Code archives/Miscellaneous/Follow player's position with delay

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Follow player's position with delay by BlitzSupport2009
This could be used as the basis for a trailing camera, to allow a missile to follow a player, etc. (To use in 3D, just add a z field and update it appropriately.) You'd want to modify it to be useful, as a camera would end up inside the player when they're travelling slowly, and so on. Also, to use for multiple entities, you'd probably want to add an identifying field to the Type for each entity to be trailed...

(I'm trying to simulate delays in receiving position updates over the internet and just came up with this along the way.)
; Use cursors... 'enemy' will trail by 2 seconds...

Type Snapshot
	Field x#
	Field y#
	Field ticks
End Type

; The key variables -- play with these!

trail = 1		; Updates applied every 'trail' milliseconds...
latency = 2000	; Trailing entity delayed by this much (in milliseconds)...

Graphics 1024, 768, 0, 2
SetBuffer BackBuffer ()

ticks = MilliSecs ()

x# = 0
y# = 0

xs# = 0
ys# = 0

move# = 0.025


	; Move player...
	If KeyDown (203) Then xs = xs - move
	If KeyDown (205) Then xs = xs + move

	If KeyDown (200) Then ys = ys - move
	If KeyDown (208) Then ys = ys + move

	x = x + xs
	y = y + ys

	; Record current time...
	ms = MilliSecs ()

	If ms - trail => ticks
		; Create a snapshot in time with player's current position...
		ticks = ms
		snap.Snapshot = New Snapshot
		snap\x = x
		snap\y = y
		snap\ticks = ticks


	; Draw player's position...
	Color 127, 64, 64	
	Rect x - 4, y - 4, 8, 8

	; Draw player's position 
	Color 127, 127, 255

	For snap.Snapshot = Each Snapshot
		If ms - latency => snap\ticks
			trailx# = snap\x
			traily# = snap\y
			Delete snap
	Rect trailx - 2, traily - 2, 4, 4
Until KeyHit (1)




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