Code archives/Miscellaneous/Code statistics

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Code statistics by Matt Merkulov2011
UPD: fixed some bugs

Global Files:Int = 1
Global Comments:Int
Global CodeLines:Int
Global CommentLines:Int
Global Classes:Int
Global CommentedClasses:Int
Global Methods:Int
Global CommentedMethods:Int
Global Fields:Int
Global CommentedFields:Int
Global GlobalFunctions:Int
Global CommentedGlobalFunctions:Int
Global GlobalVariables:Int
Global CommentedGlobalVariables:Int
Global Constants:Int
Global CommentedConstants:Int

Local FileName:String = RequestFile( "Select bmx file to process...", "bmx" )
Print "File " + StripDir( FileName ) + ":"
ProcessFile( FileName )

Print ""
Print "Files: " + Files
Print "Code lines: " + CodeLines
Print "Comment lines: " + CommentLines
Print ""
Print "Classes: " + StatEntry( Classes, CommentedClasses, False )
Print "Class fields: " + StatEntry( Fields, CommentedFields )
Print "Class methods / functions: " + StatEntry( Methods, CommentedMethods )
Print ""
Print "Global functions: " + StatEntry( GlobalFunctions, CommentedGlobalFunctions, False )
Print "Global variables: " + StatEntry( GlobalVariables, CommentedGlobalVariables, False )
Print "Constants: " + StatEntry( Constants, CommentedConstants, False )
Print ""
Print "Total items: " + StatEntry( Classes + Methods + Fields + GlobalFunctions + GlobalVariables + Constants, CommentedClasses + ..
		CommentedMethods + CommentedFields + CommentedGlobalFunctions + CommentedGlobalVariables + CommentedConstants, False )

Function ProcessFile( FileName:String )
	Local File:TStream = ReadFile( FileName )
	Local OldDir:String = CurrentDir()
	ChangeDir( ExtractDir( FileName ) )
	Local RemFlag:Int
	Local InClass:Int
	Local Commented:Int
	Local FirstLines:Int = True
	While Not EOF( File )
		Local Line:String = Trim( ReadLine( File ) ).ToLower()
		If RemFlag Then
			If Line.StartsWith( "endrem" ) Or Line.StartsWith( "end rem" )  Then
				RemFlag = False
				If Line.StartsWith( "bbdoc" ) Then Commented = True
				If Not FirstLines Then CommentLines :+ 1
			End If
		Else If Line = "rem" Or Line.StartsWith( "rem " ) Then
			RemFlag = True
		Else If Line.StartsWith( "'" )
			If Not FirstLines Then CommentLines :+ 1
		Else If Line.StartsWith( "include" )
			ProcessFile( Line[ 8.. ].Replace( "~q", "" ) )
			Files :+ 1
		ElseIf Line <> "" Then
			FirstLines = False
			CodeLines :+ 1
			If Line.StartsWith( "type" ) Then 
				InClass = True
				Set( Classes, CommentedClasses, Commented )
			Else If Line.StartsWith( "endtype" ) Or Line.StartsWith( "end type" ) Then
				InClass = False
			Else If Line.StartsWith( "method" ) Then
				Set( Methods, CommentedMethods, Commented )
			Else If Line.StartsWith( "function" ) Then 
				If InClass Then Set( Methods, CommentedMethods, Commented ) Else Set( GlobalFunctions, CommentedGlobalFunctions, Commented )
			Else If Line.StartsWith( "field" ) Then
				Set( Fields, CommentedFields, Commented )
				Fields :+ CountCommas( Line )
			ElseIf Line.StartsWith( "global" ) Then
				Set( GlobalVariables, CommentedGlobalVariables, Commented )
			ElseIf Line.StartsWith( "const" ) Then
				Set( Constants, CommentedConstants, Commented )
			End If
		End If
	CloseFile( File )
	ChangeDir( OldDir )
End Function

Function Set( Items:Int Var, CommentedItems:Int Var, Commented:Int Var )
	Items :+ 1
	If Commented Then CommentedItems :+ 1
	Commented = False
End Function

Function CountCommas:Int( Line:String )
	Local Commas:Int
	Local Quotes:Int
	For Local N:Int = 0 Until Len( Line )
		If Line[ N ] = Asc( "~q" ) Then
			Quotes = Not Quotes
		ElseIf Not Quotes Then
			If Line[ N ] = Asc( "," ) Then Commas :+ 1
		End If
	Return Commas
End Function

Function TrimDouble:String( Value:Double )
	Local StringValue:String = Value
	Return StringValue[ ..StringValue.Find( "." ) + 3 ]
End Function

Function StatEntry:String( Items:Int, CommentedItems:Int, WithClasses:Int = True )
	Local ClassString:String = ""
	If WithClasses Then ClassString = TrimDouble( 1.0 * Items / ( Classes + ( Classes = 0 ) ) ) + " per class, "
	Return Items + " (" + ClassString + CommentedItems + " or " + TrimDouble( 100.0 * CommentedItems / ( Items + ( Items = 0 ) ) ) + "% commented)"
End Function


Matt Merkulov2011
DWLab framework stats:
Files: 41
Code lines: 4215
Comment lines: 999

Classes: 49 (37 or 75.51% commented)
Class fields: 175 (3.57 per class, 62 or 35.42% commented)
Class methods / functions: 365 (7.44 per class, 233 or 63.83% commented)

Global functions: 43 (25 or 58.13% commented)
Global variables: 27 (4 or 14.81% commented)
Constants: 29 (16 or 55.17% commented)

Total items: 688 (377 or 54.79% commented)

DWLab world editor stats:
Files: 21
Code lines: 2895
Comment lines: 13

Classes: 17 (0 or 0.00% commented)
Class fields: 195 (11.47 per class, 0 or 0.00% commented)
Class methods / functions: 94 (6.11 per class, 0 or 0.00% commented)

Global functions: 11 (0 or 0.00% commented)
Global variables: 7 (0 or 0.00% commented)
Constants: 73 (0 or 0.00% commented)

Total items: 397 (0 or 0.00% commented)

Super Mario Bros remake stats:
Files: 26
Code lines: 1129
Comment lines: 5

Classes: 53 (0 or 0.00% commented)
Class fields: 117 (2.20 per class, 0 or 0.00% commented)
Class methods / functions: 112 (2.16 per class, 0 or 0.00% commented)

Global functions: 0 (0 or 0.00% commented)
Global variables: 1 (0 or 0.00% commented)
Constants: 83 (0 or 0.00% commented)

Total items: 366 (0 or 0.00% commented)

MindStorm stats:
Files: 11
Code lines: 379
Comment lines: 0

Classes: 10 (0 or 0.00% commented)
Class fields: 48 (4.79 per class, 0 or 0.00% commented)
Class methods / functions: 22 (2.20 per class, 0 or 0.00% commented)

Global functions: 0 (0 or 0.00% commented)
Global variables: 1 (0 or 0.00% commented)
Constants: 30 (0 or 0.00% commented)

Total items: 111 (0 or 0.00% commented)

Huge isometric maze stats:
Files: 5
Code lines: 263
Comment lines: 0

Classes: 6 (0 or 0.00% commented)
Class fields: 20 (3.33 per class, 0 or 0.00% commented)
Class methods / functions: 13 (2.16 per class, 0 or 0.00% commented)

Global functions: 1 (0 or 0.00% commented)
Global variables: 2 (0 or 0.00% commented)
Constants: 11 (0 or 0.00% commented)

Total items: 53 (0 or 0.00% commented)

Post code statistics of your projects.

wxmax stats:
Files: 221
Code lines: 34566
Comment lines: 15253

Classes: 636 (482 or 75.78% commented)
Class fields: 155 (0.24 per class, 3 or 1.93% commented)
Class methods / functions: 6810 (10.70 per class, 5281 or 77.54% commented)

Global functions: 145 (87 or 60.00% commented)
Global variables: 42 (7 or 16.66% commented)
Constants: 2283 (51 or 2.23% commented)

Total items: 10071 (5911 or 58.69% commented)

... excluding the extern functions and consts

Files: 430
Code lines: 46990
Comment lines: 15858

Classes: 636 (482 or 75.78% commented)
Class fields: 161 (0.25 per class, 3 or 1.86% commented)
Class methods / functions: 6810 (10.70 per class, 5281 or 77.54% commented)

Global functions: 5494 (87 or 1.58% commented)
Global variables: 46 (7 or 15.21% commented)
Constants: 4443 (148 or 3.33% commented)

Total items: 17590 (6008 or 34.15% commented)

... including the extern functions and consts...


Matt Merkulov2011

Matt Merkulov2011
DWLab 1.3.2

Files: 71
Code lines: 6002
Comment lines: 1316

Classes: 74 (50 or 67.56% commented)
Class fields: 277 (3.74 per class, 97 or 35.01% commented)
Class methods / functions: 511 (6.90 per class, 313 or 61.25% commented)

Global functions: 51 (32 or 62.74% commented)
Global variables: 57 (11 or 19.29% commented)
Constants: 41 (18 or 43.90% commented)

Total items: 1011 (521 or 51.53% commented)

Color Lines 1.0 beta:

Files: 29
Code lines: 1045
Comment lines: 15

Classes: 33
Class fields: 72
Class methods / functions: 91

Global functions: 1
Global variables: 5
Constants: 22

Total items: 224

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