Code archives/Miscellaneous/FormatOut

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FormatOut by Diego2008
Put your format codes directly in the string and let the function do the stuff. Look at the examples and the possible format codes below.

Schreibe deine Formatcodes direkt in die Zeichenkette und lasse die Funktion den Rest erledigen. Beachte die Beispiele und die Codeliste unten:

\\ -> \
\n -> newline | neuer Zeile
\t -> tab
\#RRGGBB -> All following text ist colored like this. | Der folgende Text wird in dieser Farbe dargestellt.
\$HH -> Character with ascii-code HH | Zeichen mit Ascii-Nummer HH
; Examples | Beispiele
FormatOut "This is a\#F00000 c\#D00020o\#B00040l\#900060o\#700080r\#5000A0f\#3000C0u\#1000E0l\#0000F0l\#FFFFFF output."
FormatOut "To insert a return use \\n\nand \\t\t to insert a tab."
FormatOut "And \$5C\$24\$48\$48 to insert every character you want."

Function FormatOut(OutStr$, NoReturnAtEnd% = 0, TabLength% = 6)
Local I%, Buffer$, LineLength%
For I% = 1 To Len(OutStr$)
	If Mid(OutStr$, I%, 1) = "\" Then
		I% = I% + 1
		Select Mid(OutStr$, I%, 1)
			Case "\"
				Buffer$ = Buffer$ + "\"
			Case "n"
				Print Buffer$
				LineLength% = 0
				Buffer$ = ""
			Case "t"
				Buffer$ = LSet(Buffer$, (LineLength% + Len(Buffer$) + TabLength%) / TabLength% * TabLength% - LineLength%)
			Case "#"
				Write Buffer$
				LineLength% = LineLength% + Len(Buffer$)
				Buffer$ = ""
				Color 0, 0, Hex2Dec(Mid(OutStr$, I% + 1, 6))
				I% = I% + 6
			Case "$"
				Buffer$ = Buffer$ + Chr(Hex2Dec(Mid(OutStr$, I% + 1, 2)))
				I% = I% + 2
				Buffer$ = Buffer$ + Mid(OutStr$, I% - 1, 2)
			End Select
		Buffer$ = Buffer$ + Mid(OutStr$, I%, 1)
Write Buffer$
If Not NoReturnAtEnd% Then Print ""
End Function

Function Hex2Dec(Number$)
Local Ret%, BaseCharset$ = " 0123456789ABCDEF"
For I% = 1 To Len(Number$) ; Wandle Zahl in Integer um | Convert number to integer
	Val% = Instr(BaseCharset$, Mid(Number$, I%, 1)) - 2
	If Val% < 0 Or Val% >= 16 Then Exit ; Falsches Zeichen - Aktion wird abgebrochen | Wrong character - action will be aborted
	Ret% = Ret% Or Val% Shl (Len(Number$) - I%) * 4
Return Ret%
End Function


[ FormatOut by Diego ]

Very nice, you could also make a version that
includes Unicode characters.
There are thousands of unicode characters, so it would be
great to include that.

similar to your \$HH -> Character with ascii-code HH command

maybe the format code will look like this: \uHHH

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