Asc( "Z" ) Then Return True
	If Code >= Asc( "a" ) And Code <= Asc( "z" ) Then Return True
	If Code = Asc( "_" ) Then Return True
End Function

Function ConvertIdentifier:String( Identifier:String )
	Local LowerCaseIdentifer:String = Identifier.ToLower()
	Local Class:TClass = TClass( TClass.Classes.ValueForKey( LowerCaseIdentifer ) )
	If Class Then
		FileClasses.Insert( Class, Null )
		Return Class.Name
	End If
	Local ID:TIdentifier = TIdentifier( TIdentifier.Identifiers.ValueForKey( LowerCaseIdentifer ) )
	If ID Then
		If ID.Class Then FileClasses.Insert( ID.Class, Null )
		Return ID.Result
	End If
	If Identifier.EndsWith( "@" ) Then Identifier = Identifier[ ..Identifier.Length - 1 ] + ":Byte"
	If Identifier.EndsWith( "%" ) Then Identifier = Identifier[ ..Identifier.Length - 1 ] + ":Int"
	If Identifier.EndsWith( "#" ) Then Identifier = Identifier[ ..Identifier.Length - 1 ] + ":Float"
	If Identifier.EndsWith( "!" ) Then Identifier = Identifier[ ..Identifier.Length - 1 ] + ":Double"
	If Identifier.EndsWith( "$" ) Then Identifier = Identifier[ ..Identifier.Length - 1 ] + ":String"
	If LowerCaseIdentifer.StartsWith( "l_" ) Then Identifier = Identifier[ 2.. ]
	Return Identifier[ 0..1 ].ToLower() + Identifier[ 1.. ]
End Function


Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)2012
Very Nicely Done! :D
Do you plan on creating a Java to BlitzMax converter too?

Guy Fawkes2012
Holy crap dude! Is there any way u can do this for Blitz3D?! O_O

Matt Merkulov2012
Do you plan on creating a Java to BlitzMax converter too?

No, it's senseless, I guess.

Is there any way u can do this for Blitz3D?!

I didn't use B3D for 5 years now and forgot a lot unfortunately.

damn.. It would be cool

Which way do you want, B3D->Java or Java->B3D? One's rather easier than the other!

Ask nicely and I'll think about doing one, if Matt doesn't want to.

I can't really imagine many scenarios where it would be very useful though, as B3D is heavily tied to the 2D/3D engines, and as far as I know, nobody's completed a Java port of either of them yet.

Guy Fawkes2012
Could you please make a B3D->Java version? :) That would be wonderful! :) Thanks, Yasha! :)

Matt Merkulov2012
B3D code can be ported to BlitzMax via BM IDE and then to Java. Though some additional automatic function name replacements can be done to tie B3D functions to MiniB3D ones (MiniB3D should be ported too then).

Jason W.2012
Nice job Matt!


Matt Merkulov2012
Converter is heavily updated. List of changes:
* now converter scans directory tree instead of "include" links, so you have to arrange your code in folder structure as in standard Java project first, "include", "import" and "framework" lines will be ignored
* added class scanning pass before conversion
* source file package will be set in output file
* java source import strings will be properly set depending on classes used
* some standard BlitzMax classes and methods will be converted to corresponding Java ones
* proper conversion of comments including these for documentation generation
* correct conversion of identifiers (classes to pascal case, others to camel case)
* conversion of variable postfixes
* fixed some bugs in conversion of conditions

Great stuff! Thanks!

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