Code archives/Miscellaneous/FindLastString function

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FindLastString function by Zethrax2011
This function finds the position of the last occurrence of one string inside another string.

If the search string is not found inside the string to be searched then a zero value will be returned.

Note that the function is case sensitive by default. Specify 'False' for the 'is_case_sensitive' parameter for a case insensitive check.
Function FindLastString( haystack$, needle$, is_case_sensitive = True )
	; This function finds the position of the last occurrence of
	; the 'needle$' string inside the 'haystack$' string.
	; If the 'needle$' string is not found inside the 'haystack$' string
	; then a zero value will be returned.
	; Note that the function is case sensitive by default.
	; Specify 'False' for the 'is_case_sensitive' parameter;
	; for a case insensitive check.
	Local offset = 1, lastpos
	If is_case_sensitive = False
		haystack$ = Lower$( haystack$ )
		needle$ = Lower$( needle$ )	
		offset = Instr ( haystack$, needle$, offset )
		If offset
			lastpos = offset
			offset = offset + Len( needle$ )
	Until offset = 0
	Return lastpos
End Function


Print "Case Sensitive: " + FindLastString( "sABabcABadabABab", "AB" )
Print "Not Case Sensitive: " + FindLastString( "sABabcABadabABab", "AB", False )

WaitKey : End


I'm not sure if Instr is faster at ssearching than adding the length of needle each time, it may be quite dependant on the relative length of the strings.

But this might be quicker, since it chops down the string eacch time, and performs another Instr

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