Code archives/Miscellaneous/Colours By Name

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Colours By Name by Streaksy2010
Instead of using:
Color 152,141,121
ClsColor 152,141,121

You can now use:
Colour "Magenta"
ClsColour "Burgundy"

(The UK spelling instead of the US spelling. Easily changed if you don't like it.)

You can supply a brightness aswell. 255 is normal. Less than that is dark, higher than that is light. I guess it goes 0-512. eg. Colour "Red",150

That's useful for the 3D effects on window edges etc., when you want to easily get the lighter/darker equivelents of a colour.

I love my colour list for some reason. I've nurtured it for a long time. :P

At the start of the code is a constant, Colour_Demo. If it's set to one, when you run it, you get a colour chart. If not, the program runs as normal. It's all arranged as an includable.

It's best to keep the colour chart code in to use as a reference. Compiled EXEs won't have the code for it anyway as IFs that involve a constant dont get their contents compiled if it the result is false.

I first started on this like 2 years ago because I made a GUI library with colour dialogues to choose the interface's colours etc. Now I just keep it as a bit of fun mostly that might come in handy. I've enjoyed making the list and getting the colours right.

There's a bunch of other colour fuctions aswell.

Edit: Just realised I still had the RGB2HSB code in. I think it was by `jfk EO-11110'. I took it out because it's not mine. (It's great code and if you want it it's in the Algorithms section of the code archives.)

Const Colour_Demo=1         ;run this bb with this const set 
as 1 to see the colour chart

Const ColourLibPresent=1

Global BGcolR=-1,BGcolG=-1,BGcolB=-1

Global Colours,MaxColours=200
Dim ColourName$(MaxColours)
Dim ColourLen(MaxColours)
Dim ColourR(MaxColours)
Dim ColourG(MaxColours)
Dim ColourB(MaxColours)
Dim ColourRGB(MaxColours)

Global sat#,lumin#,hue# ;returned by RGB2HSB()

AddColour "Blue"                  ,65,95,255
AddColour "Red"                   ,215,25,25
AddColour "Yellow"                ,255,215,55
AddColour "Green"                 ,75,215,35
AddColour "Orange"                ,245,131,25
AddColour "Brown"                 ,85,45,25
AddColour "Pink"                  ,255,125,165
AddColour "Purple"                ,122,0,100
AddColour "Cyan"                  ,85,195,255
AddColour "Aqua"                  ,85,215,135
AddColour "Indigo"                ,100,38,204
AddColour "Violet"                ,145,65,255
AddColour "Magenta"               ,238,2,128
AddColour "Fuchsia"               ,210,0,90
AddColour "Lilac"                 ,190,150,250
AddColour "Lavender"              ,160,150,250
AddColour "Teal"                  ,0,167,160
AddColour "Turquoise"             ,0,210,170
AddColour "Mauve"                 ,186,126,150
AddColour "Beige"                 ,209,196,174
AddColour "Jade"                  ,53,133,85
AddColour "Cream"                 ,240,225,170
AddColour "Taupe"                 ,174,159,138
AddColour "Buff"                  ,76,86,80
AddColour "Peach"                 ,255,180,80
AddColour "Nutmeg"                ,128,100,70
AddColour "Plum"                  ,70,14,54
AddColour "Salmon"                ,229,107,83
AddColour "Burgundy"              ,65,5,34
AddColour "Tan"                   ,190,130,80
AddColour "Olive"                 ,97,108,53
AddColour "Chestnut"              ,92,32,16
AddColour "Navy Blue"             ,0,38,73
AddColour "Sky Blue"              ,105,135,245
AddColour "Lemon"                 ,255,255,55
AddColour "Lime"                  ,5,205,5
AddColour "Hot Pink"              ,245,0,200
AddColour "Mint"                  ,172,255,172
AddColour "Walnut"                ,163,129,79
AddColour "Coral"                 ,252,125,95
AddColour "Cherry"                ,175,0,30
AddColour "Maroon"                ,88,28,33
AddColour "Azure"                 ,13,119,183
AddColour "Cedar"                 ,163,43,64
AddColour "Safron"                ,255,180,0
AddColour "Crimson"               ,95,0,10
AddColour "Scarlet"               ,135,15,15
AddColour "Royal Purple"          ,70,0,90
AddColour "Slate"                 ,56,59,63
AddColour "Khaki"                 ,154,130,94
AddColour "Oatmeal"               ,215,200,150
AddColour "Raspberry"             ,155,15,65
AddColour "Mahogany"              ,54,22,0
AddColour "Heather"               ,125,85,105
AddColour "Avocado"               ,198,192,116
AddColour "Pea Green"             ,98,143,57
AddColour "Wine"                  ,122,11,56
AddColour "Watermellon"           ,236,91,89
AddColour "Sand"                  ,177,139,88
AddColour "Candy Pink"            ,255,85,195
AddColour "Chocolate"             ,73,50,34
AddColour "Grape"                 ,140,170,100
AddColour "Flamingo"              ,255,62,138
AddColour "Terracotta"            ,225,115,70
AddColour "Auburn"                ,75,23,9
AddColour "Rose"                  ,229,144,150
AddColour "Mustard"               ,200,180,20
AddColour "Caramel"               ,170,110,0
AddColour "Honey"                 ,235,170,46
AddColour "Parchment"             ,225,196,149
AddColour "Kiwi"                  ,112,156,45
AddColour "Cucumber"              ,190,210,99
AddColour "Vanilla"               ,249,241,143
AddColour "Almond"                ,187,167,140
AddColour "Clay"                  ,143,131,114
AddColour "Banana"                ,249,242,80
AddColour "Strawberry"            ,255,95,55
AddColour "Spice"                 ,210,80,0
AddColour "Sorbet"                ,185,85,85
AddColour "Cargo"                 ,100,92,73
AddColour "Milkshake"             ,255,155,175
AddColour "Velvet"                ,171,39,78
AddColour "Amaranth"              ,130,45,90
AddColour "Tomato"                ,203,58,19
AddColour "Amethyst"              ,145,85,165
AddColour "Curry"                 ,165,140,20
AddColour "Butter"                ,254,251,174
AddColour "Toffee"                ,165,85,35
AddColour "Burlap"                ,150,110,60
AddColour "Willow"                ,45,190,100
AddColour "Highlight"             ,225,250,40
AddColour "Menthol"               ,145,255,195
AddColour "Lemon Curd"            ,234,222,116
AddColour "Citrus"                ,255,150,0
AddColour "Buttermilk"            ,255,255,214
AddColour "Moss"                  ,75,90,30
AddColour "Basalt"                ,66,66,55
AddColour "Girly Pink"            ,246,146,217
AddColour "Blush"                 ,255,55,55
AddColour "Morocco"               ,180,40,0
AddColour "Glamour Girl"          ,200,0,140
AddColour "Herbal"                ,100,140,100
AddColour "Soft Blue"             ,55,85,175
AddColour "Tiger Lily"            ,231,60,9
AddColour "Brick"                 ,121,47,36
AddColour "White Chocolate"       ,255,255,193
AddColour "Sour Yellow"           ,225,250,80
AddColour "Soft Orange"           ,255,135,65
AddColour "Denim"                 ,135,165,232
AddColour "Deep Pink"             ,200,80,144
AddColour "Vivid Purple"          ,165,5,255
AddColour "Silver Grey"           ,155,155,177
AddColour "Warm Pink"             ,226,90,110
AddColour "Mud"                   ,125,70,25
AddColour "Desert Camo"           ,190,150,80
AddColour "Cheese"                ,236,185,73
AddColour "Grass"                 ,112,149,38
AddColour "Soft Pink"             ,215,105,125
AddColour "Fern"                  ,40,130,0
AddColour "Gloom"                 ,50,70,60
AddColour "Night Blue"            ,65,65,120
AddColour "Sea Storm"             ,60,100,120
AddColour "Slime"                 ,125,195,35
AddColour "Glow Stick"            ,205,250,100
AddColour "Airy Blue"             ,100,130,150
AddColour "Natural Green"         ,104,125,55
AddColour "Sandstone"             ,115,115,70
AddColour "Bright Blue"           ,185,195,255
AddColour "Bright Green"          ,175,255,135
AddColour "Toxic Yellow"          ,155,155,0
AddColour "Toad"                  ,59,62,40
AddColour "Swamp"                 ,43,48,38
AddColour "Neutral Blue"          ,5,65,85
AddColour "Caucasia"              ,215,170,130
AddColour "Homey"                 ,124,77,59
AddColour "Twilight"              ,28,28,44
AddColour "Sycamore"              ,105,90,40
AddColour "Volcanic"              ,44,28,28
AddColour "Fire"                  ,255,90,14
AddColour "Ice"                   ,125,220,255
AddColour "Troll"                 ,28,44,28
AddColour "Poison"                ,125,250,40
AddColour "Dark Aqua"             ,29,104,100
AddColour "Fog"                   ,139,164,140
AddColour "Metalic"               ,153,172,160
AddColour "Mineral"               ,192,192,160
AddColour "White"                 ,255,255,255
AddColour "Light Grey"            ,165,165,165
AddColour "Grey"                  ,122,122,122
AddColour "Dark Grey"             ,65,65,65
AddColour "Charcoal"              ,24,24,24
AddColour "Opaque Black"          ,2,2,2

AddColour "Light Blue"            ,115,145,255
AddColour "Light Red"             ,255,35,35
AddColour "Light Yellow"          ,255,225,95
AddColour "Light Green"           ,115,255,85
AddColour "Light Orange"          ,255,171,75
AddColour "Light Brown"           ,125,85,55
AddColour "Light Pink"            ,255,175,205
AddColour "Light Purple"          ,152,70,170

AddColour "Dark Blue"             ,35,30,100
AddColour "Dark Red"              ,115,15,15
AddColour "Dark Yellow"           ,155,115,22
AddColour "Dark Green"            ,39,107,19
AddColour "Dark Orange"           ,145,71,17
AddColour "Dark Brown"            ,42,23,17
AddColour "Dark Pink"             ,165,75,99
AddColour "Dark Purple"           ,62,0,50

AddColour "Black"                 ,0,0,0
AddColour "System Red"            ,255,0,0
AddColour "System Green"          ,0,255,0
AddColour "System Yellow"         ,255,255,0
AddColour "System Blue"           ,0,0,255
AddColour "System Magenta"        ,255,0,255
AddColour "System Cyan"           ,0,255,255

If Colour_Demo Then
;Graphics 1280,1024,32,1
Graphics 1024,768,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
SetFont LoadFont("tahoma",18) ; lucida console 21
ClsColour "khaki"
For c=1 To colours
colour c
If mmd2=0 Then Rect x,y,w,h,1:Colour c,150:Text x+(w/2)-1,y+1+(h/2),colourname(c),1,1:Colour c,160; Color 0,0,0
Rect x,y,w,h,0
Rect x+1,y+1,w-2,h-2,0
If mmd2=0 Then Colour c,390
Text x+(w/2),y+(h/2)-1,colourname(c),1,1

If mmsx=>x And mmsy=>y And mmsx=<x+w And mmsy=<y+h Then Rect x,y,w,h,0:If MouseDown(1) Then ClsColor colourr(c),colourg(c),colourb(c)
y=y+h+sp:If y+h>GraphicsHeight() Then y=ofy:x=x+w+sp
Until KeyHit(1)

Global maxremcols=100,remcolat=0
Dim remcolr(maxremcols)
Dim remcolg(maxremcols)
Dim remcolb(maxremcols)
Global cremred,cremgreen,cremblue

Dim alut(600,3)		;MIXCOLOURS()
Local r					
For r=1 To 600
If c>255 c=255
alut(r,1) = (c And 255) Shl 16 
alut(r,2) = (c And 255) Shl 8 
alut(r,3) = (c And 255) 

Function RememberColour()
If remcolat=maxremcols Then Return
End Function

Function RecallColour()
If remcolat=0 Then Color cremred,cremgreen,cremblue:Return
Color remcolr(remcolat),remcolg(remcolat),remcolb(remcolat)
End Function

Function Alpha(hue)
Return (hue And $FF000000) Shr 24
End Function

Function Red(hue)
Return (hue And $00FF0000) Shr 16
End Function

Function Green(hue)
Return (hue And $0000FF00) Shr 8
End Function

Function Blue(hue)
Return (hue And $000000FF)
End Function

Function ARGB(A,R,G,B)
Return RGBA(r,g,b,a)
End Function

Function RGBA(R,G,B,A=255)
If a<0 Then Return (R*256*256)+(g*256)+b
Return A Shl 24 Or R Shl 16 Or G Shl 8 Or B; Shl 0
End Function

Function MixColours(col1,col2,a#)
Local na#,rr1,gg1,bb1,rr2,gg2,bb2
rr1=((col1 Shr 16) And 255) *a
gg1=((col1 Shr 8) And 255) *a
bb1=(col1 And 255) *a
rr2=((col2 Shr 16) And 255) *na
gg2=((col2 Shr 8) And 255) *na 
bb2=(col2 And 255) *na
Return $ff000000 Or aLut(rr1+rr2,1) Or aLut(gg1+gg2,2) Or aLut(bb1+bb2,3)
End Function

Function AddColour(N$,R,G,B)
If colours=maxcolours Then RuntimeError "Too many colours."
End Function

Function FindColour(n$)
For t=1 To colours
If colourlen(t)+l Then If n=Lower(colourname(t)) Then Return t
End Function

Function Colour(n$,bri=255) ;bri goes from 0 to 512 ... 255 is normal!
If t=0 Then t=findcolour(n)
If bri=255 Then Color colourr(t),colourg(t),colourb(t):Return t
If bri<255 Then Color (colourr(t)*bri)/255,(colourg(t)*bri)/255,(colourb(t)*bri)/255:Return t
If bri>255 Then tw#=bri-255:tw=tw/255:Color cbetween(colourr(t),255,tw#),cbetween(colourg(t),255,tw#),cbetween(colourb(t),255,tw#):Return t
Return t
End Function
Function cBetween#(v1#,v2#,t#):dif#=v2-v1
Return v1+(dif*t)
End Function

Function CLSColour(n$,bri=255) ;bri goes from 0 to 512 ... 255 is normal!
If t=0 Then t=FindColour(n)
If bri=255 Then ClsColor colourr(t),colourg(t),colourb(t):Return t
If bri<255 Then ClsColor (colourr(t)*bri)/255,(colourg(t)*bri)/255,(colourb(t)*bri)/255:Return t
If bri>255 Then tw#=bri-255:tw=tw/255:ClsColor cbetween(colourr(t),255,tw#),cbetween(colourg(t),255,tw#),cbetween(colourb(t),255,tw#):Return t
Return t
End Function

Function SetBGColour(col$):bgcolour col:End Function

Function BGColour(col$)
If Lower(c)="transparent" Then bgcolr=-1:bgcolb=-1:bgcolg=-1
End Function

Function CStringWidth(tx$)
For t=1 To Len(tx)
If c="{" Then getting=0
If c="}" Then getting=1:c=""
If getting Then tx2$=tx2+c
Return StringWidth(tx2)
End Function

Function CText(x,y,tx$,cx=0,cy=0)
Local cod$,cod1$,cod2$
If cx Then x=x-(CStringWidth(tx$)/2)
If cy Then y=y-(FontHeight()/2)
For t=1 To Len(tx)
If c="{" Then getting=0:c=""
	If c="}" Then
	If Len(cod)>4 Then cod1$=Upper(Left(cod,4)):cod2=Right(cod,Len(cod)-4)
	If cod1="COL:" Then Colour cod2
	If cod1="BGC:" Then BGColour cod2
If getting Then
If bgcolr>-1 Or bgcolg>-1 Or bgcolb>-1 Then rd2=ColorRed():gr2=ColorGreen():bl2=ColorBlue():Color bgcolr,bgcolg,bgcolb:Rect x,y,StringWidth(c),FontHeight(),1:Color rd2,gr2,bl2
Text x,y,c:x=x+StringWidth(c)
If getting=0 Then cod$=cod+c$
Color rd,gr,bl
End Function


Hi, some of your codes are very usefull.. but unfortunately code is to blitz3d..... BUT this is so easy to convert bmax code.. so, Thanks.

Wow, how long did that take to wriote out all the colours??? :)

If it helps, to make it easier to identify some 'common' aRGB Hex values, I made a few of my own. These were specifically for use with the Blitzsys.dll DLLColor... functions:

Const COL_WHITE% = 16777215
Const COL_BLACK% = 16777216

Const COL_RED = 255
Const COL_GREEN=65280
Const COL_BLUE=16711680

Const COL_YELLOW= 65535
Const COL_CYAN=16776960
Const COL_MAGENTA=16711935

Const COL_ORANGE=32303
Const COL_EMERALD=65408
Const COL_AMETHYST=16711808
Const COL_SAPPHIRE=16744448
Const COL_RUBY=8388863
Const COL_AQUA=8453888

Const COL_VIOLET=16744576
Const COL_APPLE=8454016
Const COL_STRAWBERRY=8421631
Const COL_BANANA=8454143
Const COL_PINK=16744703
Const COL_ICE=16777088

Const COL_FLESH=8438015
Const COL_GOLD=49407

Const COL_LEAF=32768
Const COL_BERRY=128

Const COL_BLOOD=63
Const COL_CERULEAN=12615680
Const COL_WOOD=12615680

Const COL_CHARCOAL=4144959
Const COL_LEAD=8421504
Const COL_STEEL=10526880
Const COL_SILVER=12632256

nice stuff !

a litle improvment for the demo
-> use an image to grab colours, so we don't draw rects every frame

I did something similar to what you did but for Bmax. I got all of the valid html colors and converted the to an object:

Bobysait: Yeah I could have done that but have you seen what happens when you left + right click on a colour? ;D

Jesse: Thats cool but I put all the colour codes in an array because I might want to call upon the colours in a way other than simply changing setting the current drawing colour. But yeh it's handy isn't it ;D

I had not tested the Right click :) very usefull ^^

so let'go for a 2-frame image ^^

@Jesse :
Maybe a [ codebox ] [ /codebox ] is more discret ...

Treaksy, I wasn't trying to show it of as being a better example but that maybe it would help with color declarations for others and maybe even combine both to make it more complete. yours do have several advantages.

@bobysait, I know what you mean. I was just trying to, irresponsibly, show it off.
fixed now

Not showing off either :P Just explain why it is how it is

just a small joke for Streaksy :
on your keyboard, you'll fine a smart key with 2 arrows ( one going left, one going right )

you could use it to indent a bit your code :P

funny thing is i actually have my own style of indentation. when i see indented code it seems all spread out to me.. i like sections of code all clustered together. just suits the way i think of it. when i see something good in the code archives and use it i actually, in most cases, remove all the indentation. just a foible :P

Using hexidecimal notation for your color constants would be much easier to read and edit (as long as you understand hex).

;For example, when dealing with colors:
Const COL_ICE = $00FFFF80
;is easier to interpret than
Const COL_ICE = 16777088
;Just remember that it goes Alpha (when used for textures), Blue, Green, Red.  2 Hex digits per component.

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