Code archives/Miscellaneous/ListAppendList and InsertListBeforeLink

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ListAppendList and InsertListBeforeLink by plash2008
ListAppendList(dest, from) will append 'from' to 'dest'
InsertListBeforeLink(list, destlink) will insert a whole list before a link.

Example code in the comments!
Function ListAppendList:Int(dest:TList, from:TList)
	Local copy:TList
	If dest = Null Or from = Null Or from.Count() = 0 Then Return False
	copy = from.Copy()
	InsertListBeforeLink(copy, dest._head)
	Return True
End Function

Function InsertListBeforeLink(thislist:TList, beforethis:TLink)
	Local this:TLink = thislist.FirstLink(), last:TLink = thislist.LastLink()
	'this._succ = beforethis
	this._pred = beforethis._pred
	this._pred._succ = this
	last._succ = beforethis
	beforethis._pred = last
End Function


Example code:


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