Code archives/Miscellaneous/MoveObjectUp and MoveObjectDown

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MoveObjectUp and MoveObjectDown by plash2008
Code example in comments!
Function MoveObjectUp:Int(list:TList, obj:Object)
  Local link:TLink, prev:TLink
	If list.Count() = 0 Then Return False
	link = list.FindLink(obj)
	If link = Null Then Return False
	prev = link.PrevLink()
	If prev = Null Then Return False ' Already at the top of the list
	link = Null
	list.InsertBeforeLink(obj, prev)
	Return True
End Function

Function MoveObjectDown:Int(list:TList, obj:Object)
  Local link:TLink, nextlink:TLink
	If list.Count() = 0 Then Return False
	link = list.FindLink(obj)
	If link = Null Then Return False
	nextlink = link.NextLink()
	If nextlink = Null Then Return False ' Already at the bottom of the list
	link = Null
	list.InsertAfterLink(obj, nextlink)
	Return True
End Function


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