Code archives/Miscellaneous/Blitz3D Split String Function

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Blitz3D Split String Function by Spencer2008
Here is are split function in Blitz3D ... not sure if it's "fast" but it works.

fn_Split(ls_Strng$, ls_Split$, lb_Flush) : This function splits a string based on a delimiter (ls_Split). The delimiter can be any length greater than Zero. The variable lb_Flush (True/False) can be set to true to delete the current colection of objects holding elements of previously split strings.(Type t_StrAry)

fn_ToDim() : This function converts the collection of objects into the global array gs_StrAr(n) where n is the number of objects in the collection and each element within gs_StrAr() is populated with its corresponding element value ( See TEST TWO at the bottom of the CODE example)

fn_Flush() : the Function Deletes all t_StrAry Objects in the collection.

fi_UBound() : Returns the highest t_StrAry Position in the collection. (Starting from 0)

fs_GetEl(li_Elemt) : This function takes an integer as an ID number and returns the string value of the t_StrAry object in the collection with the corresponding i_Pos value.

Dim gs_StrAr$(1)                                                                ;
;----------------------------------------------------------------------         ;
Type t_StrAry                                                                   ;
    Field i_Pos                                                                 ;
    Field s_Val$                                                                ;
End Type                                                                        ;
;----------------------------------------------------------------------         ;
Function fn_Split(ls_Strng$, ls_Split$, lb_Flush )                              ;
    Local li_sPos   = 1                                                         ;
    Local li_ePos   = 0                                                         ;
    Local ls_Token$ = ""                                                        ;
    Local tmp.t_StrAry = Last t_StrAry                                          ;
    Local li_TknCt  = 0                                                         ;
    Local li_SplLn  = Len(ls_Split)                                             ;
    Local li_StrLn  = Len(ls_Strng)                                             ;
    If lb_Flush Then                                                            ;
        fn_Flush()                                                              ;
    ElseIf tmp <> Null Then                                                     ;
        li_TknCt = tmp\i_Pos +1                                                 ;
    EndIf                                                                       ;
    If Right(ls_Strng,li_SplLn) <> ls_Split Then                                ;
        ls_Strng = ls_Strng + ls_Split                                          ;
    EndIf                                                                       ;
    Repeat                                                                      ;
        li_ePos = Instr(ls_Strng,ls_Split,li_sPos)                              ;
        ls_Token = Mid( ls_Strng, li_sPos, li_ePos - li_sPos )                  ;
        n.t_StrAry = New t_StrAry                                               ;
        n\i_Pos = li_TknCt                                                      ;
        n\s_Val = ls_Token                                                      ;
        li_TknCt = li_TknCt + 1                                                 ;
        li_sPos  = li_ePos + li_SplLn                                           ;
    Until li_sPos > li_StrLn                                                    ;
End Function                                                                    ;
;----------------------------------------------------------------------         ;
Function fn_Flush()                                                             ;
    For s.t_StrAry = Each t_StrAry                                              ;
        Delete s                                                                ;
    Next                                                                        ;
End Function                                                                    ;
;----------------------------------------------------------------------         ;
Function fi_UBound()                                                            ;
    Local Tmp.t_StrAry = Last t_StrAry                                          ;
    Return Tmp\i_Pos                                                            ;
End Function                                                                    ;
;----------------------------------------------------------------------         ;
Function fn_ToDim()                                                             ;
    Local tmp.t_StrAry = Last t_StrAry                                          ;
    Local li_Count = tmp\i_Pos + 1                                              ;
    Local li_tPos  = 0                                                          ;
    Dim gs_StrAr$(li_Count)                                                     ;
    For s.t_StrAry = Each t_StrAry                                              ;
        gs_StrAr(li_tPos) = s\s_Val                                             ;
        li_tPos = li_tPos + 1                                                   ;
    Next                                                                        ;
End Function                                                                    ;
;----------------------------------------------------------------------         ;
Function fs_GetEl$(li_Elemt)                                                    ;
    Local tmp.t_StrAry = Last t_StrAry                                          ;
    Local li_LastEl = tmp\i_Pos                                                 ;
    If li_Elemt <= li_LastEl Then                                               ;
        For s.t_StrAry = Each t_StrAry                                          ;
           If s\i_Pos = li_Elemt Then                                           ;
              Return  s\s_Val                                                   ;
           EndIf                                                                ;
        Next                                                                    ;
        Return ""                                                               ;
    Else                                                                        ;
        Return ""                                                               ;
    EndIf                                                                       ;
End Function                                                                    ;


	;---- TEST ONE ----;

	Locate 0, 0
	Input("Press Enter to execute TEST ONE...")
	Print "Test One"
	fn_Split("11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20;" , ";" , True )
	Print "Element #9 After Array Conversion:" + gs_StrAr(9)
	;---- TEST TWO ----;
	Locate 0, 0
	Input("Press Enter to execute TEST TWO...")
	Print "Test Two"
	fn_Split("100;200;3000000;40;cool beans!",";",False)
	For x.t_StrAry = Each t_StrAry
		Print RSet(x\i_Pos,4) + " :" + x\s_Val  
	Print "UBound is :" + fi_UBound()
	Print "Element #2 from Stack :" + fs_GetEl(2)

	Print "Element #2 from Array after Conversion :" + gs_StrAr(2)
	Input("TEST TWO COMPLETE  [Enter to EXIT]")




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