Code archives/Miscellaneous/system status

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system status by Heliotrope2010
computer check
AppTitle "deh - system status2.0"
Graphics 600,600,16,2
tgd = CountGfxDrivers ()
tgm = CountGfxModes ()

	Text 10,80,"time : " + CurrentTime()
	Text 10,100,"date : " + CurrentDate()
	Text 10,120, "mouseX : " + MouseX()
	Text 10,140,"mouseY : " + MouseY()
	Text 10,160,"mousez : " + MouseZ()
	Text 10,180,"mousexspeed : " + MouseXSpeed()
	Text 10,200,"mouseyspeed : " + MouseYSpeed()
	Text 10,220,"mousezspeed : " + MouseZSpeed()
	If JoyType =0 Then Text 10,240,"no joystick"
	If JoyType =1 Then Text 10,240,"digital joystick"
	If JoyType =2 Then Text 10,240,"analog joystick"
	If JoyType >0 Then Text 10,290,"joy x : " + JoyX()
	If JoyType >0 Then Text 10,310,"joy y : " + JoyY()
	If JoyType >0 Then Text 10,330,"joy z : " + JoyZ()
	tvm = TotalVidMem () / 1000000
	avm = AvailVidMem () / 1000000
	Text 10,350,"you have " + tgd + " graphics card(s) on your computer"
	Text 10,370,"with a total of " + tgm + " modes and a total memory of "
	Text 10,390, tvm + " megabytes of which " + avm + " megabytes are available"
	k = GetKey()
	If k > 0 Then t = True
	If t = True Then Text 10,260,"keypress : " + k 
	If t = True Then Delay 499
	If t = True Then t = False 
	Delay 101

Until KeyHit (1)



I don't know why you even used the t variable, all you needed to do was:

	k = GetKey()
	If k > 0 Then
		Text 10,260,"keypress : " + k 
		Delay 499
	Delay 101

avm and tvm are divided by 1000000 this is wrong.
To get Megabytes you ought to use Shr 20 which is not only accurate but also faster.

Also, tvm is never going to change, so there's little need to have that updated each 'loop'.

tell me anyone who has more than 3 graphics drivers.

I used t and tvm in the loop becuse I like using variables.

this is system status3.0


tell me anyone who has more than 3 graphics drivers

Dual outlet cards are represented by two entries in the hardware list so even though only 2 physical cards are present, the results show 5 different entries...
Onboard default (Windows) : VGA Graphics Driver
Primary Crossfire Card: Sapphire Radeon X1600 Pro
Primary crossfire Card 2nd Output: Sapphire Radeon X1600 Pro Secondary
Secondary crossfire Card: Sapphire Radeon X1650 XT
Secondary crossfire Card: Sapphire Radeon X1650 XT Secondary

Considering there is a motion now to using 3 SLi GPUs or 2GPUs plus a physics card, this could mean 7 or more entries.

Also, the number of gpu is irrelevant, so I dunno why you mentioned that. It has no bearing at all on my point,

avm and tvm are divided by 1000000 this is wrong.
To get Megabytes you ought to use Shr 20 which is not only accurate but also faster.

Also, tvm is never going to change, so there's little need to have that updated each 'loop'.

It's so cute :)
"you have 3 graphics card(s) on your computer"
I'm happy to learn my graphics card was expecting babies :D

Graphics card of graphics driver... I just think they are not the same ^^

Whatever, I don't really see how usefull this entry can be, as it's just natives use of the blitz3d commands, but maybe it's not useless... Some noob could be happy to have this mini-template here.
So a correction would be appreciated.

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