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Lua Hooks by Galaxy6132009
After reading up on the built-in BMX event and hook system, I saw that it wouldn't really work, at least not efficently, with calling Lua functions when hooks are hit/checked. So I made a new Type called "LuaHooks" that control Hooks and stuff.

This files ASSUMES that it will be included into a project with Lua a setup.

	Lua_hooks.bmx		Rev 1.0
	Written by 'Galaxy613' on 1/23/2009

	For use in Lua Scripts to Hook Lua Functions into Abstract Hooks which can be called
	anytime within the BlitzMax code.
End Rem

'#Region Register Lua Functions
lua_register(LuaState, "AddHook", AddHook_luahook)
lua_register(LuaState, "UnHook", UnHook_luahook)

lua_register(LuaState, "CallHook", CallHook_luahook)

lua_register(LuaState, "RegisterHook", RegisterHookName_luahook)
lua_register(LuaState, "UnregisterHook", UnregisterHookName_luahook)
'#End Region

Type LuaHook
	Global LuaHookList:TList = CreateList()
	Global LuaHookNameList:TList = CreateList()
	Field HookName:String, LuaFuncName:String
	Method SetNames(Hnme:String, LFnme:String)
		HookName = Hnme
		LuaFuncName = LFnme
	End Method
	Function CheckAll()
		For hookname:String = EachIn LuaHookNameList
			For hook:LuaHook = EachIn LuaHookList
				If hook.HookName = HookName Then
					lua_getfield(LuaState, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, hook.LuaFuncName)
					lua_call(LuaState, 0, 0)
	End Function
	Function Check(HookName:String)
		For hook:LuaHook = EachIn LuaHookList
			If hook.HookName = HookName Then
				lua_getfield(LuaState, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, hook.LuaFuncName)
				lua_call(LuaState, 0, 0)
	End Function
	Function RegisterHookName(HookName:String)
		ListAddLast LuaHookNameList, HookName
	End Function
	Function UnregisterHookName(HookName:String)
		For hooknme:String = EachIn LuaHookNameList
			If hooknme = HookName Then
				ListRemove LuaHookNameList, hooknme
	End Function
	Function Register(LuaFuncName:String, HookName:String)
		Local tmp:LuaHook = New LuaHook
		tmp.HookName = HookName
		tmp.LuaFuncName = LuaFuncName
		ListAddLast LuaHookList, tmp
		'ListAddLast LuaHookList, (New LuaHook).SetNames(HookName,LuaFuncName) ' This isn't working..?
	End Function
	Function Unregister(LuaFuncName:String, HookName:String)
		For hook:LuaHook = EachIn LuaHookList
			If hook.HookName = HookName And hook.LuaFuncName = LuaFuncName Then
				ListRemove LuaHookList, hook
	End Function
End Type

'#Region Lua Functions
Function RegisterHookName_luahook(LuaState:Byte Ptr)
	Local HookName:String = luaL_checkstring(LuaState, 1)
	Return 0
End Function

Function UnregisterHookName_luahook(LuaState:Byte Ptr)
	Local HookName:String = luaL_checkstring(LuaState, 1)
	Return 0
End Function

Function CallHook_luahook(LuaState:Byte Ptr)
	Local HookName:String = luaL_checkstring(LuaState, 1)
	Return 0
End Function

Function AddHook_luahook(LuaState:Byte Ptr)
	Local HookName:String = luaL_checkstring(LuaState, 1)
	Local HookFunc:String = luaL_checkstring(LuaState, 2)
	LuaHook.Register(HookFunc, HookName)
	Return 0
End Function

Function UnHook_luahook(LuaState:Byte Ptr)
	Local HookName:String = luaL_checkstring(LuaState, 1)
	Local HookFunc:String = luaL_checkstring(LuaState, 2)
	LuaHook.Unregister(HookFunc, HookName)
	Return 0
End Function
'#End Region


Oh, and I'm sorry if someone already made something like this before. I honestly didn't bother to look and it was a fun exercise anyways...

Well there's Noels' LuaInterface and LuaReflection which use axe.lua.

Not really the same thing, plus as a learning exercise I think he did well.

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