Code archives/Miscellaneous/Retro numbers

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Retro numbers by Marcell2009
The program prints "retro numbers" read from data-sentences.

In variable CNumber$ one can put "any" positive number as a string, and the code translates it into integer that is printed with retro-style numbers.

To convert integer to string, just use str-command.
For example, sc$ = str score.

The code can be utilized for example in keeping scores in a game without using any system fonts. Try it! :-)
; 29.11.2009
; Coded by "Marcell"
; Public Domain

Graphics 800,600

Global offsetx

; We have numbers from 0 to 9;
; each index represents one number between 0-9
Dim bankki(10)

; Here we create banks for every number
For k = 0 To 9
	bankki(k) = CreateBank(3*5)

; Here we read number-datas to banks
For k = 0 To 9
	For i = 0 To 3*5 - 1
		Read number
		PokeByte (bankki(k), i,number)

; Here we create "block" for filling every "1"
; in the banks
Color 255,255,255
Global gfxblock = CreateImage(16,16)
SetBuffer ImageBuffer(gfxblock)
Rect 0,0,16,16

SetBuffer FrontBuffer()

While Not KeyHit(1)

	; This can be "any" number >= 0
	CNumber$ = "500"
	; Number length
	For i = 1 To Len(CNumber$)
		; Reads CNumber$ through for every digit of the CNumber
	 	n$ = Mid$(CNumber$,i,1)
		; Converts string to int value
		value = Int(n$)
		; Call function that draws a number


Function printNumber(index)

For j = 0 To 5 - 1
	For i = 0 To 3 - 1
		number = PeekByte(bankki(index),i + 3 * j)
		; If found 1, draw block
		If number = 1 Then DrawImage gfxBlock,i*15 + offsetx,j*15

offsetx = offsetx + 50

End Function

; Datas for the numbers

; 0
Data 1,1,1
Data 1,0,1
Data 1,0,1
Data 1,0,1
Data 1,1,1
; 1
Data 0,0,1
Data 0,1,1
Data 0,0,1
Data 0,0,1
Data 0,0,1

; 2
Data 1,1,1
Data 0,0,1
Data 0,1,0
Data 1,0,0
Data 1,1,1

; 3
Data 1,1,1
Data 0,0,1
Data 1,1,1
Data 0,0,1
Data 1,1,1

; 4
Data 0,0,1
Data 0,1,1
Data 1,0,1
Data 1,1,1
Data 0,0,1

; 5
Data 1,1,1
Data 1,0,0
Data 1,1,1
Data 0,0,1
Data 1,1,1

; 6
Data 1,1,1
Data 1,0,0
Data 1,1,1
Data 1,0,1
Data 1,1,1

; 7
Data 1,1,1
Data 0,0,1
Data 0,1,1
Data 0,0,1
Data 0,0,1

; 8
Data 1,1,1
Data 1,0,1
Data 1,1,1
Data 1,0,1
Data 1,1,1

; 9
Data 1,1,1
Data 1,0,1
Data 1,1,1
Data 0,0,1
Data 1,1,1


it is not a good idea to write to the front buffer.
in my laptop I don't see anything. I had to modify it to write to the back buffer and add a flip().

Sorry, I should have made double buffering version.

Here's double buffer version from code above.

Press a key to a random number to be drawn.

; 29.11.-4.12.2009
; Coded "Marcell"
; Public Domain

Graphics 800,600

Global offsetx

; We have numbers from 0 to 9;
; each index represents one number between 0-9
Dim bank(10)

; Here we create banks for every number
For k = 0 To 9
bank(k) = CreateBank(3*5)

; Here we read number-datas to banks
For k = 0 To 9
For i = 0 To 3*5 - 1
Read number
PokeByte (bank(k), i,number)

; Here we create "block" for filling every "1"
; in the banks
Color 255,255,255
Global gfxblock = CreateImage(16,16)
SetBuffer ImageBuffer(gfxblock)
Rect 0,0,16,16

SetBuffer BackBuffer()

While Not KeyHit(1)

nr = Rand(1,1024)
CNumber$ = Str nr

update (CNumber$)




Function update(CNumber$)

offsetx = 0

; Number length
For i = 1 To Len(CNumber$)
; Reads CNumber$ through for every digit of the CNumber
n$ = Mid$(CNumber$,i,1)
; Converts string to int value
value = Int(n$)
; Call function that draws a number
End Function

Function printNumber(index)

For j = 0 To 5 - 1
For i = 0 To 3 - 1
number = PeekByte(bank(index),i + 3 * j)
; If found 1, draw block
If number = 1 Then DrawImage gfxBlock,i*15 + offsetx,j*15

offsetx = offsetx + 50

End Function

; Datas for the numbers

; 0
Data 1,1,1
Data 1,0,1
Data 1,0,1
Data 1,0,1
Data 1,1,1
; 1
Data 0,0,1
Data 0,1,1
Data 0,0,1
Data 0,0,1
Data 0,0,1

; 2
Data 1,1,1
Data 0,0,1
Data 0,1,0
Data 1,0,0
Data 1,1,1

; 3
Data 1,1,1
Data 0,0,1
Data 1,1,1
Data 0,0,1
Data 1,1,1

; 4
Data 0,0,1
Data 0,1,1
Data 1,0,1
Data 1,1,1
Data 0,0,1

; 5
Data 1,1,1
Data 1,0,0
Data 1,1,1
Data 0,0,1
Data 1,1,1

; 6
Data 1,1,1
Data 1,0,0
Data 1,1,1
Data 1,0,1
Data 1,1,1

; 7
Data 1,1,1
Data 0,0,1
Data 0,1,1
Data 0,0,1
Data 0,0,1

; 8
Data 1,1,1
Data 1,0,1
Data 1,1,1
Data 1,0,1
Data 1,1,1

; 9
Data 1,1,1
Data 1,0,1
Data 1,1,1
Data 0,0,1
Data 1,1,1

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