Code archives/Miscellaneous/GetOpts

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GetOpts by Jim Teeuwen2009
This code is based on the unix shell version of getopts.

This function offers a simple interface for parsing commandline parameters using named key/value pairs.
Options may be supplied in any order and even combined.

Supplying a token string like "i:o:hdtqe" will define the options your application supports. GetOpts will use it to look for options named i, o, h, d, t, q and e.
The Options followed by ':' have to supply a value.
For example:

myapp.exe -h -dtq -e -i "myval" -o "and more value"

As you can see the options 'dtq' are combined into a single entry. This is not required and can be done for all options. Just be sure to give any options which require
a value, their own entry.

A more compact and equally valid version of the above would be:

myapp.exe -dqhtei "myval" -o "and more value"

GetOpts does not ensure required parameters are present. This is up to you to verify. All options are case-sensitive. So -e is not the same as -E.

GetOpts will report an error on a few occasions:
- A user calls your program with an unrecognized option. Eg: it is not listed in the token string.
- A user specifies an option that requires a value, but omits the value.

Using it is simple:
Framework brl.basic

Import brl.blitz
Include "getopts.bmx"

'// @opt will contain the name of the currently checked option.
'// @optarg will contain the value for this option (if any).
Local opt:String, optarg:String;
While(GetOpts("i:o:hdtqe", opt, optarg))
	 Case "h"; PrintUsage(); end;
	 Case "i"; Print("option i: " + optarg);
	 Case "o"; Print("option o: " + optarg);
	 Case "d"; '...
	 Case "e"; '...
	 Case "q"; '...
	 Case "t"; '...
	 	'// This will yield any values which are not
	 	'// associated with any specific options.
	 	'//   eg: copy.exe -rq /path/to/source /path/to/dest
	 	'// @opt will yield the 2 paths in this section.
	 	print("unspecified option: " + opt);
	End Select

'.. rest of your program

Known Issues:
- Due to the way Blitz supplies us the Commandline options in AppArgs$[], it is problematic to provide an option value which is itself an option.

  myapp.exe -c "-lGLU"

This example will cause GetOpts() to throw an error "Missing value for option -c". The reason for this, is that AppArgs will list '-lGLU' without the quotes and this will result in '-lGLU' being considered a new and distinct option, instead of a value. This is a common problem for most GetOpts implementations, but there is a way around it.

We can fix it by escaping the quotes around "-lGLU". For example:
  myapp.exe -c \"-lGLU\"

Now GetOpts() will correctly recognize "-lGLU" as an option value.
Function GetOpts:Int(tokens:String, opt:String Var, optarg:String Var)
	Global av:String[] = Null;
	global isparsed:int = false;
	If(not isparsed) Then
		av = New String[0];
		For Local n:Int = 1 Until AppArgs.Length
			If(AppArgs[n][0..1] = "-") Then
				For Local i:Int = 1 Until AppArgs[n].Length
					av = av[..av.Length + 1];
					av[av.length - 1] = "-" + AppArgs[n][i..i+1];
				av = av[..av.Length + 1];
				av[av.length - 1] = AppArgs[n];
			End If
		isparsed = true;
	End If

	opt = ""; optarg = "";
	If(av.Length = 0) Then Return False;
	opt = av[0]; av = av[1..];

	if(opt[0..1] <> "-") then return true;

	Local idx:Int = tokens.Find(opt[1..]);
	If(idx = -1) Then
		WriteStdErr("Unrecognized option '" + opt + "' specified.~n");
	End If

	If(idx < tokens.length - 1) Then
		If(tokens[idx+1..idx+2] = ":") Then
			If(av.length = 0 or av[0][0..1] = "-") Then
				WriteStdErr("Missing value for option '" + opt + "'~n");
			End If
			optarg = av[0]; av = av[1..];
		End If
	End If

	opt = opt[1..];
	Return True;
End Function


Can you still send a value without an option?

Like the cp command. It is options then source and destination directory...

Jim Teeuwen2009
Excellent point. You can now :)
I modified the entry and example code above accordingly.

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