Code archives/Miscellaneous/Function to capitalize the first letter of each word in a string

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Function to capitalize the first letter of each word in a string by Zethrax2012
This function will accept a case insensitive text string and return the string with the first character in each word capitalized, and the rest of the characters converted to lower-case.
Function Capitalize$( t$ )

	; This function will accept a case insensitive string
	; and return the string with the first character in each word
	; capitalized, and the rest of the characters converted to lower-case.
	t$ = Lower( t$ )
	Local l = Len( t$ )
	Local c$ = "", r$ = "", old_c$, i
	For i = 1 To l
		old_c$ = c$
		c$ = Mid( t$, i, 1 )
		If ( i = 1 ) Or ( old_c$ = " " ) Then c$ = Upper( c$ )
		r$ = r$ + c$
	Return r$
End Function


Print Capitalize( "the cat sat on the mat" )

WaitKey : End


Guy Fawkes2012
Is there a way you can detect capslock, and make it so that if capslock is ON, then it prints out a capital letter to a text file, or if capslocks off, then it prints out a non-capital letter to a text file, and make it so that it can print then together, LiKe THis ?

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