Code archives/Miscellaneous/CountString function

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CountString function by Zethrax2011
This function counts and returns how many times that one string (the 'needle' string) occurs inside another string (the 'haystack' string).

The function is case sensitive by default. Specify 'False' for the third parameter ('is_case_sensitive') to do a case insensitive check.
Function CountString( haystack$, needle$, is_case_sensitive = True )
	; This function counts how many times the 'needle$' string
	; occurs inside the 'haystack$' string.
	; Note that the function is case sensitive by default.
	; Specify 'False' for the 'is_case_sensitive' parameter;
	; for a case insensitive check.
	Local offset = 1, count
	If is_case_sensitive = False
		haystack$ = Lower$( haystack$ )
		needle$ = Lower$( needle$ )	
		offset = Instr ( haystack$, needle$, offset )
		If offset
			count = count + 1
			offset = offset + Len( needle$ )
	Until offset = 0
	Return count
End Function


Print "Case Sensitive: " + CountString( "sABabcadadabAB", "AB" )
Print "Not Case Sensitive: " + CountString( "sABabcadadabAB", "AB", False )

WaitKey : End


Nice to see this interesting
CountString function by Zethrax

As an example;
s1$ = "1010101010101"
s2$ = "101"

find how many occurrences of s2 within s1:
There are two possible answers:
6 counts, { where you check at every single char offset. }
3 counts, { where you don't have overlaps = Zethrax's version }

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