Code archives/Miscellaneous/Tag Generator

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Tag Generator by N2009
Does what it says, essentially. I mainly use this for code generation, so I don't know how practical it is for realtime purposes. Either way, it's been pretty handy for me.

Type TTagGenerator

	Field _tags_mutex:TMutex
	Field _tagmap:TMap
	Field _characters:String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
	Field _timeout:Int = 2147483647
	Field _length:Int = 8
	Field _tagbuff:Short Ptr

	Method New()
		_tags_mutex = TMutex.Create()
		_tagmap = New TMap
	End Method
	Method Delete()
		If _tagbuff Then
	End Method
	Method SetTagLength(l:Int)
		Assert 0 < l Else "Length less than 1"
		_length = l
		If _tagbuff Then
		_tagbuff = Short Ptr(MemAlloc(_length*2))
	End Method
	Method SetCharacterString(chars$)
		Assert chars Else "Empty character string"
		_characters = chars
	End Method
	Method SetTimeout(timeout:Int)
		Assert timeout < 0 Else "Timeout less than 0"
		_timeout = timeout
	End Method

	Method NextTag$() NoDebug
		' generate a short tag to follow the method name, just to reduce the chance of conflicts
		Local tag:String
		Local ticks:Int = 0
		Local tagexists:Int = False
			For Local i:Int = 0 Until _length
				_tagbuff[i] = _characters[Rand(0, _characters.Length-1)]
			tag = String.FromShorts(_tagbuff, _length)
			tagExists = _tagmap.Contains(tag)
			ticks :+ 1
		Until Not tagexists Or (0 <= _timeout And _timeout <= ticks)
		Local timedOut:Int = (tagExists And _timeout <= ticks)
		If Not timedOut Then
			_tagmap.Insert(tag, tag)
		Assert Not timedOut Else "Unable to create unique tag"
		Return tag
	End Method
	Method RemoveTag(tag$)
	End Method
	Method ClearTags()
	End Method
End Type


Shouldn't " Assert _characters Else "Empty character string" " be "Assert chars Else "Empty character string"
" because you are testing the new batch of characters? You did it 'correctly' for the timeout... just wondering.

Probably? I've changed it, hopefully it doesn't break anything.

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